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Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Chrono-Amperometry technique for Tafel analysis of HER and OER reactions of CoB and CoPB electrocatalyst Mr Maheshwar Babanrao Falake 2024-01-25 presented dept of physics, mahatma phule scs college, panvel. E conference Advancements in Material science: Trends and Applications
Locating Covid 19 Instapoetry as Illness Narratives in the context of Digital Humanities Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2024-08-31 presented K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous) Presented a research paper titled Locating Covid 19 Instapoetry as Illness Narratives in the context of Digital Humanitiesat a one day multidisciplinary international conference on The Journey of India from her Ancientry to Viksit Bharat organised by the K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous), Vidyavihar, Mumbai 400077 on 31st August 2024
Effect of Thermodynamic parameters on Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin Indion 810 with fresh and degraded resin using Perchloric acid Ms Mahalaxmi C. Nadar 2024-08-05 presented 11th International Virtual Congress by International Science Community Association (ISCA) ISCA-IVC-2024-11MatS-002 Participated in a five day international conference and presented a paper titled Effect of Thermodynamic parameters on Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin Indion 810 with fresh and degraded resin using Perchloric acid during the 11th International Virtual Conference held by ISCA from 5th to 10th August 2024.
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
The Revolution from Traditional lending to Digital Lending using Artificial Intelligence by banks - A reference to ICICI Bank Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2024-12-03 presented and published Mahatma Night degree College of Arts and Commerce,Chembur This paper is a descriptive analysis and explores how the traditional lending decisions have evolved over the time to the digital lending done by the Banks using the Artificial Intelligence (AI). It examines how AI technologies have revolutionized the lending process, which has in turn improved efficiency, accuracy, and risk management by the banks . This has helped the banks to take timely decisions for lending which improves financial inclusion and leads to economic growth. The ICICI bank is one of the early banks to have adopted the AI and going digital. Use of AI in banking including the lending process has greatly impacted ICICI bank which is evident from the fact that in the last decade it has launched various such digital lending applications and platforms. The paper concludes that although AI in banking reduces the time consumed by bankers ,improves accuracy, reduces costs and improves efficiency but at the same time there are concerns regarding Data privacy and security which cannot be ignored.
Financing the Underserved: A Study of Microfinance with reference to Self-Help Groups-Bank Linkage programmes in India. Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2024-12-04 presented and published Kokan Gyanpeeth Uran College of Commerce & Arts. Indias economic growth is noteworthy , inspite of that a significant portion of its population still remains out of the formal financial and traditional banking services .The Microfinance Institutions (MFI) have emerged as alternative mechanisms to bridge this gap by offering financial services to the economically marginalised segments by lending small amounts of money as loans or temporary credits that are called microloans or microcredits. Microfinance in India exists for almost 30 years now ,which has been very instrumental to provide financial services especially to women and around millions of poor rural households enabling them to grow their businesses and have high standard of living by improving their incomes. This sector has grown over the years with the regulations and the policy interventions by the government and Reserve Bank of India from time to time. The Self Help GroupBank Linkage Programme (SHG-BLP) is one of the Microfinance programs that was first introduced by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in 1992-93.Even today it is instrumental in furthering the financial inclusion across India. This paper is exploratory in nature which tries to study the evolution and growth of the SHG-BLP since its launch. Whether these programs are effective and contribute to any kind of poverty alleviation and empowerment still remains a question. However, the study also identifies several challenges and limitations associated with the SHG-BLP programme, Furthermore, disparities in access to financial services still exists among different demographic groups, particularly women and rural populations. Finally the findings aim to inform policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders on adopting such strategies to optimize the SHG-BLPs contribution towards inclusive and sustainable development in the country.
Applications of ITS region in fungal DNA barcoding: A Current Perspective Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2023-12-01 presented International Conference on Biology, Biodiversity & Biotechnology of Fungi, 1st and 2nd December 2023. Applications of ITS region in fungal DNA barcoding: A Current Perspective
Isolation, Identification and Screening of Cellulolytic Fungi from Soil in Maharashtra Nature Park Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2023-12-01 presented International Conference on Biology, Biodiversity & Biotechnology of Fungi, 1st and 2nd December 2023. Isolation, Identification and Screening of Cellulolytic Fungi from Soil in Maharashtra Nature Park
Antibacterial and Antifungal potential of Tridax procumbens Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2023-12-01 presented International Conference on Biology, Biodiversity & Biotechnology of Fungi, 1st and 2nd December 2023. Antibacterial and Antifungal potential of Tridax procumbens
Avvaiyyar: the Significance of the Tamil Poet to Contemporary Indian Society Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2024-03-09 presented K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce This paper discussed the importance of the teachings of Avvaiyar the 2nd Century Tamil poet to contemporary Indian Society.
The Anxiety of Homelessness and Disorientation in Jhumpa Lahiris Whereabouts Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2024-02-17 presented Gogate-Walke College, Banda The paper discussed the themes of anxiety and disorientation spreading in contemporary society due to a feeling of uncanny or not-at-homeness. the uncanny and alienation may define the inevitable human condition, heterotopic or other spaces are proliferating and acceptable, threshold spaces can be the alternative to traumatic memories of home; and constant movement can be an alternative to the unheimlich of modernity. One need not be at home in order to feel at home anywhere.
Space, Access, Power: an Examination of the Spatialized Nature of Disability through the Works of Edward Soja Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2024-02-08 presented Department of English, SIES College, Sion West The paper discussed the difficulties in navigating everyday spaces due to institutional/establishment apathy towards those suffering disabilities and the ways in which spaced can be made user friendly.
Chemical degradation study of Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin Indion 810 with variable concentration of peroxide Ms Mahalaxmi C. Nadar 2024-05-11 presented VPMS R Z SHAH COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND COMMERCE Mithagar Road, Mulund East- 81 Participated and Presented an research paper on Chemical degradation study of Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin Indion 810 with variable concentration of peroxide. under Sub- Theme: Pure Sciences
Millets to Millettude-A New Mission of Maharashtra Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure 2023-09-15 presented Department of Economics, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous) A two-day National Seminar on Resurgence of Millets as Super Crop-Prospects and Challenges.
Symbolism and Substance: Reflections on PM Modis State Visit to the United States Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure 2023-08-14 presented Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) A National seminar on India-US Relations: Gaining New Grounds.
Potential of waste mangrove apples as a raw material for production of bioethanol. Dr Richa Singh 2023-06-11 presented XV Triennial and III International Conference of Indian Women Scientist Association (IWSA) Parmar S, Ail V, Singh R. Potential of waste mangrove apples as a raw material for production of bioethanol. XV Triennial and III International Conference of Indian Women Scientist Association (IWSA) on 11th-13th June, 2023.
Pomegranate peel as biosorbent : A sustainable approach for dye removal. Dr Richa Singh 2024-03-13 presented Jignyasa Research Convention organized by SIES College Bijumon G, Kokate S, Shethia J, Acharya A, Singh R. Pomegranate peel as biosorbent : A sustainable approach for dye removal. Jignyasa Research Convention organized SIES College on 13th March 2024.
Screening of Plant Growth Promoting Properties and Heavy Metal Tolerance of Rhizospheric Microorganisms in the Mangrove Ecosystem Dr Subi Yoosuf 2023-12-15 presented D.Y Patil (deemed to be) University School of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics DBT Sponsored International Conference on Biological Sciences for Sustainable Future
Synthesis and characterization of Thymol-based nanoemulsion as an antimicrobial system Dr Subi Yoosuf 2024-03-13 presented SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Empowered Autonomous) Jignyasa 2024: A research meet
Eco-tourism: An Approach towards Sustainable Business Mrs Pooja Santosh Sawant 2024-03-02 presented and published Sahajeevan Shikshan Sansthas I.C.S. college of arts, commerce and science Tourism is a growing sector. Tourism and its allied businesses should be take care of environment nd culture of a region and take the responsibility to create minimize the impact on the environment.
Numerical solution of Burgers equation using fourth order uniform hyperbolic polynomial Bspline based Collocation method Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2023-06-23 presented Department of Mathematics & Department of Physics, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, 395007, Gujarat, India Conference Name: 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences (MMSPS-2023)
An efficient finite element scheme using uniform hyperbolic polynomial B-spline for advectiondispersion equation Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2023-06-23 presented Department of Mathematics & Department of Physics, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, 395007, Gujarat, India Conference Name : 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Physical Sciences (MMSPS-2023)
Numerical studies of solute transport in heterogenous porous formation Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2023-07-14 presented Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, 560064, Karnataka, India, Conference Name: International Conference on Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Nanoelectronics (ICRAFMN-2023)
Numerical solution of one-dimensional solute transport with non-linear sorption and non-linear decay, Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2023-12-11 presented Veer Narmad South Gujarat University and S. V. National Institute of India, Surat, Gujarat India Conference Name: 10th International Conference and 26th Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (ICGAMS 2K23) on Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Computational Methods (MMSCM 2023)
An Interrogation of the Posthuman Ethics of Care in the Malayalam Movie Android Kunjappan Ver 5.25 Dr Seema C. 2024-04-20 presented and published New Horizons in Humanities and Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, IQAC Presented a paper titled An Interrogation of the Posthuman Ethics of Care in the Malayalam Movie Android Kunjappan Ver 5.25 in the One-Day Multidisciplinary International E-Conference on New Horizons in Humanities and Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development organised by IQAC of Arts, Commerce and Science College Onde, Palghar on 20th April 2024.
Eating Much? Resistant Gendered Bodies in Necropolitics Dr Seema C. 2024-01-24 presented and published Research Department of English, St Xaviers College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu Presented a paper titled Eating Much? Resistant Gendered Bodies in Necropolitics in the National Conference on The Confluence of Literature, History and Culture: Negotiating Differences through Intercultural Dialogue and Third Space organised by the Research Department of English, St Xaviers College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu on 23rd and 24th January 2024.
Fungal Pharmaceuticals: From Nature to Clinical Frontiers Mrs Sakshi 2023-12-01 presented SIES College of Arts, Science, and Commerce (Empowered Autonomous), Sion (W), Mumbai Presented Poster at the International Conference on Biology, Biodiversity and Biotechnology of Fungi (1st and 2nd December, 2023), under the department of Botany, SIES College and in collaboration with Association of Fungal Biologists
Fungal Pharmaceuticals: From Nature to Clinical Frontiers Mrs Sakshi 2023-12-01 presented Association of Fungal Biologists and SIES College of Arts, Science, and Commerce (Empowered Autonomous), Sion (W), Mumbai Presented Poster at International Conference on Biology, Biodiversity and Biotechnology of Fungi (1st and 2nd December, 2023), under the department of Botany, SIES College and in collaboration with Association of Fungal Biologists
Myconutraceuticals: A Boon to Health-Care Industry Mrs Sakshi 2023-12-01 presented Association of Fungal Biologists and SIES College of Arts, Science, and Commerce (Empowered Autonomous), Sion (W), Mumbai Presented Poster at the International Conference on ‘Biology, Biodiversity and Biotechnology of Fungi (1st and 2nd December, 2023), under the department of Botany, SIES College and in collaboration with Association of Fungal Biologists
Comparative study on some freshwater lakes in and around Mumbai, India Dr. Vishnuprasad Varadarajan 2023-10-14 presented 6th International Symposium on Water Pollution and Treatment. (ISWPT 2023) Presented this research work published earlier in 2019 in the Journal of Ecology and Natural Resources, co-authored with a student of M.Sc. (Environmental Botany).
Is Economic Equality a Mythical Unicorn? The Matthew Effect in the Select Short Fiction of C.N. Annadurai Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2024-03-26 presented and published Christ College of Arts and Science, Kilachery, Thiruvallur Paper entitled as Is Economic Equality a Mythical Unicorn? The Matthew Effect in the Select Short Fiction of C.N. Annadurai in the National Conference organized by the Christ College of Arts and Science, Kilachery, Thiruvallur held on 26th March, 2024.
Marigold ensilage as a source of cellulose degrading fungi and extraction of phytobiotic pigment from the same Ms Waheedunnisa Nizamuddin Chaudri 2024-02-04 presented kasturba walchand college of arts,science and commerce Helix event was organized by Kasturba Walchand college of Arts,science and commerce ,sangli . I won second rank in paper presentation
Determination of the antimicrobial as well as antibiofilm activity of the essential oils obtained from the leaves of Aegle marmelos against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), screening of its synergistic potential with vancomycin and Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble 2023-10-23 presented Amity University, Maharashtra, India Participated in the oral presentation at the International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology: Current Discoveries and Future Perspectives organized by Amity University, Maharashtra, India and the topic was Determination of the antimicrobial as well as antibiofilm activity of the essential oils obtained from the leaves of Aegle marmelos against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), screening of its synergistic potential with vancomycin and study of its quorum sensing inhibition property.
Screening of the Antifungal and Antibiofilm activity of the essential oils of Aegle marmelos against Candida albicans using morpho-molecular analysis Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble 2023-12-01 presented Department of Botany, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Mumbai, India Presented and Participated in the oral presentation at the International Conference on Biology, Biodiversity and Biotechnology of Fungi organized by the Department of Botany, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Mumbai, India and the topic was Screening of the Antifungal and Antibiofilm activity of the essential oils of Aegle marmelos against Candida albicans using morpho-molecular analysis.
‘Eco-critical thought on Environment in the African Philosophy 2023-12-21 presented Department of Philosophy, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha Presented a paper titled ‘Eco-critical thought on Environment in the African Philosophy in the 96th & 97th Joint Session of the Indian Philosophical Congress organized by Department of Philosophy, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha held between 20th and 23rd December 2023.
Indian Disability Act of 2016: A comprehensive Policy analysis Ms Megha Rajesh Tiwari 2024-02-08 presented SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce The paper was a comprehensive policy analysis of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 implemented in India. The two authors (Ms. Amruta Padhye and Ms Megha Tiwari) independently reviewed the act and carried out a structured systematic analysis, findings of the same were presented at the conference.
Avvaiyyar: the Relevance of the Ancient Tamil poet to Contemporary Indian Society Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2024-03-09 presented IQAC, K.J.Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce Presented and published a paper on Avvaiyyar: the Relevance of the Ancient Tamil poet to Contemporary Indian Society at the International Conference on ‘Unveiling the Role of Women in Indian Knowledge Systems organized by IQAC, K.J.Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce on 9th March 2024.
Indian Disability Act Of 2016: A Comprehensive Policy Analysis Ms Amruta Avinash Padhye 2024-02-08 presented Department of English, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce The paper was a comprehensive policy analysis of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 implemented in India. The two authors (Ms. Amruta Padhye and Ms Megha Tiwari) independently reviewed the act and carried out a structured systematic analysis, findings of the same were presented at the conference.
Chemical degradation study of Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin Indion 810 with variable concentration of peroxide Ms Mahalaxmi C. Nadar 2024-05-11 presented Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) of VPMs R Z Shah College of Arts Science and Commerce in association with Centre for International Studies(CIS) Presented a research paper titled Chemical degradation study of Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin Indion 810 with variable concentration of peroxide in One Day Multidisciplinary National Conference on Incredible India in AMRIT KAAL organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) of VPMs R Z Shah College of Arts Science and Commerce in association with Centre for International Studies(CIS) on 11th May 2024
Biological treatment of Reactive Brown and Reactive Blue textile dye Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2024-02-22 presented CKT College Presented in the International conference on Connecting Innovations in Biotechnology for Human Welfare at CKT College
Reactive textile dye remediation using biological formulation and Advanced oxidation process Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2023-12-16 presented DYPU Presented at the International Conference on Biological Sciences for Sustainable future at DY Patil University.
Investigation of potential crude oil degraders isolated from dockyard seawater and petroleum refinery sludge Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2023-06-13 presented Indian Women Scientists Association (IWSA) Presented a poster titled Investigation of potential crude oil degraders isolated from dockyard seawater and petroleum refinery sludge in the XV Triennial Conference and III International Conference on Women in Science and Technology: Soaring on the Wings of Change organized by Indian Women Scientists Association (IWSA) between 11th and 13th June 2023.
Investigation of potential crude oil degraders isolated from dockyard seawater Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2024-01-13 presented BSBE, IIT Bombay Presented a poster titled Investigation of potential crude oil degraders isolated from dockyard seawater in the 26th Annual Genvision - BIOS: Bridging Innovations and Opportunities in Science organized by BSBE, IIT Bombay on 13th and 14th January 2024
Investigation of potential crude oil degraders isolated from dockyard seawater Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2024-04-05 presented St. Aloysius (Deemed to be university) Mangalore Presented a poster titled Investigation of potential crude oil degraders isolated from dockyard seawater in the ICESHN 2024 - International Conference On Environmental Sustainability: Harmony With Nature organized by St. Aloysius (Deemed to be university) Mangalore on 5th and 6th of April 2024
Millets production in India: A disaggregated analysis of production prospects of two major millets crops in India Dr Shaifali Kumawat 2023-09-15 presented Department of Economics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion (W) The year 2023 will be observed as the International Year of Millets. The study on millets production and consumption carried out the estimation of growth of millets in terms of area, production and consumption during the year 1950 to 2020. This study may help the researchers and policy makers in framing the long term strategies to boost the production of millet.
Interaction distances from elastic scattering data involving weakly bound stable and unstable projectiles Dr. Vishal V. Desai 2023-12-09 presented Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India A paper presented at the 67th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, SNP-2023 held at Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India during December 9 - 13, 2023.
Economic Case for Disability Inclusion: Reviewing the Cost of Exclusion and the Benefits of Inclusion Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday 2024-02-08 presented ENGLISH DEPARTMENT SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce NA
Environmental Ethics & Indian Wisdom: A moral Compass for SDGs Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday 2024-08-30 presented ECONOMICS DEPARTEMNT , SOMAIYA COLLEGE NA
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Black Lives, Caste and South Asian Diaspora in USA and UK Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad 2022-09-17 presented 15th Mani Kamerkar National Seminar organised by Khalsa College, Mumbai Abstract: The emergence of faith as an important identification in matters of politics and governance has rationalised and reinforced ethnic and religious identities among the diaspora groups in the West. Consequently, the racial ties and solidarities weakened to accommodate ethnic, religious or even nationalistic connections. In the case of the South Asian diaspora, there has been a paradigm shift from being comrades in the anti-racist struggles in a decolonised world to those split between narratives of colour discrimination and liberal notions of classical equality. The paper primarily discusses two intertwined issues with regard to the racism that prevails within the South Asian diaspora based in the UK and US. The first part discusses the responses of the South Asian diaspora to the Black Lives Matter protests which erupted in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. These responses brought to the fore the anti-blackness notions among the South Asian diaspora in the West. The second part forms a corollary which discusses the subjugation of anti-race and anti-caste narratives among the diaspora groups with reference to the South Asian diaspora institutions opposing the demands to expand the legal jurisdiction to include caste-based discrimination. The paper attempts to draw a connection between anti-racism and anti-casteism alongside a reflection on the complicity of the South Asian diaspora rationalising the supremacist arguments in a period which is witnessing a marked resurgence of racial reckoning and calls for racial equality.
Comparative seasonal diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungi species, from polluted soils of MIDC, Dombivli Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2023-12-01 presented International Conference on Biology, Biodiversity & Biotechnology of Fungi, 1st and 2nd December 2023. Comparative seasonal diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungi species, from polluted soils of MIDC, Dombivli
Constructing Peace: Initiatives in South Asia Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure 2023-02-21 presented St. Xaviers, College, Mumbai International Conference on Being Interconnected.
Comparative study of one-dimensional solute transport equation using Finite Difference methods and Finite Element method with available analytical solution Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2022-10-01 presented Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE), Pune, Maharashtra, India, Conference Name: 9th International Conference and 25th (Silver Jubliee) Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (ICGAMS-2022)
Phytoremediation Potential of Some Ornamental Plants: A Review Mrs Sakshi 2022-09-16 presented and published D. G. Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Matunga (W), Mumbai Presented a poster titled Phytoremediation Potential of Some Ornamental Plants: A Review, at National Conference on Environment: Development & Sustainability, organised by D. G. Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Matunga (W), Mumbai, on 16th and 17th September, 2022
Millets: The Magical Indian Tribal Food Mrs Sakshi 2023-01-30 presented and published S. P. Mandalis Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga (E), Mumbai Presented a full-length poster titled Millets: The Magical Indian Tribal Food, at the International Conference on Millets-2023: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Its Resurgence and Sustainability, organised by Organised By S. P. Mandalis Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Matunga (E), Mumbai, on 30th and 31st January, 2023
Institutional Best Practices under NEP2020 Ms Geeta Sudarshan Paluskar 2022-11-11 presented Mumbai University jointly with RUSA Presented a poster titled Institutional Best Practices under NEP 2020 in a UGC HRDC sponsored State Level seminar Accreditation: the way ahead
Institutonalising Best Practices Ms Geeta Sudarshan Paluskar 2023-04-01 presented Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science Presented a Paper on Institutional Best Practices in a virtual National Symposium Institutionalising Best Practices In HEIs .
Eco-critical thought on Environment in the African Philosophy 2023-02-21 presented Department of Inter-religious Studies at St. Xaviers College, Mumbai Presented a paper on Eco-critical thought on Environment in the African Philosophy at the International Conference on ‘Being Interconnected hosted by the Department of Inter-religious Studies at St. Xaviers College, Mumbai on 21st February, 2023.
Philosophical Transferal from an individual to become human 2022-12-27 presented Department of Philosophy, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha Presented a research paper on Philosophical Transferal from an individual to become human in 95th Session of Indian Philosophical Congress and 4th Asian Philosophy Conference at Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha on 27th December, 2022.
Investigating the synergistic potential of the essential oils of Aegle marmelos and nystatin against clinical isolates of Candida albicans Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble 2022-11-25 presented Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra, India Participated in the oral presentation at the National Symposium on Advances in Natural Products Research Methodology organized by Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra, India, and the topic was Investigating the synergistic potential of the essential oils of Aegle marmelos and nystatin against clinical isolates of Candida albicans.
In-Vitro Studies and Multiple Shootlet Induction in Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze Ms Ruchika Ganesh Dani 2022-04-08 presented Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomus) Participated in the International Conference on Novel approaches in Life Sciences held on 8th and 9th April, 2022.
Use of PHA co-polymer extracted from Massilia sp for controlled release of urea. Dr Priyanka Keshav Naik 2022-10-22 presented MN-NIT, Allahabad, India Advances in Biopolymers and Bio composites: Health, Environment and Energy,
Menstrual Hygeine Awareness Programs: A Sustainable Roadmap to Good Health and Well being Dr Rupali Bhagwan Vaity 2023-04-21 presented Department of Biotechnology and Academy of Administrative Careers, University of Mumbai, in association with Society for Inovations in Bioscience and Bioenzymes Enterperneurs, India The research paper aims at drawing attention on the importance of awareness of menstrual hygiene and choice of menstrual hygiene products as a means to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs), with respect to socioeconomic development of the nation and its global impact on health and environment. A cross sectional pilot study on 150 females was conducted. The study involved conduction of menstrual hygiene awareness workshop for the female participants which was followed by interview on the basis of pretested questionnaire.
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Pedagogy and Content for Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2021-12-28 presented English Language Teachers Association of India ELTAI A paper presented at the 15th International and 51st Annual Conference of ELTAI, a two weekend virtual conference held on 20-21 and 27-28 November, 2021 hosted by GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, Pillai College of Engineering, New Panvel, Maharashtra, Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, and Uttaranchal University, Dehradun. Conference Chair Conference Convenor President EL
Novel Corona Virus and Changing Lifestyle: Mainland India Mr Krishnan Ramchandran 2022-02-19 presented and published M.B.Harris College of Arts & A.E. Kalsekar College of Commerce and Management in collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai and Rizvi College of Arts Science and Commerce The Novel Coronavirus has devastated every nation in its own way and has created numerous impacts on peoples way of life. Life was quite informal, carefree and touchy prior to the pandemic which has taken a major diversion in the present day scenario. It can be well observed that the nation is getting sensitised towards hygiene, finances, gestures, medical care, consumption and technological dependence. Considering the growing impactful changes and challenges in contemporary society, the study has aimed to understand the impact of the pandemic among the Indian masses with respect to the way of living, behaviour and performance. The study has exclusively relied on primary data obtained from individuals across India allowing the authors to discover changes with respect to hygiene measures, fear, preparedness, gesture, consumption habits, managing finances & payments and technological adaptation. The study conducted during the event of pandemic has thrown light on the changes caused by a catastrophe, thereby gauging the ability and preparedness of individuals to embrace it. Though COVID19 has been in existence for over a year, what matters is mental, physical, medical and financial preparedness among the masses which the study has attempted to highlight. Obtaining long and psychological data during difficult times has been pragmatic but it shall surely help the society to understand, accept and embrace changes for good.
Mass Displacements and Ecological Crises in Gun Island A spatial Reading Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2022-02-15 presented and published Khare-Dhere Bhosle College, Ratnagiri Postmodern anxieties are exacerbated by ecological crises all over the world. What had once been stable boundaries like national borders or environmental indicators have been destabilized by climate change. Mass displacements, human and non-human, are a direct result of these catastrophic changes. Cartographic practices, with their claim to be transparent and objective further alienate man from his natural surroundings. Literature has always attempted to give a form to the human world. Novels, poems and stories are narratives to map our spatial, social and natural spaces. Westphals geo-critical approach taken in conjunction with an eco-aesthetic approach to Amitav Ghoshs novels of climate change, rapid exodus, threatened livelihoods, mysterious possessions, mammalian and reptilian distress, set in the Sunderbans in West Bengal, will be the focus of this paper. Ghosh captures the natural beauty of the Sunderbans and more importantly its complicated relations to human agency in his novels of climate change: Gun Island and The Hungry Tide.
A Survey on Awareness and Attitude of people towards Household Solid Waste Disposal Mrs Pooja Santosh Sawant 2021-09-04 presented and published IQAC of Chandrabhan Sharma and Shri Ram College Conducted as survey on peoples attitude towards managing the solid waste
Synthesis, optimization and antibacterial activity of phytonanoparticles. Dr Richa Singh 2021-09-18 presented International Conference on The Frontiers Of Microbiology : Man-Microbe Dynamics organized by Department of Microbiology, SIES College Salla H, Dhabade S, Singh R. Synthesis, optimization and antibacterial activity of phytonanoparticles. International Conference on The Frontiers Of Microbiology : Man-Microbe Dynamics organized by Department of Microbiology, SIES College in association with Microbiologist Society, India on 18th - 19th Sep, 2021.
Numerical solution of one dimensional solute transport equation with two types of point source conditions Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2022-02-05 presented Department of Mathematics & Department of Physics, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, 395007, Gujarat, India Conference Name: 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Physical Science (MMSPS 2022) Abstract :The treatment of boundary conditions with the solute transport equation are numerically studied using explicit, implicit, Crank-Nicolson Method and Finite element Technique. Two point source conditions: (1) Constant point source contamination (2) time varying point source contamination is considered. The numerical solutions are obtained for constant dispersion coefficient and seepage velocity for homogeneous porous media. The obtained numerical solutions are compared with an available analytical solution to check the efficiency and accuracy of the numerical methods. Numerical solutions are obtained by developing a MATLAB code and are found to be in good agreement.
Comparison of numerical solution of consolidation equation in one dimension by Finite Difference Methods and Finite Element Method with analytical solution Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2022-03-04 presented and published Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India Conference Name: 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE - 2022)
Application of Finite Element Method to Solute Transport Equation Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2022-04-30 presented Mehsana Urban Institute of Science, Ganpat University, Mehsana, Gujarat, India Delivered contributory talk on Application of Finite Element Method to Solute Transport Equation at National Symposium on Recent Trends in Mathematical Science (RTMS - 2022)
Are You Modernist Yet? Addressing the Modernist-Postmodernist Dichotomy Dr Seema C. 2021-08-07 presented Hundred Years of High Modernism . Christ College Presented a paper titled Are You Modernist Yet? Addressing the Modernist-Postmodernist Dichotomy in the International E-Conference on Hundred Years of High Modernism organised by Christ College, Rajkot on 7th August 2021.
Novel Corona Virus and Changing Lifestyle: Mainland India Mr Krishnan Ramchandran 2022-02-19 presented M.B.Harris College, Kalsekar College, RiVi College and University of Mumbai Presented a study conducted to understand lifestyle changes incorporated by Indians post COVID 19 pandemic.
Antioxidant and Quorum Sensing Inhibition Activity of Aegle marmelos, Picrorrhiza kurroa and Swertia chirayita in an International Conference on The Frontiers of Microbiology: Man-Microbe Dynamics Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble 2021-09-18 presented Department of Microbiology, at SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Participated and presented a research paper titled Antioxidant and Quorum Sensing Inhibition Activity of Aegle marmelos, Picrorrhiza kurroa and Swertia chirayita in an International Conference on The Frontiers of Microbiology: Man-Microbe Dynamics held on 18th and 19th of September 2021, organized by Department of Microbiology, at SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and won the Best Paper Award under the category of medical microbiology.
Indian Economy: A Kaleidoscope of 75 Years Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday 2021-11-03 presented NMSM Government College Wayanad, Kerala NA
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Ensuring Online Effectiveness in verbal and non-verbal communication Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2021-01-08 presented Dr. BMN College of Home Science in association with the Kohinoor Business School RUSA sponsored National Conference on Communication at the Crossroads: Adapting to the New Normal held on 8th and 9th January 2021
Revolution and Resistance: A Comparative Analysis of Maxim Gorkys Representation of Women and the Russian Revolution in his novel Mother and Dickens representation of the French Revolution and women in A Tale of Two Cities Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2021-02-05 presented Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College in association with the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. The paper was presented at a Two Day National Conference titled - World Classics in English Translation: a Critical Perspective on 5th and 6th February 2021 held in association with the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi.
Threshold And Marginality Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2020-06-01 presented Dibrugarh University Threshold And Marginality Paper presented at the 6-Day Faculty Development Programme On Gender Concerns In Education By Dibrugarh University on 1st June 2020.
Alienation And Pestilence: Camus The Plague And The Current Pandemic Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2020-06-30 presented GKS College, Kalyan Alienation And Pestilence: Camus The Plague And The Current Pandemic Paper Presented At The National Conference At GKS College, Kalyan on 30th June 2020.
Wood Anatomy of Hardwood Tree Species Dr. Vishnuprasad Varadarajan 2020-07-14 presented Magnus Group Conferences and Organizing Committee, USA Plant Science Virtual 2020 International Webinar conducted over two days
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence using Robotic Process Automation-A Changing facet of the leading commercial banks in India. Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2021-03-12 presented University of Mumbai ,Department of Commerce 2 Days International Commerce and Management Virtual Conference on World Economy.Trade & Employment Navigating the Future on 12th and 13th March 2021
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence using Robotic Process Automation-A Changing facet of the leading commercial banks in India. Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2021-03-12 presented University of Mumbai ,Department of Commerce 2 Days International Commerce and Management Virtual Conference on World Economy.Trade & Employment Navigating the Future on 12th and 13th March 2021
Banking -A Tool of Development in the leading Asian Economies of India & China Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2020-02-18 presented and published Department of Commerce,University of Mumbai 2 Days International Conference on Asian Econopmy-A Cross Country Analysis on17th and 18th February 2020 organised by University of Mumbai,Department of Commerce
Wood Anatomy of Hardwood Tree Species Dr. Vishnuprasad Varadarajan 2020-07-14 presented Magnus Group Conferences and Organizing Committee, USA Presented the research paper published in Trees: Structure and Function based on Ph.D research work in the online international conference.
Green, sustainable Diels- alder protocol for the synthesis Dr Nitin A Mirgane 2020-06-05 presented New Education Society Arts, Commerce and Science College International web conference on chemistry and environment interface 2020
Ionic Liquid: A green catalyst for Reaction of 9-hydroxymethylanthracene with maleimides under solvent free condition. Dr Nitin A Mirgane 2020-06-16 presented KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL COLLEGE VASHI NAVI MUMBAI (AUTONOMOUS) International E-Conference on ‘Drug Discovery, Development and Applications Organizer : KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL COLLEGE VASHI NAVI MUMBAI (AUTONOMOUS)
Hybrid learning: Integrating MOOCs, projects and virtual labs in traditional classrooms for undergraduate students Dr Richa Singh 2020-06-09 presented National Webinar on Steering HEIs in the wake of COVID-19 organized by VES Yoosuf Y, Singh R, Menon T. Hybrid learning: Integrating MOOCs, projects and virtual labs in traditional classrooms for undergraduate students. National Webinar on Steering HEIs in the wake of COVID-19 organized by VES on 9th-12th June, 2020.
Hybrid learning: integrating MOOCS, projects and virtual labs in traditional classroom for undergraduate students Dr Subi Yoosuf 2020-12-09 presented and published VES College of Arts, Science and Commerce Steering HEIs in the wake of Covid-19: The way ahead for Academia
An efficient image encryption scheme combining Rubik Cube principle with masking Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2021-02-06 presented and published Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India Conference Name: 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE - 2021) Abstract: In the last two decades chaos mapping centered image enciphering techniques acquired approval against various crypt analytical attacks, but these enciphering algorithms are confined by their insignificant key spaces and weak security particularly if the used chaotic map is one-dimensional. In this paper an efficient private key enciphering scheme for encrypting gray and color images has been suggested which is centered on the concept of integrating Rubik cube encryption principle with the chaos based masking of image. Image is first permutated through Rubik Cube encryption technique and further through masking which enhances the security and efficacy of method. The key for creating the mask of image is obtained through Rubik Cube keys and a chaotic technique. Projected technique can encipher both gray and color images irrespective of size. Security and time analysis are brought off on the scheme to corroborate its efficiency, robustness and feasibility. Analysis show the scheme has faster rate of encryption and is more capable to resist various crypt analytical and statistical attacks in comparison to recent related techniques. Simulation and investigation of the results are done using MATLAB.
Remdesivir and Nilavembu Kudineer as Potential Inhibitors of SARS CoV 2: A Review Mrs Sakshi 2020-04-30 presented Madhav Science PG College, Ujjain and IPS Academy, Indore Participated in National Online Poster Competition Chemistry against CoVID and secured second rank, organised by Organised by Madhav Science PG College, Ujjain and IPS Academy Indore, on 30th April, 2020. The poster titled, Remdesivir and Nilavembu Kudineer as Potential Inhibitors of SARS CoV 2: A Review, was presented.
Determination of protein under the exposure of lead nitrate in fish Dr Surabhi Mishra 2020-11-28 presented and published Integrated Aqua-farming for Sustainable Rural Development (AIASRD-2020) 29-30 September, 2020 at BPS Agricultural College, Purnea (BAU, Sabour) Determination of protein under the exposure of lead nitrate in fish different tissues and its impact on level of protein content
Wood Anatomy of Hardwood Tree Species Dr. Vishnuprasad Varadarajan 2020-07-14 presented Magnus Group Conferences and Organizing Committee, USA This research paper was earlier published in the journal Trees - Structure and Function in 2017 and it was the outcome of my entire research work carried out during my Ph.D. which was now presented to a larger audience.
Acharya Vinoba Bhaves 3 S-quintessence of ethico-religious life Ms Vrushali Gupte 2021-02-25 presented Xaviers College (Autonomous), department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archeology, under the patronage of Indian Association for the study of religions. The paper explored the insights given by Vinobaji on religious understanding and ethical confluence presenting the values and principles to bring amalgamation of faiths.
1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium (T-4)-bis[(2S)-2-(hydroxy-kO) propanoato-kO]borate (BMIm+BLLB-): A Green and Environmentally Benign Organocatalyst for an Efficient, Solvent Free Synthesis of Isoindole-dione derivatives Dr Pallavi Tiwari Roy 2020-06-15 presented Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College (Autonomous), Vashi, Navi Mumbai, June 2020 Poster presentation in a two day International E-conference on Drug Discovery Development and application
Hybrid Learning: Integrating MOOCS, Projects And Virtual Labs In Traditional Classrooms For Undergraduate Students in eDisha-The way ahead for academia in the covid era Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2020-06-12 presented VECASC, Vijnana Bharati Subi Yoosuf, Richa Singh and Tara Menon (2020) Hybrid Learning: Integrating MOOCS, Projects And Virtual Labs In Traditional Classrooms For Undergraduate Students in eDisha-The way ahead for academia in the covid era-e proceedings of national webinar on Steering HEIs in the wake of Covid-19: The way ahead for Academia
E Content Development Microsoft word as a writer Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday 2020-07-09 presented IQAC, SIES COLLEGE NA
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Eco-Fiction As Fiction With a Conscience Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2019-09-13 presented Department of English, St. Andrews College of Arts, Science and Commerce Presented a paper titled Eco-Fiction as Fiction with a Conscience at a One Day National Seminar entitled Eco Pasts and UN/sustainable Futures: The Literatures of Climate Change organized by the St. Andrews College, Bandra.
Problematizing Diaspora: Against Deploying Diaspora as a Typological Tool Dr Seema C. 2019-12-13 presented Department of Humanities, SIES College Presented paper titled Problematizing Diaspora: Against Deploying Diaspora as a Typological Tool in the Two-Day International Seminar on Mapping Indian Diaspora: Issues and Perspectives.
Making a Case for a Change in the Language Policy with Specific Reference to English at the Undergraduate Level: Reinforcement for Empowerment Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2019-12-17 presented International Network for Language Education Policy Studies and Research Chronicler and the The paper was presented at an International Conference on Globalization and Multilingual Language Education Policies
Impact of project based learning at undergraduate level. Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2020-03-13 presented and published RUSA, St Xaviers College Evolving higher trends in Education
Rhizobacterial siderophores in Bioremediation Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2019-12-21 presented RUSA, Ruia College Plant Biofactories: Strategies and Challenges
A Study on Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Dumping Waste in Asian Countries Mr K. Saravanan Nadar 2020-02-17 presented and published Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai Around 2.12 billion tons of waste are dumped every year. If we put all this waste in trucks they would go around the world 24 times, so everyone is responsible. Toxic Colonialism is going on, where developed nations strategy to dump their waste in developing and underdeveloped countries especially Asian countries.
Use of anthocyanin dye and eucalyptus oil as a safer alternative to chemicals in cosmetics Ms Anju Angel James 2019-12-24 presented 14 th Inter- Collegiate/ Institute/Department University of Mumbai Research convention AVISHKAR The paper presented emphasized on replacing the harmful and carcinogenic components in cosmetics with safe natural products.
Impact of project based learning at undergraduate level Dr Subi Yoosuf 2020-03-12 presented and published St. Xaviers College (Autonomous) Xplore, The Xaviers Research Journal Vol:11, p43-51.ISSN 2249-1878
Formulation and characterization of Thymol, Eugenol and Cuminic acid based nano emulsion for its anti-biofilm activity Dr Subi Yoosuf 2020-03-06 presented SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) International Conference on Natural Products Quality, Safety and Efficacy
Impact of project based learning at undergraduate level Mr Prajith G Nambiar 2020-03-13 presented and published St. Xaviers College (Autonomous) Impact of project based learning at undergraduate level presented at DISHA - International Conference on Evolving Trends in Higher Education ,12-13 March 2020 at St. Xaviers College (Autonomous), Mumbai Co-Authors: Subi Yoosuf and Tara Menon
Production and Characterization of red pigment by soil fungus and its applications Mr Prajith G Nambiar 2020-01-08 presented SIES College of arts, science and commerce Mr Nikhil Nayak guided by Prajith Nambiar presented a poster on Production and Characterization of red pigment by soil fungus and its applications at the at the Inter-Collegiate Research meet- Jignyasa- held on 8th January, 2020 at SIES College. He was awarded second prize under Post graduate category (Life science).
Production and Characterization of red pigment by soil fungus and its applications Mr Prajith G Nambiar 2019-12-24 presented 14th Inter-Collegiate/ Institute/Department University of Mumbai Research convention AVISHKAR Mr Nikhil Nayak guided by Prajith Nambiar presented a poster on Production and Characterization of red pigment by soil fungus and its applications at the the 14th Inter-Collegiate/ Institute/Department University of Mumbai Research convention AVISHKAR held at VES College Chembur on 24th December 2019. He was selected for the final rounds scheduled to be held on 6th January 2020
Gandhi and Forgiveness Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2020-02-27 presented Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS), Kolkata, & Dept of Philosophy SIES Two Day National Seminar on Gandhis Writings on Indian Culture Commemorating 150 yaers of Mahatma Gandhis Birth anniversary
Reconciliation of Advaita and Bhakti in Madhushanas Bhagawat Bhakti Rasayana Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2020-02-25 presented Bhartiya Vidya Bhava, Pudukode, Kerala National seminar on Vedas, Vedangas and Darshanas . Most papers were presented in Sanskrit. Scholars across the country participated.
Issues on diversity: religious and philosophical perspectives Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2019-10-12 presented B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, MHOW, Seminar on Uniform Civil code. Covering sovcial, political and philosophical perspective of Dr Ambedkar
Issues on diversity: religious and philosophical perspectives Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2019-10-12 presented B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, MHOW, Seminar on Uniform Civil code. Covering sovcial, political and philosophical perspective of Dr Ambedkar
Re-negotiating Nationalism: The Indian Diaspora in the USA Dr Vanita Vaibhav Banjan 2019-12-14 presented Department of Humanities, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Sion (W) Two day International Inter-disciplinary Seminar titled Mapping Indian Diaspora: Issues and Perspectives organised by the Department of Humanities, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Sion (W) and funded by RUSA on 13th and 14th December 2019
Fragmented Identities and Hegemonic Projects: Assessing Subaltern Politics in Contemporary India Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad 2020-01-11 presented Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) sponsored National Conference on Subaltern Movements in India: Issues & Challenges organized by Department of History, Ramnarain Ruia College (Autonomous) ABSTRACT The term subalternity refers to a condition of subordination facilitated by structures of economic, social, racial, linguistic or cultural dominance (Beverley, 1999). This paper will broadly explore the discourse on caste and specifically deal with lower caste mobilizations in India. When viewed with an instrumentalist perspective, caste consciousness and subalternity can be positive resources and can act as an agency in a democratic polity where rights and entitlements can be constantly demanded against the state. Through various social movements and mobilizations, the subalterns have spoken and they were also heard. However, in the political sphere, the subaltern faces several limitations and challenges. There are attempts where the majoritarian politics is challenged by assertion of alternative and autonomous lower-caste identities. But such assertions do not necessarily attain political success due to internal schisms. This is when the idea of different degrees or levels of subalternity comes into play. Moreover, the heterogeneity and stratifications, often of a hierarchical nature, among subalterns has given rise to or strengthened historically held symbols which become rallying points for the formation of political identities. The political projects undertaken to link the histories and heroism of lower caste groups to majoritarian narratives is a case in point. These fragmented identities may discourage, limit or even dismantle contestations and mobilizations against the dominant narratives. This happens in a political space where hegemonic discourses are built to subsume the subaltern given to the divisions.
Consensus and Contestation: Reflections on Identity Formation and Disintegration of the South Asian Diaspora in Britain Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad 2019-12-15 presented International Seminar on Mapping Indian Diaspora: Issues & Perspectives organized by SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous), Mumbai ABSTRACT Identity formation among the diaspora is primarily based on territorial affiliations, ethnic, cultural or racial determinants and class orientations. Internal fissures and differences are often subsumed or underplayed as a part of consensus or convenience which is based on shared identities and common interests among the diaspora communities. However, this consensus is constantly under pressure due to challenges emerging from religious identities, diaspora nationalism, politics in the country of origin and contestations in political, social and cultural terrains of the host country. Different migrations and settlement patterns of diasporas, diverse social and economic contexts along with transnationalism play an important role in facilitating this process. Moreover, the host countrys attempts to accommodate, integrate and assimilate immigrant populations may have divergent outcomes. It may lead to a heightened identity consciousness, hardening of external and internal boundaries or exemplification of hybridity among the diaspora. Drawing upon the conception of diaspora identities as those constantly producing and reproducing themselves anew, through transformation and difference (Hall, 1990, p.235), this paper explores the formation, evolution and eventual disintegration of the South Asian diasporic identity in Britain.
Negotiating Political Space in the Host Nation: The Case of South Asian Diaspora in Britain Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad 2020-02-10 presented International Conference on Diaspora Governance organized by the Centre for Diaspora Studies, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar ABSTRACT Diaspora politics is a form of transnational political engagement which is structured around a particularistic identity category (such as a national, ethnic, religious, or sectarian identity) and a real or mythical homeland (Adamson 2012). Drawing the basic frame of reference from this definition, this paper seeks to analyse the political activism and institutionalism of the South Asian diaspora in Britain. A liberal-democratic polity provides diaspora communities with adequate opportunities for participation and competition for public resources. However, multiple locations, internal diversities and contexts of migration may act as hindrances to their consolidation as political communities. Hence, to negotiate the political spaces in the host societies, religious identity emerges as a significant consolidating factor. This happens amidst tensions and pressures that emerge from assimilation, integration and transnationalism. Today, diaspora identities are considerably shaped by political happenings and socio-cultural transformations and movements in the homeland. Here, South Asias peculiar political history facilitates the religious narrative among diasporas in host societies. Lastly, the paper will assess the evolution of Britain from a difference-blind liberal polity that has historically been avoiding political religiosity to a polity where faith groups are important civil society participants in areas of governance. In recent times, political frameworks of the host society tend to identify faith-based communities as important stakeholders which further rationalizes and reinforces defining ethnic minorities and diaspora groups in religious terms. Meanwhile, the native majority communities are also actively engaged in constructing and subtly propagating specific narratives regarding the diaspora thus giving rise to the discourse on model communities.
Belong, Become or else Be Lost: Akan Environmental Philosophy 2019-03-15 presented and published Department of Humanities, Bhavans Hazarimal Somani College, Chowpatty This research paper was presented as part of the plenary session in the National Conference on Contemporary Trends in Humanities and Social Sciences and published in Online Issue of the Journal (Conference special ) titled International Journal of Innovative and Advance Research
Human Interaction and Identity: An Indian Perspective on Ecology of Place 2020-03-10 presented Department of Philosophy, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya Invited to deliver Papiya Ghosh Memorial Lecture during the 94th Indian Philosophical Congress from 9th -11th March, 2020
Dynamics of Online Payment System in Mumbai: Consumer Perspective Mr Krishnan Ramchandran 2019-12-24 presented University of Mumbai Research Convention - Aavishkar organised by the University of Mumbai
Mushrooms as potential anticancer immunoceuticals Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2020-03-06 presented SIES/ Rusa Participated and presented a research paper titled Mushrooms as potential anticancer immunoceuticals at International Conference on Natural Products - Quality, Safety & Efficacy on 6th & 7th March, at SIES College of Arts, Science & commerce (Autonomous).
Phyochemical evaluation of traditionally important plant Sida acuta Burman f. (common wire weed) Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2020-03-06 presented SIES/ Rusa Co-authored a research papers presented titled Phyochemical evaluation of traditionally important plant Sida acuta Burman f. (common wire weed) with Ms. Mahanty Priyanka, at International Conference on Natural Products - Quality, Safety & Efficacy on 6th& 7th March, at SIES College of Arts, Science & commerce (Autonomous).
In vitro cultivation & phytochemical analysis of Indian medicinal plant Vitex negundo L. (Nirgundi) Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2020-03-07 presented SIES/ Rusa Co-authored a research papers presented titled In vitro cultivation & phytochemical analysis of Indian medicinal plant Vitex negundo L. (Nirgundi) with Ms. Sejal Zagde, at International Conference on Natural Products - Quality, Safety & Efficacy on 6th& 7th March, at SIES College of Arts, Science & commerce (Autonomous).
VAM as natural Biofertilizer Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2020-03-07 presented SIES/ Rusa Co-authored a research papers presented titled VAM as natural Biofertilizer with Mrs. Ashwini Deshpande, at International Conference on Natural Products - Quality, Safety & Efficacy on 6th& 7th March, at SIES College of Arts, Science & commerce (Autonomous).
A Visualization of Sojas Thirdspace in Jeet Thayils novel Narcopolis Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2020-02-18 presented IDOL, University of Mumbai and KAASH Foundation, Mumbai A Visualization of Sojas Thirdspace in Jeet Thayils novel Narcopolis paper presented at the 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference organized by IDOL, University of Mumbai and KAASH Foundation, Mumbai on 17-18 February 2020
A Greener and environment friendly, DielsAlder reaction between 2- methyl-1, 3-butadiene and aryl maleimides Dr Pallavi Tiwari Roy 2020-05-15 presented STAMI, Nagpur Presented a paper in International Web Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology (IWCSET-2020) held during May 15-16, 2020
Ionic Liquid: A green, sustainable catalyst for Diels-Alder Reaction under solvent free conditions Dr Pallavi Tiwari Roy 2020-05-23 presented Department of Chemistry of N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of Arts, Science & Commerce International Level Web Conference on New Pathways in Chemistry organized by Department of Chemistry of N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of Arts, Science & Commerce. Received 1st Prize for poster presentation.
A Greener and environment friendly, DielsAlder reaction between 2- methyl-1, 3-butadiene and aryl maleimides Dr Nitin A Mirgane 2020-05-15 presented STAMI, Nagpur Presented a paper in international conference IWCSET 2020 International Web Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology (IWCSET-2020) held during May 15-16, 2020.
A masking based image encryption scheme in chaotic map and elliptic curve cryptography Ms Mansi Subhash Palav 2020-02-19 presented and published Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India Conference Name : International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE - 2020) Abstract: The paper introduces an efficient asymmetric algorithm for encrypting images utilizing chaotic maps and elliptic curve cryptography. In the proposed image encryption method there is a combination of elliptic curve ElGamal encryption method with masking of image through chaotic map for enhancing security and efficiency. Proposed algorithm can encrypt images of any size. Security analysis are carried through to validate efficiency, sturdiness and feasibility of the algorithm. Compare to recent related encryption schemes, this scheme has better ability to resist crypt analytical and statistical attacks.
Poster- Attenuation of Methotrexate Induced Toxicity by Tagetes erecta Dr Deepali Kirankumar Kothekar 2020-03-06 presented SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) supported by RUSA Attenuation of Methotrexate Induced Toxicity by Tagetes erecta at International conference: Natural Products-Quality, Safety and Efficacy organized by SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) supported by RUSA, on 6th and 7th March 2020
Poster -Modulation of monosodium glutamate - Induced embryonic hepatotoxicity by natural antioxidants - A study using chick embryo model Dr Deepali Kirankumar Kothekar 2020-03-06 presented SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) supported by RUSA Modulation of monosodium glutamate - Induced embryonic hepatotoxicity by natural antioxidants - A study using chick embryo model at International conference: Natural Products-Quality, Safety and Efficacy organized by SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) supported by RUSA, on 6th and 7th March 2020
Re-negotiating Nationalism: The Indian Diaspora in the USA Dr Vanita Vaibhav Banjan 2019-12-13 presented Department of Humanities Presented paper in a two day International Inter-disciplinary Seminar titled Mapping Indian Diaspora: Issues and Perspectives organised by the Department of Humanities, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Sion (W) on 13th and 14th December 2019.
Ayurvedic plant extract: A panacea for bacterial infections Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble 2020-01-04 presented University of Mumbai Participated and presented a research paper titled Ayurvedic plant extract: A panacea for bacterial infections in the Pure Sciences category at TH (Teacher) level and secured Third rank at the final round of 14th Inter-Collegiate/Institute/Department Avishkar Research Convention:2019-20.
Antibacterial applications and antioxidant activity of Berberis species Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble 2020-02-28 presented and published Department of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Zoology, at Career College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. Presented and Published a research paper titled Antibacterial applications and antioxidant activity of Berberis species in the 5th International Conference proceeding Environmental Pollution and Health management-2020 (ISBN-978-81-940512-4-4) organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Zoology, at Career College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Integral Humanism and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development SDG 16 and 17. Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday 2020-02-13 presented Gorakhpur University NA
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Concept of Isvara in yoga and Bhagawad Gita- a Philosophical study Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2018-06-20 presented Indian Council of Cultural Affairs & Consulate General NewYork This was First International Conference on Yoga where 15 participants, chosen as Indian delegates and 15 from USA were present. It was very engaging and enriching experience commemorating 4th International Yoga day on 20th &21 st June 2018
Madhwa, Vallaba abd Nimbarkas Vedanta Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2018-07-24 presented BOS Logic &Philosophy Was a resource person at s a workshop on revised syllabus, of TYBA Philosophy
Concept of liberation in Amrutanubhav Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2018-07-07 presented Indian Council of Philosophical Research & Dept of Philosophy, kalina Resource person at 7 day ICPR Workshop on the Philosophy of Amrutanubhav -textual analysis
IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON TEENAGERS Mr K. Saravanan Nadar 2018-09-08 presented and published Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science and Commerce The purpose of this paper is to find and study the impact of social media on youngsters. It is a re-interpretation of ethnography adapted to study the youngsters mentality. The interpretation of various secondary graphical and tabular data revealed how social media had evolved the mind and impacted the life of youngsters and their surroundings. The social media got emerged from last two decades which plays a vital role in day to day activity and communication. Today it has linked everyone with the help of internet connectivity or platform. The recent deadly challenge games like Kiki, Momo & BWC via social media had killed many youngsters and children. This paper also discusses the constructive and destructive impact of social media and try to give some suggestion to reduce the usage of social media for todays youngsters.
Wendy Wassersteins Plays as Fem-enactment Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2018-09-22 presented Department of English, St. Andrews College of Arts, Science and Commerce The paper closely analysed the feminist intent of the Jewish American playwright Wendy Wassersteins plays and her use of the geography of the stage
Struggles of Women in Religious & Philosophical Context Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2018-10-12 presented Women Development Cell of VESIM Business School, Mumbai in association with Rabindra Nath Tagore University, Bhopal and Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry National Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship as Tool for Women Empowerment at VESIM campus on 12 and 13 October 2018 in Chembur, Mumbai.
Mayavada Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2018-10-08 presented Department of Philosophy Public lecture series arranged in Indian philosophy
Contemporary Indian Crime Fiction: Maps of Criminality and Detection Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2018-10-06 presented Gogate Walke College of Commerce and Arts, Banda, Taluka: Sawantawadi, Dist. Sindhudurg The paper sought to look at the trends in Contemporary Indian Crime Fiction with a focus on these fictive thrillers as insightful maps of criminality and detection.
Arduino based Smart Agriculture System Dr Manoj Kumar Singh 2019-03-16 presented and published Shri Ram College of Commerce Smart IoT based agriculture assisting farmers in getting live data like Soil moisture, the temperature for efficient environmental monitoring which will enable them to do smart farming and increase the quality of products and their overall yield
A STUDY ON COUNTERFEIT PRODUCTS PEDDLED ON E-COMMERCE PLATFORM IN INDIA Mr K. Saravanan Nadar 2019-04-27 presented and published NKES College of Arts, Commerce & Science IN ASSOCIATION WITH UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI The awareness of online shopping had increased many folds due to various factors. It is considered as a prestige symbol to use the branded products, but when it comes to price, the consumer takes one step back and they go for wait and watch strategy towards price or promotional offers. Some sellers try to sell their counterfeit goods to target consumers. sometime premium customers who are price / promotion insensitive also fall prey towards these scams. This reduce the trust and goodwill towards online platform organization. Which further leads to consumer to switch the shopping preference from pure click modern shopping to traditional brick and mortar. One in three Indian consumers receive fake products by e-tailing business. It affects the new entrants and existing leading players. This study can help the various stakeholders involved in this operation and bring some solution for the same.
The Postmodern Multiverse: Navigating Infinite Universes and Unlimited Realities Dr Seema C. 2019-02-04 presented and published KTHM College, Nasik Presented a paper titled The Postmodern Multiverse: Navigating Infinite Universes and Unlimited Realities in the International Conference on Culture, Society and Media Adaptation organised by KTHM College, Nashik on 4th and 5th February, 2019.
presented Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure 2019-02-05 UMISARC & Centre for South Asian Studies, Pondicherry University International Workshop
Indian and African Ecological Quest: A comparison 2018-11-29 presented The Bombay Philosophical Society and Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai The research paper was presented as part of the lecture series organised by The Bombay Philosophical Society
Effective mycoremediation using Mushrooms-A review Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2019-02-09 presented Dr. Homi Bhabha Autonomus University Effective mycoremediation using Mushrooms-A review National Conference on Current trends and future prospect in Fugal Biotechnology Institute of Science, Mumbai on 8-9th February, 2019 (2 days) National
Diversity of Am fungal flora from MIDC, Dombivli Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi 2019-02-08 presented Dr. Homi Bhabha Autonomus University Diversity of Am fungal flora from MIDC, Dombivli - National Conference on Current trends and future prospect in Fugal Biotechnology Institute of Science, Mumbai on 8-9th February, 2019 (2 days) National
Poster -Modulation of monosodium glutamate - Induced embryonic hepatotoxicity by natural antioxidants - A study using chick embryo model Dr Deepali Kirankumar Kothekar 2020-03-06 presented SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) supported by RUSA Modulation of monosodium glutamate - Induced embryonic hepatotoxicity by natural antioxidants - A study using chick embryo model at International conference: Natural Products-Quality, Safety and Efficacy organized by SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) supported by RUSA, on 6th and 7th March 2020
Seasonal changes in levels of hormones in the in the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis in forebrain during their reproductive cycle Dr Surabhi Mishra 2019-11-07 presented and published NCRDF-2019 Department of Zoology, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India. Seasonal changes in levels of hormones in the in the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis in forebrain during their reproductive cycle
Mapping Citizenship: National Register of Citizens and Assam Dr Vanita Vaibhav Banjan 2018-08-30 presented SIES Staff Colloquium The paper was an extension of my PhD research and discussed the controversy revolving round NRC.
Characterization of PHA co-polymer extracted from Massilia spp isolated from rhizosphere soil. Dr Priyanka Keshav Naik 2018-08-18 presented DFF trust and Department of Microbiology, Bhavans College. 20th Dr. Dhalas Felicitaion Fund research paper presention. Secured first rank for Best paper presentation in PhD category,
Scaling Up Umbrella of Social Security by Incorporating Climate Induced Challenges Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday 2023-07-10 presented Beerwah, University of Kashmir NA
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Shivani ke upnyason mein naaree ke vividh roop Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2017-07-01 presented Hindi Dept. of Ramnaryan Ruia College Presented A Paper In Two Days Maharashtra Rajya Hindi Sahitya Academy Sponsored National Seminar On The Topic Aadhunik Hindi Sahitya ki Vaicharik Prishthbhumi.
Saranagati as per Ramanuja Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2017-09-09 presented Ananthacharya Indological research Institute , Cuffe Parade Two day National Seminar on Dimensions of Ramanuja s Religion & Philosophy ( celebrating 1000th Birth Anniversary of Shri Ramanujacharya)
Multiculturalism philosophical perspective Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2017-08-24 presented Department of Psychology One day Seminar on Multiculturalism
Modern Paradigms in understanding Advaita Vedanta Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2017-09-26 presented Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Three day National Seminar on Retrieving the Ideals of AdvaitaVedanta in Contemporary Era Sankarjayanthi Celebration - II phase
Vaishnava Ideologies in Tagores Eco-poetry and its Philosophical Significance in Human-Nature Relationship 2017-12-15 presented Dept. of Philosophy, Ruia Autonomous College in collaboration with Bhakti Vedanta Vidyapith Research Centre Vaishnava Philosophy and Ecology-Title of the International Seminar
Philosophical Reflection on Virtue Ethics of Confucius and Chanakya Ms Vrushali Gupte 2018-02-09 presented Departments of Philosophy and History, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce Two Day National Seminar on Chanakyas Wisdom- A Reappraisal
Dhamma on Social and Communal Harmony Ms Vrushali Gupte 2018-02-15 presented Department of Philosophy, Center for Buddhist Studies International Conference on Buddhist Phenomenology, Culture and Society, Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai, on 15th, 16th and 17th February 2018
Impact of Online Promotional Offers on E-Buying: From a youth perspective Mr Krishnan Ramchandran 2018-03-01 presented Department of Commerce, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion (W) A paper on identifying the effectiveness of online promotional offers towards attracting and retaining young consumers.
Teaching Detective Fiction: Challenges and Rewards Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2018-03-24 presented Department of English, CES College of Arts and Commerce This research paper was presented at the One-Day National Seminar on Revisiting Higher Education-Culture Studies, English Language and Literature Teaching organized by the Department of English, CES College of Arts and Commerce, Salcette, Goa on 24th March 2018.
Remembering R.D.Burman and Kunnakkudi Vaidyanathan Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2017-09-15 presented Staff Colloquium Presented a paper titled Remembering R.D.Burman and Kunnakkudi Vaidyanathan in the Staff Colloquium on 15th September, 2017.
Automation of Crop monitoring using embedded System - A Study Dr Manoj Kumar Singh 2018-01-29 presented and published Department of CS & IT Automation of Crop monitoring using embedded System
Automation of Irrigation monitoring using Artificial Neural Network Dr Manoj Kumar Singh 2018-04-07 presented and published GNVS Institute of Management Studies Automation of Irrigation monitoring using Artificial Neural Network
Chanakya Neeti and Chhatrapati Shivji`s Vision and Mission of Swarajya in 17th centurey Dr Varsha Sandeep Muley 2018-02-09 presented and published Dept of Philosophy & History, SIES College of Arts, science and Commerce The paper focuses on the strategy, planning and organisation of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the process of the establishment of Swarajya in 17 th Century, with reference to the Chanakya neeti, How was it applied?, whether Chhatrapati Shivaji had learned this neeti?, Whether Chhatrapati Shivaji`s Neeti was in some way a Chanakya Neeti with his own special mark on the strategy and planning were the points discussed in this paper. The paper has been e-pulished
Microbial biosynthesis of Poly gamma gluamic acid & its applications Dr Pramod Dattatrya Ghogare 2017-12-30 presented New Arts commerce and science college Secured 1st prize in oral presentation in 6th International conference on Recent trends in Life sciences, organized by New Arts commerce and science college, Parner, Ahmednagar, MH on 29-30 Dec 2017 Title of paper Microbial biosynthesis of Poly gamma gluamic acid & its applications.
Presented a research paper titled problems faced by Jr. Artist in Indian Film Industry (Mumbai) Mr K. Saravanan Nadar 2017-04-07 presented Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts, Science and Commerce IQAC, University of Mumbai and Indian Accounting Association (Thane Chapter) Presented a research paper titled problems faced by Jr. Artist in Indian Film Industry (Mumbai)
Economic Theory & Climate Change Policy - The Necessity to Transcend the Mainstream Mr Sampath V Sambasivan 2018-02-23 presented Department of Economics, SIES ASCS Two Day National Seminar on Climate Change & Indian Economy - Contemporary Developments & Challenges organised by the Department of Economics, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce on 23rd - 24th February 2018.
An alternative to synthetic soap using natural soap with lemongrass oil and anthocyanin dye Ms Anju Angel James 2017-12-13 presented Inter-Collegiate Research Convention Avishkar The paper emphasized on use of natural components (anthocyanin dye for imparting color and lemon grass oil for its anti microbial activity) in soap.
GST and Overview Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2017-07-19 presented SIES College Sion West Mumbai Presented a paper in the Staff Colloquium
Challenges Faced by E-Consumers in Online Shopping Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2018-03-01 presented Department of Commerce SIES College Sion West Mumbai Presented a research paper in One day National Seminar on E-commerce: Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Business,organised by Department of Commerce ,SIES College of Arts Science & Commerce Sion West Mumbai
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Bombay and Burman Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2017-02-15 presented Sophia College for Women The paper was presented as part of a National Conference titled Yeh Hai Mumbai MeriJaan organized by the Sophia College for Women
Importance of Innovation and Re-invention in Music for Entertainment Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2017-02-26 presented Dept. of Philosophy, SIES College and Shanmukhananda Sabha The paper was presented at a National Seminar organized by the Department of Philosophy, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce and Sri Shanmukhananda Bharatiya Sangeeta Vidyalaya entitled Indian Music:Cultural and Philosophical Perspectives on 25th and 26th February, 2017.
Factoring Cultural and Civilizational ties in Indian Foreign policy discourse in its extended neighbourhood Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad 2017-01-06 presented Janseva Shikshan Mandals College of Arts & Science, Shivle in association with the Maharashtra Political Science & Public Administration Council ABSTRACT of the paper: In order to sustain bilateral relations, realist concerns have to be strongly backed by underlying aspects of commonality and shared-ness. Hence, policy makers, in recent times, have focused on cultural and civilizational aspects in forging and strengthening bilateral relations between nation-states. Cultural diplomacy, today, has emerged as one of the most critical component of foreign policy. Cultural diplomacy adds a dimension of sociality to the traditional state-to-state relations making social groups and communities an important instrument of conducting foreign policy. The paper focuses on the role of religion, culture, traditions, civilizational ties, shared histories and diasporic communities in constructing the Indian foreign policy discourse towards its extended neighbourhood policy doctrine. The paper seeks to analyse the use of religion as a soft power foreign policy tool in promoting and fortifying Indias regional interest.
Dynamic Website Designed for Improving Customer Satisfaction Index Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad 2017-01-28 presented National Centre For Quality Management Mumbai Presented a project on the development of the college website with collegues from the Computer Science Department
Sustainable Agriculture-Restoring Dignity to Agriculture and a Way to Meet Zero Hunger Challenge Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure 2016-10-20 presented UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation & Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Pondicherry Presented paper on Sustainable Agriculture-Restoring Dignity to Agriculture and a Way to Meet Zero Hunger Challenge at the International Seminar on Environmental Security and Sustainable Development in South Asia organized by the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation & Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Pondicherry, 19-21 October 2016.
Human Security in India-Need for a Bottom-Up Approach Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure 2016-11-26 presented Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai Presented paper on Human Security in India-Need for a Bottom-Up Approach at the National Seminar on Human Security in India: Issues, Challenges and Responses organized by the Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, 25-26 November 2016.
Guns, Stones and Social Media-Conflict Culture in Kashmir and the Changing Youth Expression Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure 2017-02-23 presented Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai Presented paper on Guns, Stones and Social Media-Conflict Culture in Kashmir and the Changing Youth Expression at the National Seminar on Changing Contours of Kashmir Conflict organized by the Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, 23 February 2017.
Manache Shlok- a journey towards self-enquiry, Ms Vrushali Gupte 2016-10-07 presented The Bombay Philosophical Society, Wilson College and Dept. Of Philosophy, Mumbai University The paper highlighted the ethical and spiritual teachings as given by Samartha Ramdas Swami, in his popular work, Manache Shlok.
Rustic Musical Heritage of Maharashtra Ms Vrushali Gupte 2017-02-26 presented Department of Philosophy, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce in association with Sri Shanmukhananda Bharatiya Sangeetha Vidyalaya Presented paper in Indian Music: Cultural and Philosophical Perspectives. The paper brought in the social and spiritual relevance and significance of a the traditional folk art form- Bharud, popularlised by Sant Tukaram.
RETAILING IN EMERGING MARKETS 2017-01-28 presented Department of Commerce Published in Journal of management research Vol -4 issue 12. ISSN 2319-2429.
ASHRAYA- An Institutional Social Responsibility 2017-01-28 presented NCQM Presented at - BEQET PRESIDENT AWARDS 2016.
Brahmini Pattu: A musical tribute to the great Goddess Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2017-02-26 presented SIES College and Shanmukhananda Sabha Indian Music: Cultural & Philosophical Perspectives
Isolation and screening of petrol degrading organisms from oil contaminated soil Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2017-01-18 presented Konark Group of industries 7th Research meet, organised by Konark Group of industries on 18th January 2017 at VES College, Chembur
Role of siderophores in heavy metal uptake from contaminated soil Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2017-01-18 presented Konark Group of industries 7th Research meet, organised by Konark Group of industries on 18th January 2017 at VES College, Chembur
Water Security: an arch over to socio-political and philosophical claims 2017-11-26 presented Dept. of Politics, SIES College Presented on the theme Human Security in India: Issues, Challenges & Responses and not published
A philosophical Analysis of Environment in African Tradition an Akan Study 2017-02-15 presented An IQAC initiative of Wilson College in association with BNHS India Presented on the theme OIKOS: Our Home The Planet Earth organized as a part of EC3: Care, Conserve, Create
in-vitro antifungal activity of Coriander oil Dr Subi Yoosuf 2017-01-18 presented Konark Group of industries 7th Research meet, organised by Konark Group of industries at VES College on 18th January 2017 on the topic in-vitro antifungal activity of Coriander oil
Production of Biosurfactants using naphthalene degrading microorganism Mr Prajith G Nambiar 2017-01-18 presented Konark Group of industries Poster presentation at 7th Research meet, organised by Konark Group of industries at VES College on 18th January 2017
Isolation of mercury degraders from natural water system Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble 2017-01-18 presented Konark Group of industries Poster presentation at 7th Research meet, organized by Konark Group of industries at VES College on 18th January 2017 on the topic: Isolation of mercury degraders from natural water system
Siderophore Producing Rhizobacteria And Its Effect On Plant Growth Promotion Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2017-12-02 presented XIII Triennial National Conference Of Indian Womens Scientists Association On Sustainable Development In India: Role Of Science And Technology 2nd -4th December2016 At IWSA Campus, Vashi XIII Triennial National Conference Of Indian Womens Scientists Association On Sustainable Development In India: Role Of Science And Technology 2nd -4th December2016 At IWSA Campus, Vashi
Digital transactions- Awareness & Impacts (A Pilot Study among college students) Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2017-02-25 presented K.B. COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE FOR WOMEN, THANE INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE ON The Economic Axis and Currents of Global Transformation.
Being Human: Exploring the Ethnic & Religious identity as well as diversity in India Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2016-12-22 presented On the theme Re-Learning to be Human for Global Times: Religious Pluralism: An Hermeneutical Understanding for the 21st Century, 22-23 December 2016, Chennai
Mahatma Gandhis Political Philosophy Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2017-02-15 presented Department of Philosophy, Ruia College in collaboration with the department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai and The Bombay Philosophical Society On the theme Indian Political Thought
Varkari Sampradaya Unparalleled Devotion of Maharashtra Saints Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2017-02-25 presented Department of Philosophy, SIES College two day National Seminar on Indian Music: Cultural and Philosophical Perspectives jointly organized by Department of Philosophy, SIES College & Sri Shanmukhananda Bharatiya Sangeetha Vidyalaya on 25th & 26th February, 2017
Harnessing true power of mind: an analysis of Chitta Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2016-06-09 presented Ayush Chandigarh On the theme Yoga for Good Life jointly organised by Chandigarh Administration in collaboration with Punjab University, University of Mumbai and Ayush Chandigarh from 9th to 12th June, 2016
Muktibodh ki Kavitaon mein janchetana Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2017-03-24 presented Hindi dept. Birla College Presented a paper on the topic Muktibodh ki Kavitaon mein janchetana in two days national Seminar.
UGC sponsored International seminar on Design, Development & Deliverance of skill objective 2017-02-08 presented Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science and Commerce, G.T.B. Nagar, Mumbai-37. UGC sponsored International seminar on Design, Development & Deliverance of skill objective
Efficiency Among The Sugarcane Farmers of Bhirdachiwadi: A Case Study Using DEA and SFA 2016-05-23 presented Jianghan University and IDEAS Paper titled Efficiency Among The Sugarcane Farmers of Bhirdachiwadi: A Case Study Using DEA and SFA co-authored with Dr.Swati Raju presented at the 14th International Conference on Data Envelopment analysis (DEA 2016) organized by Jianghan University and IDEAS on 23-26 May in Wuhan China.
Agricultural Efficiency and Food Security in India 2016-11-25 presented Department of Politics Paper titled Agricultural Efficiency and Food Security in India presented at National seminar on Human security in India: Issues, Challenges And Responses Organized by the Department of Politics on the 25th and 26th November, 2016.
Agricultural Efficiency and Food Security in India 2016-12-22 presented The Indian Econometrics Society (TIES) Paper titled Agricultural Efficiency and Food Security in India Presented at 53rd Annual Conference of The Indian Econometrics Society (TIES) from 22-24 December2016 at National Institute of Science Education And Research, Bhubaneswar.
Smart girds for future energy Sustainibility 2017-12-02 presented XIII Triennial National Conference of Indian Womens Scientists Association On Sustainable Development in India: Role of Science and Technology 2nd -4th December2016 XIII Triennial National Conference of Indian Womens Scientists Association On Sustainable Development in India: Role of Science and Technology 2nd -4th December2016 at IWSA campus, Vashi .
GM foods: The new concept for the global age 2017-12-02 presented XIII Triennial National Conference of Indian Womens Scientists Association On Sustainable Development in India: Role of Science and Technology 2nd -4th December2016 XIII Triennial National Conference of Indian Womens Scientists Association On Sustainable Development in India: Role of Science and Technology 2nd -4th December2016
The Environment Development Debate: Preserving Plurality and Deepening Democracy Mr Sampath V Sambasivan 2016-10-27 presented Post Graduate Department of Political Science, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala Presented a paper titled The Environment Development Debate: Preserving Plurality and Deepening Democracy in the National Seminar on Protection of Western Ghats Issues, Concerns and Policy Alternatives organized by the Post Graduate Department of Political Science, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala on 27th & 28th October, 2016
Social Norms and Labour Markets The Case of Interstate Migrant Workers in the Construction Sector of Kerala Mr Sampath V Sambasivan 2017-01-11 presented Department of Economics, University of Calicut, Dr. John Mathai Centre, Thrissur, Kerala Presented a paper titled Social Norms and Labour Markets The Case of Interstate Migrant Workers in the Construction Sector of Kerala in the National Seminar on Puzzles of Kerala Development Experience held on 10th and 11th of January, 2017 at the Department of Economics, University of Calicut, Dr. John Mathai Centre, Thrissur, Kerala
Use of nanotechnology in constructing biosensors for environmental management 2017-01-05 presented SIES Institute of Environmental Science Paper titled Use of nanotechnology in constructing biosensors for environmental management presented. Proceedings in Press
Study Of Mixed Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation By Bacteria Isolated From Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites 2017-02-15 presented KC College Abstracted in the proceedings
World Of microbiology 2017-05-12 presented Nehru Centre The paper introduced the world of Microbiology to the High School Students. The paper was presented under the series of Summer Workshop conducted by Nehru Centre.
Emerging and Re emerging Infections 2017-03-05 presented SIES IMLT Paper titled Emerging and Re emerging infections dealt with the present day infections, the diagnostic tools and pathogenesis
To study the uni-univalent ion selectivity behaviour of nuclear grade weakly basic anion exchange resin Duolite A 368 and strongly basic anion exchange resin Indion 810 Ms Mahalaxmi C. Nadar 2016-12-08 presented 6th International Science Congress (ISC-2016) conference on 8th and 9th December 2016 Organized by International Science Community Association The abstract was published in souvenir of ISC-2016 with Print Souvenir ISBN 978-93-84659-14-1 and ESouvenir ISBN 978-93-84659-15-8.
Thermodynamic comparative study of weakly basic anion exchange resin Duolite A 368 and strongly basic anion exchange resin Indion 810 Ms Mahalaxmi C. Nadar 2017-02-25 presented National Conference on Modern Research Trends in Chemistry and Allied Sciences (NCMRTC 2017) held at the J.S.M. College PP 42
samkaleen hindi kahani mein shtri vimarsh Mr Dinesh Shatrughan Pathak 2016-07-30 presented HINDI DEPT. SHRIMATI INDIRA MAHADEV BEHARE ARTS COLLEGE THE PAPER DEALS WITH WOMEN ISSUES IN MODERN HINDI SHORT STORIES
Classical tests of hypotheses for the skewness parameter of Two piece Double Exponential distribution 2016-06-28 presented Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai Presented a paper on tests of hypotheses for the skewness parameter of two-piece double exponential distribution when the location parameter is known. Derived Neyman structure test for the skewness parameter in the presence of unknown scale parameter. Tests for symmetry of the distribution can be deduced as a special case. The results derived were applied to daily percentage change in price of gold.
Interstate Migrants in the Construction Sector of Kerala Mr Sampath V Sambasivan 2016-03-09 presented Staff Colloquium, SIES College Presented a paper on the issue of interstate migration with special reference to interstate migrant workers in the construction sector of Kerala.
Tests for scale parameter of Asymmetric LogLaplace distribution 2016-06-28 presented Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai International Conference on Statistics on recent advances in Statistics conducted by the Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai during 27-29 June 2016
Social Media Marketing Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2017-04-24 presented Vikas College Presented a paper on Social Media Marketing at Vikas College on Saturday , 24th April, 2017
A study of Blue Ocean Strategy Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2017-02-16 presented and published International Journal of Information Systems Presented and Published a paper on A study of Blue Ocean Strategy at/on 16th Feb, 2017 ; Sinhgad Institute of Management & Computer Application and International Conference on innovations in IT & Management Savitribai Phule Pune University in special issue of International Journal of Information Systems ISSN no.2229-5429 Indexed by JGate, Impact factor =4.105
A study on Insights of Neuromarketing Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2017-01-28 presented and published National Conference Paper presented and published on A study on Insights of Neuromarketing in the ISSN 2319-2429 peer reviewed journal of management research Management Guru and also for the valuable contribution to the intellectual discussion on New Horizons in business & Management-A gateway of opportunities for business innovations in the National conference held on 28th January 2017 at, Bhandup.
Impact of Demonetisation on the Agricultural Sector Mr K. Saravanan Nadar 2017-04-26 presented SIWS College in collaboration with Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies University of Mumbai Presented paper titled Impact of Demonetisation on the Agricultural Sector
Mobile Commerce Mr K. Saravanan Nadar 2017-03-25 presented and published Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts, Science and Commerce in association with Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabrmal Tibrewala University Presented paper in 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Digitalisation: A Vehicle of The New Age Transformation
Sansar Davanal Mr Avin Kaushik Shah 2016-10-16 presented University of Mumbai ,Department of Gujarati Presented a paper on Sansar Davanal in the Haribhadra Seminar organised by the University of Mumbai ,Department of Gujarati in association with Shree Jain Shwetambar Murtipujak Sangh Sion .
Title Author Date Paper Status Level Organizer Description
Self- Organising Radio access Networks Dr Abuzar Ansari 2015-09-24 presented National conference on resource management - a catalyst for development.
E-learning tools in higher education Dr Abuzar Ansari 2015-10-16 presented and published Two days International conference on multidisciplinary research An Era of Digital Marketing In India.
Impact of E-learning in secondary school:Mumbai region Dr Abuzar Ansari 2015-09-11 presented and published International knowledge conclave , on knowledge & skills for national growth held on 11 and 12 September 2015 at KG Mittal College Of Arts & Commerce , Malad West, Mumbai.
mHealth: The future of diabetics managementin aging population Ms Maya Sajit Nair 2015-10-16 presented and published The paper discusses the opportunities of mhealth in managing diabetics in aging population.
Opportunities of mHealth in India Ms Maya Sajit Nair 2015-09-11 presented and published The paper was presented in the two day international knowledge conclave on 11/09/2015 and 12/09/2015. The paper discusses the how Indias health care industry can be revived with mhealth implementations.
Automation of agriculture using embedded system & DBMS Dr Manoj Kumar Singh 2015-09-12 presented and published Conference proceedings awaited.
Impact of Social Networking sites on learning Dr Manoj Kumar Singh 2015-10-16 presented and published Conference proceedings awaited.
impact of cloud computing in higher education Dr Manoj Kumar Singh 2015-09-26 presented and published Proceedings awaited
ICT in agriculture Dr Manoj Kumar Singh 2015-09-26 presented and published Proceedings awaited
effect of cloud computing in secondary & higher education second Dr Abuzar Ansari 2016-01-20 presented and published National conference on Values Education towards National and Global Development
the predicament of reality- a postmodern unravelling of mahaswet Dr Seema C. 2015-12-05 presented and published paper presented and published
interrogating nativism: issues of appropriation Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2015-09-11 presented The paper has been accepted for publication by the ANDREAN JOURNAL of Research called Ruminations, ISSN 2249-9059
atomistic individualism: a postmodern condition by choice? Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2015-12-26 presented and published The paper has been published in Research Chronicler, a peer reviewed and referred international multidisciplinary research journal, ISSN 2347-5021, Vol III, Issue IX: December 2015
spatial imagination in john steinbecks novella the pearl Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2016-01-08 presented The paper has been accepted for publication in their conference proceedings which will soon be brought out with an ISBN number. It was a UGC sponsored two day national conference, 8th and 9th January 2016.
dramatizing a critical juncture in the history of feminism usin Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2016-01-15 presented The paper will soon be published in their conference proceedings which will be brought out with an ISBN no. soon. it was a two day ugc sponsored national conference titled, diversity and transformation: American literature (1920-1990), 15th and 16th January 2016.
analyzing oral narratives: some critical issues Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar 2016-01-22 presented The paper was presented as a resource person at a two day national conference titled Oral Narratives: New Voices, New Tales on 22nd and 23rd January 2016 organized by the Sophia College for Women.
ict enabled education in india Ms Maya Sajit Nair 2015-09-26 presented The paper discusses the use of ICT enabled education in India.
the rise of the superhero: comic book heroes as icons of change Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2016-01-16 presented Comic strips are a peculiarly American phenomenon. From 1956 to 1970, according to comic book historians, was the silver age of comics. Some of the most popular and enduring comic book heroes were born or re-invented at this turbulent juncture in American history, especially by DC Comics and Marvel. 1960s America was a period of remarkable political and social change. This paper is an attempt to trace the changes in American socio-political life and the language and temperament of the people echoed in the most popular comic books of that era.
urease: exploitation of microbes for microbial carbonate precipi 2016-01-16 presented Presented a poster in Sajjan Gupta Konark memorial award 2016 at Wilson College, Mumbai.
rabindranath tagores concept of manavika bhuma- its re 2015-12-07 presented A seminar jointly organized by dept. of Philosophy, University Of Mumbai and R.J. Jhunjhunwala College to celebrate world philosophy day.
mhealth- the noval technology frontier in health care Ms Maya Sajit Nair 2015-09-26 presented The paper discusses the impact of mheath technology in health care sector.
evaluation of antifungal effect of coriander based nanoemulsion Dr Subi Yoosuf 2014-11-29 presented and published ISBN no. 978-81-920431-97
a comparative antifungal study of coriander oil and its nanoemul Dr Subi Yoosuf 2015-01-16 presented and published ISSN 2347-8691.
multiculturalism in disarray: deliberating indian and western ex Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad 2016-01-15 presented Abstract of the paper attached below.
study of textile dye decolourizing and biosorbing microorgani 2015-12-07 presented Association of Microbiologist of india The 56th annual conference of Association of Microbiologist of India (ami- 2015) and international symposium on emerging discoveries in Microbiology, 7 10th December 2015.
isolation and identification of organisms growing on library b 2016-01-03 presented and published Indian science Congress Association Presented a paper ( poster ) titled Isolation And Identification Of Organisms Growing On Library Books And Studying The Inhibitory Effects Of Neem, Pepper, Clove And Cinnamon On The Organisms at the plant sciences section, at the 103rd Indian Science Congress, Mysuru held from 3rd Jan 2016-7th Jan 2016. Abstract published in the proceedings
impact of globalization on academia- challenges, solutions to po Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2015-08-15 presented Global research development in social science During the 8th international conference on advances in social sciences ( ICASS) presented this paper to reflect on the issues regarding higher education in academia. it was published as e journal
nichiren buddhism- a revolution in religious thinking Ms Vrushali Gupte 2015-09-04 presented Bombay Philosophical Society and Wilson college Dr. Ookerjee Memorial Seminar.
hindi upanyas va pravsi jeevan Mr Dinesh Shatrughan Pathak 2016-01-08 presented Hindi dept., guru nanak college of ASC International seminar organised by Hindi dept. on the topic Bhartiya Aur Pravasi Hindi Katha Sahitya : Vartaman Paridrishya
sanskrit sahitya ka hindi natkon par prabhav : ek anusheelan Mr Dinesh Shatrughan Pathak 2016-01-22 presented K .J. Somaiya sanskrit vidyapeetham National seminar organised by K .J. Somaiya Sanskrit Vidyapeetham on the topic Sanskrit Sahitya Shikshan Evam Vyakaran : Hindi Tatha Angreji Ke Sandarbh Mein.
financing in india 2016-01-09 presented chetana college of commerce and economics journal name: impact of fdi& fii on indian economy is in number:- 2454- 1877
indian textile industry 2015-02-21 presented sri aurobindo college of commerce & management journal name: make in india: challenges & opportunities issn/isbn no.: 978-93-85835-00-1
fdi in india 2016-01-09 presented chetana college of commerce and economics journal name: impact of fdi& fii on indian economy issn/isbn no: 2454- 1877
fdi in retail 2015-02-21 presented sri aurobindo college of commerce & management journal name: make in india: challenges & opportunities issn/isbn no: 978-93-85835-00-1
sherlock holmes reciprocal exchange with space: a spatio-tempor 2016-01-08 presented chm college, ulhasnagar presented a paper titled sherlock holmes reciprocal exchange with space: a spatio-temporal analysis of the reichenbach fall in the ugc sponsored two day national seminar held on 8th and 9th january, 2016 on the theme spatial imagination: an interdisciplinary approach to literature, cultural history, and geography.
thermodynamic study to predict the univalent ion selectivity Ms Mahalaxmi C. Nadar 2015-11-26 presented 3 day ugc sap sponsored international conference organised by department of chemistry, university of mumbai actively participated and presented a scientific paper (poster) titled thermodynamic study to predict the univalent ion selectivity behaviour of nuclear grade strongly basic anion exchange resin indion-102 in 3 day ugc sap sponsored international conference on new horizons in synthetic and materials chemistry icsmc 2015 organised by department of chemistry, university of mumbai, vidyanagari, santacruz (e), mumbai 98 during november 26th to 28th 2015.
application of thermodynamic concept to predict the feasibili Ms Mahalaxmi C. Nadar 2015-12-08 presented international science congress association the abstract was published in souvenir of isc-2015 with print souvenir isbn 978-93-84648-44-2 and esouvenir isbn 978-93-84648-43-5. poster no: isca-isc-2015-11mats-04-poster presented a scientific paper (poster) entitled application of thermodynamic concept to predict the feasibility of uni-univalent and uni-bivalent ion exchange reactions using nuclear grade anion exchange resin indion-102 in the 5th international science congress (isc-2015) conference held between 8th - 9th december 2015 organized by international science congress association in tribhuvan university, kathmandu, nepal.
solidarity by salt: making of a mass movement Dr Varsha Sandeep Muley 2016-02-13 presented k.v.pendharkar college dombivli. (e) paper gives an account of the progress of the mass civil disobedience movement under the leadership of mahatma gandhi. why gandhi took the salt act to mobilise the indian masses? and how the concept of the salt is attached to the principle of loyality. thus to bring people together in solidarity to oppose the salt act imposed by thre british government.
ikkeesaveen sadee kee hindi kahaniyon mein jati dansh Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2016-02-23 presented hindi dept. m.d. college presented a paper in two days maharashtra rajya hindi sahitya academy sponsored national seminar on the topic ikkeesaveen sadee kee hindi kahanee : vichar, vimarsh aur chetana
pravasee bharateey aur havan upnyas Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2016-01-09 presented hindi dept. k.c. college presented a paper in one day international seminar on the topic pravasee bharteey aur hindi
mauritius mein hindi sahitya Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2015-11-27 presented hindi dept. birla college presented a paper in two days ugc sponsored international seminar on the topic mauritius mein hindi sahitya
evaluating teaching innovations Mrs Vidya Hariharan 2016-02-27 presented iqac, sies college of arts, science and commerce this paper talks about the importance of constant evaluation of innovative teaching practices by teachers as this will lead to development of skills expected in the workplace.
green it- challenges and solutions 2016-02-20 presented vikas college of arts, science and commerce, vikhroli-east , mumbai. multi-disciplinary international conference on science , sustainability and society in the current scenario challenges and opportunities.
academic quality in higher education 2016-01-31 presented christ university ,bengaluru and christ institute of management , lavasa institutional social responsibility
harmonizing ecology , equity and economy for sustaining life : i 2016-01-22 presented kirti m. doongursee college, dadar west, mumbai sies in an effort of zero carbon foot - print.
strategies adopted for experential learning 2016-02-17 presented and published vivekanand education societys college of arts, science and commerce. national level conference on evolving as a smart college: concept, opportubities and challenges isbn no: 978-81-923044-3-4
role of ncc in nation building 2016-02-27 presented sies college of arts, science and commerce, sion(w) national level conference on innovations in teaching learning and evaluation in higher education sponsored by naac.
strategies adopted for experential learning 2016-02-17 presented and published vivekanand education societys college of arts, science and commerce national level conference on evolving as a smart college: concept, opportunities and challenges isbn no: 978-81-923044-3-4
mentoring and reverse mentoring 2016-01-30 presented kirti m. doongursee college, dadar west, mumbai one day national level seminar on iqac manifestation and meaning , held at kirti m. doongursee college, dadar west, mumbai
training young students to corporate social responsibility via 2016-03-05 presented and published gnvs institute of management, university of mumbai & shri jjt university ,rajasthan two days international conference on strategies for business intelligence held on march 5 & 6 , 2016 at gnvs institute of management, gtb , mumbai 400037
empowerment through credit society 2016-03-06 presented and published gnvs institute of management, university of mumbai & shri jjt university ,rajasthan two days international conference on strategies for business intelligence held on march 5 & 6 , 2016 at gnvs institute of management, gtb , mumbai 400037
role of ncc in nation building 2016-02-27 presented sies college of arts, science & commerce, sion west, mumbai 022. two day national level seminar on innovations in teaching - learning and evaluation in higher education on 26 & 27 feb 2016.
anuvaad mein padkram ka mahttv Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2016-03-04 presented hindi dept. k.c. college presented a paper in two days national seminar on the topic anuvaad : swaroop evam sambhavanayien
bioremediation of silver from waste using actinomycetes 2016-02-20 presented vikas college of arts, science and commerce paper presented in international conference on science, sustainability and society in the current scenario: challenges and opportunities.
training young students to corporate social responsibility via i 2016-05-03 presented and published gnvs institute of management published by scholarly research journals for interdisciplinary studies, issn 2319-4766, impact factor 4.889
training young students to corporate social responsibility via i 2016-05-03 presented and published gnvs institute of management published by scholarly research journals for interdisciplinary studies, issn 2319-4766, impact factor 4.889
celebrating the spirit of womanhood apropos to swami vivekan Ms Vrushali Gupte 2016-03-03 presented international multidisciplinary research foundation, vijaywada and carmel college, goa international conference on women studies and social sciences, at carmel college, goa in collaboration with international multidisciplinary research foundation, 3rd - 5th march, 2016.the paper is published in the social sciences international research journal, vol-ii issue-i, issn-2395-0544 isbn-978-93-84124-66-3
thermodynamic comparative study to predict the uni unival Ms Mahalaxmi C. Nadar 2016-02-20 presented vikas college of arts, science & commerce in association with indian association of aquatic biologists, hyderabad and naushad ali sarovar samvardhini, mumbai presented a scientific paper titled thermodynamic comparative study to predict the uni univalent ion selectivity behaviour of nuclear grade weakly basic anion exchange resin duolite a 368 and strongly basic anion exchange resin indion 810 in multi-disciplinary international conference on science sustainability and society in the current scenario: challenges and opportunities organised by vikas college of arts, science & commerce in association with indian association of aquatic biologists, hyderabad and naushad ali sarovar samvardhini, mumbai on saturday, 20th february 2016.
learning through engagement 2016-02-26 presented internal quality assurance cell joint presentation with mr. vinod menon and mr. kiran nabar, both from physics department at the naac sponsored two day national level seminar on innovations in teaching-learning & evaluation in higher education
perception towards e-learning tools Dr Abuzar Ansari 2015-12-29 presented jjt university, rajisthan one day international conference on sustainability through innovation organized by shri jjt university, vidya nagri, chudela , jhunjhunu, rajisthan , on december 29, 2015
goverment initiatives towards e-learning Dr Abuzar Ansari 2015-12-26 presented jjt university , rajasthan two days national conference on research management held at shri jagdishprasad jhabarmal tibrewala university, rajasthan, on 26 and 27 december 2015.
pros and cons of self based learning- a case study of spoken tutorials Ms Maya Sajit Nair 2016-02-26 presented and published iqac of sies college two day naac sponsored national seminar on innovations in teaching-learning and evaluation in higher education
marketing of idea 3g 2016-02-13 presented this is a conference proceeding titled millennium: honoring the past, treasuring the present & shaping the future organised and conducted at j.m. patel college of commerce, goregoan west, mumbai 400 090
marketing mix of indian automotive sector 2016-02-13 presented and published j.m patel college of commerce this is a conference proceeding titled millennium: honoring the past, treasuring the present and shaping the future organised and conducted by j.m patel college of commerce, goregoan west, mumbai - 400 090, isin number - 978-81-928786-5-2
marketing brand india globally: opportuinities & challenges 2016-02-24 presented and published khalsa college for women national conference presented a paper on service marketing strategies
ikkeesaveen sadee kee hindi kahaniyon mein ambedkarvaad Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2016-03-29 presented hindi dept., university of mumbai presented a paper in two days international seminar on the topic ikkeesaveen sadee kee hindi kahaniyon mein ambedkarvaad
lokmanya tilak ka hindi ke liye yogadan Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2016-04-02 presented hindi dept. mahila mahavidyalaya presented a paper in one day maharashtra rajya hindi sahitya academy sponsored national seminar on the topic hindi ke vikash mein maharashtra ka yogadaan
an initiative to enhance the quality of teaching and learning through research and seminars. 2016-02-26 presented naac sponsored at sies college of arts, science and college , sion (west) presented abd published in the proceedings of the two day naac sponsorednational llevel seminar on innovations in teaching and learning and evaluation in higher education - isbn no 978-81-931 391-3-4
an initiative to enhance the quality of teaching and learning through research and seminars Dr Tara Suresh Menon 2016-02-26 presented sies college of arts,science and college,sion(w) at the naac sponsored two day national level seminar on innovations in teaching -learning and evaluation in higher education 26th&27th february2016 isbn:978-81-931391-3-4
from margins to mainstream: deliberating ambedkars notions of nationalism Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad 2016-04-09 presented adarsh college of arts & commerce this work was duly published by the organisers in a compilation of research papers presented during the national seminar, dr.babasaheb ambedkars thoughts: a contemporary relevance. (isbn 978-81-931060-1-3)
an integrated model of development-experiences from india Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure 2016-03-17 presented unesco madanjeet singh institute of south asia regional cooperation & centre for south asian studies paper presented
Efficiency Among the Sugarcane Farmers of Bhirdachiwadi: A Case Study Using DEA 2016-01-04 presented The Indian Econometrics Society (TIES) The paper is an attempt to measure technical and scale efficiency in a sample of sugarcane cultivators in satara district of Maharashtra, using the DEA methodology
Bhakti as per Madhusuana Saraswati Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2016-04-09 presented Ananthacharya Indological Research Institute Two Day National Seminar on Bhakti in Devotional Poems of Alwars and Poems of other Traditions .
The Implementation of Value Innovation Lab in Higher Education Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2016-02-27 presented Internal Quality Assurance Cell, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce Proceedings of the seminar is published with an ISBN 978-81-931391-3-4 on 1st March 2016
Exploring Research Dimensions in Yoga Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2016-01-17 presented Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai & Centre for Behavioral Medicine, Pune One day International Symposium on Neuroscience of Yoga- from Yoga for Health to Yoga for Wisdom
Vidyaranya and Sringeri Tradition Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar 2015-11-28 presented Department of Philosophy,, University of Madras National seminar on Facets of a Genius: Contribution of Vidyaranya to Indian Cultural Heritage
Changing Scenario of Management Institutions in India Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-04-09 presented Internal Quality Assurance Cell, R.A.D.A.V. Presented a paper titled, Changing Scenario of Management Institutions in India in the one day interdisciplinary seminar on Enhancing quality in higher education: challenges and issues organised by the Internal quality Assurance cell {I.Q.A.C.},R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai on 9th April,2016.with the impact factor:3.4052{UIF}ISSN2231-5063
The Role of Happiness Quotient of Employees at Workplace Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-03-12 presented Department of Commerce Presented a paper titled, The role of Happiness Quotient of employees at workplace in the one day National conference on contemporary issues in management on contemporary issues in management a pathway for vision 2020 organised by the department of commerce, R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai on 12th march,2016.
A Study on New Technologies of Sales Promotion Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 0016-03-12 presented Department of Commerce Presented a paper titled, A study on New technologies of sales promotion in the one day National conference on contemporary issues in management on contemporary issues in management a pathway for vision 2020 organised by the department of commerce, R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai on 12th march,2016.
Role of Media in the Economic Development of a Country Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-02-22 presented K.M.Agrawal College, Kalyan Presented a paper on Role of Media in the economic development of a country at the international level conference on Global images of India: Past, present & Future organized by K.M.Agrawal college, Kalyan on 22nd February, 2016.ISSN no:2231-5063 with Impact factor:3.4052(UIF)
TELECOMMUNICATIONA way to change basics of marketing Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-01-08 presented AMS Presented a paper on 8th January, 2016 on the topic: TELECOMMUNICATION A way to change basics of marketing in AMSS INTERNATIONAL Conference on Ongoing Research in Management and IT at AMS campus PUNE with ISBN: 978-81-924861- 2-3 in INCON-XI 2016.
presented Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2015-04-25 Golwala and DAV College Paper presented on Public Private Partnership in infrastructure in India a need of the day at two day International conference on multidisciplinary research organized by Golwala and DAV college on 24- 25th April, 2015 with ISSN :2319-4766., Impact factor 4.889 of in volume - one special issue of International Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary studies.
presented Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 0000-00-00 Ramanand Arya, Bhandup Paper presented on From cash trap to cash chain through innovation at International conference at Ramanand Arya, Bhandup on 7th march 2015.with the ISSN: 2319-7943, impact factor 2.1632{UIF} in Tactful management research journal.
The understanding of employee engagement practices at Big bazaar in organized retail sector through employee index Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2015-03-07 presented Ramanand Arya, Bhandup Paper presented on The understanding of employee engagement practices at Big bazaar in organized retail sector through employee index at International conference at Ramanand Arya, Bhandup on 7th march 2015.with the ISSN: 2319-7943, Impact factor 2.1632{UIF} in Tactful management research journal.
A study on Corporate Gender sensitivity Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2015-01-09 presented P.D. Karkhanis College of Arts and Commerce, Kansai Section, Ambarnath (E) Paper Presented on A study on Corporate Gender sensitivity at an International interdisciplinary Conference on Contemporary Issues in Commerce,Mgmgt. Law and Social Science on 9th 10th January, 2015 at P.D. Karkhanis College of Arts and Commerce, Kansai Section, Ambarnath (E).with the ISSN number: 2277-9302, vol.3, Issue10 (I), January 2015, in the International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research.
FINANCING IN INDIA 2016-01-09 presented Department of Commerce Paper presented and Published - National Research Journal (Reffered) ISSN -2454-1877
SERVICE MARKETING STRATEGIES 2016-02-24 presented Department of Commerce Paper Presented and Published- in ISBN NO.-978-93-85835-29-2
A Socio-demographic and Economic Analysis of Slum Population-Case study of three slum areas of Mumbai Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday 2016-01-09 presented ? Presented a paper at a National level seminar at Rijvi college, Bandra on 8 and 9 -01-16.?The paper focuses on demographic and economic profile of slum areas of Kurla(L), Chembur(M) and Bhandup(S)
A Socio-demographic and Economic Analysis of Slum Population-Case study of three slum areas of Mumbai Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday 2016-01-09 presented ? Presented a paper at a National level seminar at Rijvi college, Bandra on 8 and 9 -01-16.?The paper focuses on demographic and economic profile of slum areas of Kurla(L), Chembur(M) and Bhandup(S)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship - A case study of Dr. Huzaifa Khorakiwala Ms Nitya Rajendrakumar Mahajan 2016-01-22 presented Kirti M Doongursee College - UGC - ICSSR The Theme Of The Conference Was Harmonizing Ecology, Equity And Economy For Sustaining Life: Issues And Challenges. The Paper was jointly presented (co author) and soon to be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Perceptions Of The Young Consumer About Socially And Environmentally Committed Brands And Its Impact On Their Selection Criteria Of Mobile Phones Ms Nitya Rajendrakumar Mahajan 2016-01-22 presented Kirti M Doongursee College - UGC - ICSSR The Theme Of The Conference Was Harmonizing Ecology, Equity And Economy For Sustaining Life: Issues And Challenges. The Paper Was Jointly Presented (Author) And Soon To Be Published In The Conference Proceedings.
Hindi Kahaniyon par Vaishveekaran ka prabhav Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey 2016-09-28 presented Hindi dept. of S. B. College Presented a paper on the topic Hindi Kahaniyon par Vaishveekaran ka prabhav in one day International Seminar.
Women Empowerment through Self employment Mrs Maria John Fernandes 2015-03-13 presented International Association of Academicians and Researchers WomenEmpowerment through the case study of Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad Mumbai.
Efficiency Among the Sugarcane Farmers of Bhirdachiwadi: A Case Study Using DEA 2015-01-04 presented The Indian Econometrics Society (TIES) Paper titled Efficiency Among the Sugarcane Farmers of Bhirdachiwadi: A Case Study Using DEA co-authored with Dr Swati Raju, presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of The Indian Econometrics Society (TIES) held in IIM Kozhikode during January 4-6, 2015.
Shelf Life Analysis of Food 2016-01-27 presented SIES Institute of Packaging Paper deals with the types of spoilage bacteria in food, preservation techniques and methods to determine shelf life
Tests of hypotheses for the skewness parameter of two-piece double exponential distribution 2016-03-12 presented Department of Statistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur National Conference on Applied Statistics held in Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 11th, 12th March, 2016
Role of Hope and Health Locus of Control in influencing Health-behaviours of adolescents Mrs Shama Girish Todurkar 2015-03-04 presented Department of Psychology and Education, M.S. University, Baroda The research study tried to explore of Dispositional Hope and health Locus of Control influence day-to-day Health behaviours of adolescents and if they can be used to predict if adolescents would engage in health-behaviours
Effectiveness of Service Learning Initiatives on Student participants; A case study Mrs Pallavi Guruprasad Rege 2016-02-27 presented SIES College of Arts Science & Commerce Two day National level seminar on Innovations in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education, organized by IQAC, SIES College of Arts Science & Commerce on 26th, 27th February, 2016
On estimation of parameters of asymmetric Log-Laplace distribution 2016-03-12 presented Department of Statistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur National Conference on Applied Statistics conducted on 11-12 March,2016 at Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Mangroves The Best Eco-friends Dr Neeraja Shrinivas Tutakne 2016-02-02 presented Bhavans College, Andheri in association with Friends of Trees Presented a paper on Mangroves The Best Eco-friends, in National Seminar on Trees conservation Strategies and policies organized Bhavans College, Andheri in association with Friends of Trees on 2nd February 2016.
Sacred groves Magical Biotreasures Dr Neeraja Shrinivas Tutakne 2016-02-02 presented Bhavans College, Andheri in association with Friends of Trees Presented a paper on Sacred groves Magical Biotreasures, in National Seminar on Trees conservation Strategies and policies organized Bhavans College, Andheri in association with Friends of Trees on 2nd February 2016.
SPANDAN - Teacher student mentorship programme Ms Biju Ramesh 2016-02-17 presented Internal Quality Assurance Cell in collaboration with Vijnana Bharati, Mumbai Paper Presented and Published in the Conference Proceedings. ISBN No. : 978-81-923044-3-4.
Learners potential to initiate the creation of a new knowledge society : an exploratory study Ms Biju Ramesh 2016-04-09 presented Ramanand Arya D.A.V. College Paper Presented and Published in the Journal Golden Research Thoughts with Impact Factor 3.4052(UIF). ISSN No. : 2231-5063
Comparative Analysts on Various Fraud in Indian Banking Sector Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2014-02-03 presented North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon Paper presented on Comparative Analysts on Various Fraud in Indian Banking Sector in 2-day National Seminar organized by North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on 3rd and 4th February, 2014.
Role of Spirituality at Workplace Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2014-06-01 presented and published Sanshodhan Chetana. Published an article on Role of Spirituality at Workplace volume: 3rd, Issue-1, English Marathi, Quarterly: 1st June 2014.ISSN:2319- 5525 in Sanshodhan Chetana.
Organizations moving from Disengagement to Engagement through Employees Engagement Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2014-09-26 presented Patuck Gala College of Commerce & Management, Santacruz Paper Presented on Organizations moving from Disengagement to Engagement through Employees Engagement in two day multi- disciplinary state level conference on gateways to national prosperity organized by Patuck Gala College of Commerce & Management, Santacruz on 26 th -27 th September, 2014 with the ISSN number :2277- 5676,vol.5,Issue 1{special edition},in the peer reviewed Research Journal titled Insight Management Review.
A study on Corporate Gender sensitivity Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2015-01-09 presented P.D. Karkhanis College of Arts and Commerce, Kansai Section, Ambarnath (E) Paper Presented on A study on Corporate Gender sensitivity at an International interdisciplinary Conference on Contemporary Issues in Commerce, Management, Law and Social Science on 9 th 10 th January, 2015 at P.D. Karkhanis College of Arts and Commerce, Kansai Section, Ambarnath (E).with the ISSN number: . 2277-9302, vol.3, Issue10 (I), January 2015, in the International Journal of Multi - Disciplinary Research.
The understanding of employee engagement practices at Big bazaar in Organized retail sector through employee index Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2015-03-07 presented Ramanand Arya, Bhandup Paper presented on The understanding of employee engagement practices at Big bazaar in organized retail sector through employee index at International conference at Ramanand Arya, Bhandup on 7 th march 2015.with the ISSN: 2319-7943, Impact factor 2.1632{UIF} in Tactful management research journal.
From cash trap to cash chain through innovation Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2015-03-07 presented Ramanand Arya, Bhandup Paper presented on From cash trap to cash chain through innovation at International conference at Ramanand Arya, Bhandup on 7 th march 2015.with the ISSN: 2319-7943, impact factor 2.1632{UIF} in Tactful management research journal.
Public Private Partnership in infrastructure in India Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2015-04-24 presented Golwala and DAV college Paper presented on Public Private Partnership in infrastructure in India a need of the day at two day International conference on multidisciplinary research organized by Golwala and DAV college on 24- 25th April, 2015 with ISSN :2319-4766., Impact factor 4.889 of in volume - one special issue of International Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary studies.
TELECOMMUNICATIONA way to change basics of marketing Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-01-08 presented AMS campus PUNE Presented a paper on 8 th January, 2016 on the topic: TELECOMMUNICATIONA way to change basics of marketing in AMSS INTERNATIONAL Conference on Ongoing Research in Management and IT at AMS campus PUNE with ISBN: 978-81- 924861- 2-3 in INCON-XI 2016.
Role of Media in the economic development of a country Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-02-22 presented K.M.Agrawal college, Kalyan Presented a paper on Role of Media in the economic development of a country at the international level conference on Global images of India: Past, present & Future organized by K.M.Agrawal college, Kalyan on 22 nd February, 2016.ISSN no: 2231-5063 with Impact factor: 3.4052(UIF)
A study on New technologies of sales promotion Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-03-12 presented R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai Presented a paper titled, A study on New technologies of sales promotion in the one day National conference on Contemporary issues in management a pathway for vision 2020 organised by the department of commerce, R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai on 12th march,2016.
The role of Happiness Quotient of employees at workplace Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-03-12 presented R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai Presented a paper titled, The role of Happiness Quotient of employees at workplace in the one day National conference on Contemporary issues in management a pathway for vision 2020 organised by the department of commerce, R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai on 12th march,2016.
Changing Scenario of Management Institutions in India Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-04-09 presented R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai Presented a paper titled, Changing Scenario of Management Institutions in India in the one day interdisciplinary seminar on Enhancing quality in higher education: challenges and issues organised by the Internal quality Assurance cell {I.Q.A.C.},R.A.D.A.V. College, Mumbai on 9th April,2016.with the impact factor:3.4052{UIF}ISSN 2231-5063
Corporate Initiatives and Rural marketing Strategies to penetrate Rural India Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney 2016-04-23 presented Konkan Education societys Dr.C.D.Deshmukh Commerce & Sau.K.G.Tamhane Arts College, Raigad Presented a paper titled, Corporate Initiatives and Rural marketing Strategies to penetrate Rural India in the one day national multidisciplinary conference on Contemporary issues in the development of rural India, organised by Konkan Education societys Dr.C.D.Deshmukh Commerce & Sau.K.G.Tamhane Arts College, Raigad held on 23 rd April, 2016 with the ISSN: 2319-2429.Paper published in an international journal Management Guru: Journal of Management Research {vol.IV, issue no. 5 June 2016 }

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