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Value Lab

Value lab is a space created for understanding and enhancing values. Many students have volunteered to get involved in this activity . The objective behind this are follows Value structure runs deep into our culture and morality and any educational system worth its name should depend upon inculcating social, moral and spiritual values so that India does not lose its identity and originality. Modernization and values must go hand in hand.” Kothari Commission. Each nation has a message to deliver, Swami Vivekananda’s mission was to fulfill Indian destiny is to spiritualize the world . A VALUE IS A VALUE TO ME ONLY WHEN I SEE THE VALUE OF THE VALUE AS VALUABLE TO ME SWAMI DAYANANDA SARASWATI.

  • Vision of value lab Reviving values for everlasting peace, prosperity and harmony.
  • Mission of value lab is to open the eyes of the students to the vision of values.
  • Motto of value lab Encourage the students to voice for values.
  • Value lab does not describe the conventional dos and don’ts but envisions a spontaneous awareness among the youth for values not because it is a must but because it is just and will enable them to develop a holistic personality and not revive the animistic tendencies in them.
  • Value lab wishes to give a pleasant disturbance to all to transform themselves. When we learn to value values it will become viral and that is vital indeed.

Action Plan For Value Lab

  • Curriculum: The value lab will not disturb the curriculum or extra portion to be covered or money to be spent.
  • Teachers role : Every teacher highlights the value of the month in respective class.
  • Students role : They engage in activities like poster making etc.
  • Value calendar : Is displayed in prominent places.
  • Integration with college activities : Associations can take up arrange activities according to the value displayed.

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