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Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
Redefined fourth order uniform hyperbolic polynomial B-splines based collocation method for solving advection-diffusion equation Ms Mansi Subhash Palav
Prof. Vikas H. Pradhan
2024-08-09 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: 0096-3003
Volume: 484
Impact Factor: 3.5
ChatGPT’s Drawbacks and Benefits as a Study Aid for Students Mr Rajesh
2024-08-01 journal international Journal of Computer Technology & Applications ISSN / ISBN: 2229-6964
Volume: Volume: 15 Issue : 2
Improved biocatalytic activity of steapsin lipase in supercritical carbon dioxide medium for the synthesis of benzyl butyrate: A commercially important flavour compound 2024, Journal of Biotechnology, Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2024-03-20 journal international Elsevier Volume: 384
Impact Factor: 4.4
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Cafe Dissensus Issue no. 70 Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2024-07-11 journal national Cafe Dissensus ISSN / ISBN: ISSN ISSN 2373-177X
Volume: Yes
Impact Factor: None
Citation Index: None
H Index: None
Dynamics of Social Changes Trajectory through Literary and Linguistic Studies Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2024-06-20 chapters in edited volume national Imperial Publications ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-93-91044-58-9
Volume: Eds. Dr. Sudarshana Sarkar, Dr. Udayan Chakraborty and Dr. Priyal Panchal
Sambhasan Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2024-07-19 journal national University of Mumbai ISSN / ISBN: Vol. 5, Issue, January-March 2024, ISSN 2583-1496
Volume: Ed. Prof. Satish Chandra
International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2024-08-03 journal international International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences ISSN / ISBN: Vol -20, Issue-1, No. 37, June 2024. ISSN: 2347-4777
Volume: Vol -20, Issue-1, No. 37
SIES Journal of Humanities Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2024-09-19 journal national South Indian Education Society Volume: Vol 1. Issue 1, 2024.
Economic Challenger Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
Sudha Krishnan
2024-09-25 journal international Vol. 27, Issue: 105, October – Dec 2024 ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 0975-1351 RNI No. 70869
Volume: Ed. Lata Kothari
Impact Factor: 6.803
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
An Explanatory Theory of Predictive Analysis and Industry 5.0 for Students Mr Rajesh
2023-11-03 journal international Journal of Communication Engineering & Systems ISSN / ISBN: 2249â€8613
Volume: Vol 13, No 2 (2023)
Complementary approach of SVM for heart disease prediction Mr Rajesh
2023-11-03 journal international JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH & ADVANCES ISSN / ISBN: 2395-6720
Volume: Vol. 10 No. 3 (2023)
Centrality in Social Network Analysis: A Comprehensive Review for Students Mr Rajesh
2023-12-02 journal international International Journal of Data Structure Studies(IJDSS)] ISSN / ISBN: --
Volume: Year : 2023 | Volume :01 | Issue : 02 | Page : 1-8
A Comprehensive Review on Python based NLP Approaches for Sentiment Analysis Mr Rajesh
2023-12-20 journal international ISSN / ISBN: 2455-1821
Volume: Vol. 10 No. 3 (2023)
Screening, Isolation and Identification of Cellulolytic Chaetomium species Collected from Deteriorating Cellulosic Samples. Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
2023-11-20 journal international Journal of Bioresearch ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2771-5868
Volume: 3(2)
Millets for Children Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
2023-08-01 chapters in edited volume international Dr. Vijaya Chakravarthy IWSA Volume: 0
Climate Change and Fungi Ms Vinaya Vasant Patil
2023-05-21 chapters in edited volume national Mahi Publication ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-95581-98-1
Impact Factor: NA
Citation Index: NA
H Index: NA
Microbial biosurfactant based nanoemulsions and their applications: A review Mr Prajith G Nambiar
Subi Yoosuf
2023-12-15 journal international John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume: 27
Impact Factor: 1.6
H Index: 50
New Multilateralism: IMEC Corridor in FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy, Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
Vidyadhar Malegaonkar
2023-10-01 journal national ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2581-6586
Volume: Iss. 4, Vol.6,
Shoonya Upasmarichi Disha in Parivartanacha Watsaru Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
2023-06-01 journal state Volume: Iss. 4
Jalsandharan Va Vyavasthapan: Mahilancha Sahbhagh Parivartanacha Watsaru Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
Medha Dhapre
2023-05-01 journal state Volume: Iss.1
A critical analysis of pathways to mental health care in Low Middle-Income Countries: An overview of Mental Healthcare Pathways and its utility in support provision for educational institutions Ms Megha Rajesh Tiwari
Ms. Amruta Padhye
2024-06-19 chapters in edited volume national National Press Associates ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-19674-99-2
Volume: -
Body Image Formation - A Multisystem Analysis Of Factors Contributing To Body Image Development In Adolescence Ms Megha Rajesh Tiwari
Ms. Krishti Kar , Ms. Hasita Ivaturi , Ms. Bhavi Mehta , Mr. Abhishek Agarwal
2024-02-05 chapters in edited volume national Books Tycoon ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-963786-4-6
Volume: -
The Spiral Processes of Change in Therapy Ms Megha Rajesh Tiwari
Ms. Mrunmayee Oak and Ms. Bhavi Mehta
2024-02-05 chapters in edited volume national Books Tycoon ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-963786-4-6
Volume: -
Alterations in the expression pattern of RBC membrane associated proteins (RMAPs) in whole body irradiated Sprague Dawley rats Mr Prabuddho Mukherjee
Kamendra Kumar, Bincy Babu, Jubilee Purkayastha, & Sudhir Chandna
2023-06-14 journal international Taylor & Francis ISSN / ISBN: Print ISSN: 0955-3002 Online ISSN: 1362-3095
Volume: Volume 99, 2023 - Issue 11
Millets production in India: A disaggregated analysis of production prospects of two major millets crops in India Dr Shaifali Kumawat
Ms. Shivangi Sharma
2024-02-23 chapters in edited volume international Empyreal Publishing House ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-967311-0-6
Volume: Yes
Naturally occurring nanomaterials (NONPs) : A review Dr Richa Singh
Sailee Raut, Utkarsha Shedbalkar
2024-04-30 journal international Next Sustainability Volume: 3
Antibacterial activity of bio-silver nanoparticles in combination with antibiotics Dr Richa Singh
2024-03-31 journal international Iran J Mater Sci Engg Volume: 21
Unravelling the Power of Avro and Hadoop: Revolutionising Big Data Processing and Serialization Mr Rajesh
2024-02-21 journal international International Journal of Data Structure Studies(ijdss)] Volume: Volume:2 issue :1
Navigating the Command Line: Unveiling the Significance of Shell Commands and Simple Programming in Modern Computing Authors Mr Rajesh
2023-12-21 journal international Journal of Advances in Shell Programming Volume: Vol. 10 No. 3 (2023)
A Simplistic Review of the Soundex Algorithm: The Magic of Phonetics Mr Rajesh
2024-05-30 journal international International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review ISSN / ISBN: 2584-1866
Volume: Volume:2 issue :1
Microbial biosurfactant based nanoemulsions and their applications: a review. Dr Subi Yoosuf
Prajith Nambiar
2023-12-15 journal international Journal of Surfactants and Detergents (John & Wiley) ISSN / ISBN: 1558-9293
Volume: 27(2)
Impact Factor: 1.6
Screening of Plant Growth Promoting Properties and Heavy Metal Tolerance of Rhizospheric Microorganisms in the Mangrove Ecosystem. Dr Subi Yoosuf
Mahwash Fatima, Manika Sawant, Prajith Nambiar, Sarang Bhagwat, Arpita Gupte and Sunita Singh
2024-05-01 journal international Annals of Plant and Soil Research ISSN / ISBN: 2347-6036
Volume: 26(2)
Screening of Plant Growth Promoting Properties and Heavy Metal Tolerance of Rhizospheric Microorganisms in the Mangrove Ecosystem. Mr Prajith G Nambiar
Mahwash Fatima, Manika Sawant, Subi Yoosuf, Prajith Nambiar, Sarang Bhagwat, Arpita Gupte and Sunita Singh
2024-05-01 journal international Annals of plant and soil research ISSN / ISBN: 2347-6036
Volume: 26(2)
Catabolism of monolignols by Pseudomonads Dr. Suveera Vijaykumar Bellary
2024-01-16 proceedings international MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-6039-051-8
Volume: NA
How Far Can the Apple Fall from the Tree? Redefining the Contours of Diaspora Dr Seema C.
2023-07-31 chapters in edited volume international Bhumi Publishing, India ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-88901-67-3
Volume: Edited Book
The Penelopiad: The Weaving and Unravelling Threads of a Postmodern Myth Dr Seema C.
2023-08-31 journal international Quest ISSN / ISBN: ISSN (Online): 2321-9467
Volume: Vol. 11, No. 8
Eating Much? Resistant Gendered Bodies in Necropolitics Dr Seema C.
2024-03-31 journal international Interdisciplinary Research Journal for Humanities ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2249-250X
Volume: Vol. 14 No. 1
Application of ionic liquids for value-addition of lignin Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2023-06-22 book (research) international Elsevier Volume: 1
Impact Factor: 0
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
A Phylogenetic reappraisal of Excipulariopsis narsapurensis in Wiesneriomycetaceae, Tubeufiale Mrs Sakshi
Sruthi O. Paraparath, Kunhiraman C. Rajeshkumar, Rajnish K. Verma, Ajay Kumar Gautam, Bhavna Narula, Nalin N. Wijayawardene, Saowaluck Tibpromma, and Samantha C. Karunarathna
2023-08-14 journal international Phytotaxa (Magnolia Press) ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition) ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)
Volume: 607 (5)
Impact Factor: SJR 2023: 0.4 Impact Factor: 1.1
Citation Index: Quartile: Q2
Millets: The Magical Indian Tribal Food Mrs Sakshi
Neeraja Tutakne, Snehal Unde
2023-10-13 book (research) international Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Noida ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-90951-91-8
Volume: --
Impact Factor: --
Citation Index: --
Revisiting the Yoga and the Ayurvedic insights to the Shree Anna-Millets Ms Vrushali Gupte
2024-02-01 chapters in edited volume national Empyreal Publishing House ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-967311-0-6
Volume: first
Mahavir Gosavi
2024-05-01 book (research) international Iterative International Publishers (IIP) ISSN / ISBN: e-ISBN: 978-93-5747-340-8
Volume: Volume 3, Book 2, Part 1, Chapter 3
Impact Factor: --
Citation Index: --
AYU Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble
Dr. Manju Phadke
2024-02-21 journal international Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 0974-8520
Volume: Volume 44, Issue 1, January-March 2023
An Overview of Millets Primary Processing Units Ms Nitya Rajendrakumar Mahajan
2024-02-26 proceedings national Empyreal Publishing House ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-81-967311-0-6
Volume: 1
‘Human Freedom and Religious Responsibility as an Ethical Value in Contemporary Indian Society’
Single Author
2023-07-21 chapters in edited volume national Author Press ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-93-5529-553-8
Volume: Edited by Saji Varghese
‘A Socio-political-philosophical Study of Nationalistic Spiritualism: Peoplehood to Personhood’
Single Author
2023-10-30 chapters in edited volume national Author Press ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-93-5529-871-3
Volume: Edited by Saji Varghese
‘Nation as I see: Perspectives from Rabindranath Tagore’
Single Author
2023-12-20 chapters in edited volume national Author Press ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-93-5529-842-3
Volume: Edited by Saji Varghese
Environmental Ethics: Theories and Discussions
Single Author
2024-02-14 journal local Sophia Lucid ISSN / ISBN: Title Code: MAHENG14690
Volume: A Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Research Journal
IDEAS Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2024-02-01 journal state BMN College of Home Science ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2320-0162
Volume: YES
Impact Factor: NONE
Citation Index: NONE
H Index: NONE
A critical analysis of pathways to mental health care in Low Middle-Income Countries: An overview of Mental Healthcare Pathways and its utility in support provision for educational institutions Ms Amruta Avinash Padhye
Ms. Megha Tiwari
2024-06-19 chapters in edited volume national National Press Associates ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-19674-99-2
Volume: -
Quest for understanding neutron emission in nuclear fission: The case of 210Po Dr. Vishal V. Desai
2023-11-27 journal international Physical Review C ISSN / ISBN: 2469-9985 (print) 2469-9993 (online)
Volume: 108, 054609
Impact Factor: 3.2
H Index: 229
Precise determination of quadrupole and hexadecapole deformation parameters of the sd-shell nucleus, 28Si Dr. Vishal V. Desai
2023-08-11 journal international Physics Letters B ISSN / ISBN: Online ISSN: 1873-2445
Volume: 845, 138120
Impact Factor: 4.2
Citation Index: 9.1
Interaction distances from elastic scattering data involving weakly bound stable and unstable projectiles Dr. Vishal V. Desai
2023-12-10 proceedings international Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. ISSN / ISBN: ISBN:978-81-954733-9-7
Volume: 67, 473
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
Global Perspectives on Themes and Techniques in Literary Texts Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2022-06-01 chapters in edited volume national Perception ISSN / ISBN: 9.78939E+12
Volume: yes
Impact Factor: -
Citation Index: -
H Index: -
2022-06-30 journal international Indian Academicians and Researchers Association ISSN / ISBN: 2394 -7780
Volume: Volume 9, Issue 2 (XI)
Impact Factor: 7.36
Advantages of using nanobiotechnology in enhancing the economic status of country Ms Pracheta Shekhar Salunkhe
Darshini Trivedi, Murthy Chavali, Shivani Vohra, Sudhanshu Tripathi
2023-01-11 chapters in edited volume international Elsevier Science ISSN / ISBN: 9.78032E+12
Volume: 1
Highly efficient magnetically separable Zn-Ag@ l-arginine Fe3O4 catalyst for synthesis of 2-aryl-substituted benzimidazoles and multicomponent synthesis of pyrimidines Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2022-12-01 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: Online ISSN 2211-7156.
Volume: 4(2022)
Impact Factor: 2.3
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
In-Vitro Studies and Multiple Shootlet Induction in Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze (Doi: 10.32381/JPSR.2022.38.01.10) Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
Ruchika Dani
2022-12-01 journal international The Journal of Plant Science Research (UGC APPROVED JOURNAL) ISSN / ISBN: (ISSN: 0970-2539 e-ISSN: 0976-3880)
Volume: Vol. 38 (1)
Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Spores from Industrial Belts of MIDC, Dombivli, Thane District of Maharashtra for Winter Season (Doi: 10.32381/JPSR.2022.38.01.16) Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
Ashwini Deshpande
2022-12-01 journal international The Journal of Plant Science Research (UGC APPROVED JOURNAL) ISSN / ISBN: (ISSN: 0970-2539 e-ISSN: 0976-3880)
Volume: Vol. 38 (1)
Arbuscular mycorhhizal species composition during rainy season from polluted sites and their role as biofertilizers Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
Ashwini Deshpande
2022-12-01 journal international IJFANS ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2319-1775
Volume: 11(13)
Ashwini Deshpande
2022-12-01 journal international Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 0972-0766
Volume: 96(2)
Practical Handbook on Medical Microbiology and Immunology Mrs Reshmi Mukul Das
Mrs. Jyoti Vivek Babar
2022-06-29 journal international My Rays Book Publication Center ISSN / ISBN: 2582967X / 9789393337382
Volume: 1
Impact Factor: -
Citation Index: -
H Index: -
Enhancing Bilateral Connectivity: Recent Developments an Upswing in India-Bangladesh Ties, FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
Vidyadhar Malegaonkar
2022-07-01 journal national ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2581-6586
Volume: Iss. 4, Vol.5,
Boosting Road Connectivity in Arunachal Pradesh and Eastern Sector of LAC, FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
Vidyadhar Malegaonkar
2023-01-01 journal national ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2581-6586
Volume: Iss.1, Vol.6, January-March 2023
An efficient image encryption scheme combining Rubiks cube principle with masking Ms Mansi Subhash Palav
Ruchi Telang Gode and S. V. S. S. N. V. G. Krishna Murthy
2022-12-15 chapters in edited volume international CRC Press. ISSN / ISBN: 9.781E+12
Volume: 1
Comparison of Numerical Solution of Consolidation Equation in One Dimension by Finite Difference Methods and Finite Element Method with Analytical Solution Ms Mansi Subhash Palav
Prof. Vikas H. Pradhan and Sanjay Gosiya
2023-05-09 chapters in edited volume international Springer ISSN / ISBN: 978-981-19-9906-2
Volume: 1440
Dimorphic distribution of progestins and cortisol in the brain of Indian stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) during different reproductive phases. Dr Surabhi Mishra
Radha Chaube
2022-01-04 journal national Journal of Scientific Research ISSN / ISBN: 0447-9483
Volume: 66 (1)
Impact Factor: 1
Citation Index: 2
H Index: 4
study the flora in marigold ensilage made from temple waste and evaluation of phytobiotic compound developed. Ms Waheedunnisa Nizamuddin Chaudri
2022-08-29 journal international Volume: 9
Identification of radiation responsive RBC membrane associated proteins (RMAPs) in whole-body irradiated New Zealand white rabbits Mr Prabuddho Mukherjee
Jubilee Purkayastha, Priyanka Grover, Kamendra Kumar, Sudhir Chandna
2023-01-18 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: Online ISSN: 2215-017X
Volume: Volume 37, March 2023, e00783
Impact of ovariectomy and estradiol replacement on the brain steroid levels of the Indian stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis. Dr Surabhi Mishra
Radha Chaube
2022-09-05 journal international Aquaculture and Fisheries. ISSN / ISBN: 2468-550X
Volume: 7
Impact Factor: 3.25
Citation Index: 2
H Index: 4
Characterization and screening of marine Pseudomonas stutzeri for industrially important enzymes under oligotrophic conditions Mr Prajith G Nambiar
Malik Nagesh
2023-04-24 journal international International Journal of Current Research and Review ISSN / ISBN: 0975-5241
Volume: 15
Microbial conversion of lignin rich biomass hydrolysates to medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates (mcl PHA) using Pseudomonas putida KT2440 Dr. Suveera Vijaykumar Bellary
Mallikarjun Patil, Aruna Mahesh and Arvind Lali
2022-03-10 journal international Taylor and Francis Online ISSN / ISBN: 1532-2297
Volume: NA
Impact Factor: 2
Editorial overview: Ionic liquids as a potential media for sustainable applications, 2023, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 40, 100739 Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2023-04-26 journal international Elsevier Volume: 40
Impact Factor: 9.3
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Synthesis of alkyl levulinate as fuel blending agent by catalytic valorization of carbohydrates via alcoholysis: Recent advances and challenges 2022, Catalysis Today, 408, 9-21 Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2023-01-26 journal international Elsevier Volume: 408
Impact Factor: 5.2
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Ionic liquids for bioenergy production Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2022-12-30 book (research) international Elsevier Volume: 1
Impact Factor: 0
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Recent advances in lipase-catalyzed greener production of biodiesel in organic reaction media: Economic and sustainable viewpoint Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2023-03-30 book (research) international Elsevier Volume: 1
Impact Factor: 0
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Phytoremediation Potential of Some Ornamental Plants: A Review Mrs Sakshi
Snehal Unde
2022-07-01 journal international International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 2394 – 7780
Volume: Volume 9, Issue 3 (VII), 2022
Impact Factor: 7.36
Variations in wood microstructure correlated with iron ore mining Dr. Vishnuprasad Varadarajan
Sangeeta Gupta, Ankita Gupta
2022-08-06 book (research) international Lambert Academic Publishing ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-620-5-51373-6
Volume: 1
Anandanubhava-The concept of well-being in the Upanishads Ms Vrushali Gupte
2022-03-01 chapters in edited volume national Empyreal Publishing House ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-944813-7-9
Volume: first
Defence Life Science Journal Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble
Dr. Manju Phadke
2022-07-03 journal international Defence Research and Development Organization ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 2456-379X
Volume: Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2022.
Phytoremediation potential of some ornamental plants- a review. Ms Snehal Ashish Unde
Sakshi Raj Kumar
2022-09-30 journal international Indian Academicians and Researchers Association ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2394-7780
Volume: Volume 9, Issue 3 (VII)
Impact Factor: 7.36
In-Vitro Studies and Multiple Shootlet Induction in Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze Ms Ruchika Ganesh Dani
Dr. Mahavir Gosavi
2022-09-09 journal international Prints Publications Pvt Ltd ISSN / ISBN: 0970-2539
Volume: 38
Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Spores from Industrial Belts of MIDC, Dombivli, Thane District of Maharashtra for Winter Season, Mrs Ashwini Aniruddha Deshpande
Dr. Mahavir Gosavi
2022-01-16 journal international Prints Publication ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 0970-2539,
Volume: Vol 38, Issue 1, pp:159-163.
Dr. Mahavir Gosavi
2023-02-20 journal national Asiatic Society of Mumbai ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 0972-0766
Volume: pp:17-23. Vol. 96, No.12.
2023-04-30 book (research) state Volume: NIL
Study of (n, p), (n, alpha ) and (n, 2n) reactions of stable and radio-nuclides produced in a reactor environment Dr. Vishal V. Desai
I. Mazumdar
2023-03-14 journal international Pramana Journal of Physics ISSN / ISBN: 0304-4289 (print) ; eISSN: 0973-7111 (online)
Volume: 97
Impact Factor: 1.9
Citation Index: 3.6
H Index: 61
Catechizing Women Empowerment through a Multi-Dimensional Prism: Insights from Gender Statistics Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2023-03-27 journal international Innovations, ISSN / ISBN: ISSN12674982
Volume: NA
Incorporating SDGs in Water Policy; Perspective from Jal Jeevam Mission Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2023-03-27 chapters in edited volume international ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-959870-78
Volume: NA
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
Wendy Wassersteins Plays as Fem-enactment Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
Singly authored
2021-07-13 journal national St. Andrews College, Bandra. ISSN / ISBN: PISSN: 2249-9059
Volume: Issue of 2019 brought out on 13th July 2021
Beauty Sleep Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2022-04-01 book (research) national Orange Books Publications ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-92878-56-5
Volume: -
Impact Factor: -
Citation Index: -
H Index: -
Research Paper titled Staging an Encounter: Citizenship and Resistance Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2022-03-29 journal international International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 2456-7620
Volume: Vol. 7, Issue 2, March †April 2022
Impact Factor: 5.553
Citation Index: -
H Index: -
Revisiting Communication Skills in English Courses in HEIs Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
Sole author
2022-03-31 journal international Cosmos, Jalna ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2456-1665
Volume: Volume VII, Issue III, March 2022
Impact Factor: 4.94
Sophia Lucid Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2022-03-01 journal national Sophia College Volume: yes
Ajanta Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2022-01-03 proceedings state Khare-Dhere College, Ratnagiri ISSN / ISBN: 22775730
Volume: yes
Medicinal plants Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble
Dr. Manju Phadke
2022-01-26 chapters in edited volume national Scientist R Academy ISSN / ISBN: ISBN
Volume: First edition
Citation Index: 978-93-5593-624-0
International Journal of Research Mr Krishnan Ramchandran
Saravanan Nadar
2022-04-30 journal international Rizvi College of Arts Science and Commerce ISSN / ISBN: 2231-6124
Volume: 11 (2)
Impact Factor: 8.694
Commercialization of Plant Tissue Culture in India: A Review Ms Pracheta Shekhar Salunkhe
Pracheta Salunkhe, Moksh Mahajan, Pradeep, Vinod Sharma, and Darshini Trivedi
2022-07-01 journal international Research and Information System for Developing Countries ISSN / ISBN: 0972-7566
Volume: 24
Fragmented Identities and Hegemonic Projects: The RSS and the Subaltern Politics in Contemporary India Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad
2021-06-01 chapters in edited volume national Akhand Publishers, New Delhi Volume: Yes
Phytochemical study and screening of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory Typhonium flagelliforme Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2021-08-25 journal international A & V Publications ISSN / ISBN: Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Volume: 14
Impact Factor: in scopus
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
Nitin Mirgane
2021-06-01 journal international CONNECT JOURNALS ISSN / ISBN: ISSN (Print) : 0971-1627 ISSN (Online) : 2456-4311
Volume: 31
Impact Factor: 0.27
Citation Index: 857
H Index: 17
Practical Handbook on Medical Microbiology and Immunology Mrs Jyoti Vivek Babar
Dr. Sudipta, Mrs. Reshmi Das
2022-06-29 book (research) international My rays Publication centre ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-93337-02-3
Volume: 1
Impact Factor: NA
Citation Index: NA
H Index: NA
In-Vitro Studies and Multiple Shootlet Induction in Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kuntze Ms Ruchika Ganesh Dani
Dr. Mahavir Gosavi
2022-09-09 journal international Prints Publications Pvt Ltd ISSN / ISBN: 0970-2539
Volume: 38 (1)
Connecting South Asia through sub-regional initiatives: A case study of (B) BIN MVA in Adluri Subramanyam Raju (ed.), Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation in South Asia Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
2022-01-01 chapters in edited volume international London and New York: Routledge, ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-032-23429-8 (hbk)
Volume: edited volume
Food Insecurity and Covid-19 in Mumbai, Third Concept Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
2022-01-01 journal national Volume: Vol.35, No.419
Diaspora a Key in strengthening India-US relations under Modi Government FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
Smriti Singh
2021-10-01 journal national ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2581-6586
Volume: Issue.1, Vol.5
Is Pakistan still an Irritant in India-US Relations?, FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
2022-04-01 journal national ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2581-6586
Volume: Iss.3, Vol.5
Declining health of Yamuna River ecosystem Mrs Pooja Santosh Sawant
Ms. Surbhi Singh
2021-03-01 journal international IJAIR ISSN / ISBN: 2394-7780
Volume: 8
Impact Factor: 7.36
Impact of Lockdown due to Covid 19 pandemic on air quality in India Mrs Pooja Santosh Sawant
2021-09-01 journal n/a IJAIR ISSN / ISBN: 2394-7780
Volume: 8
Impact Factor: 7.36
Application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to enhance mcl-PHA copolymer Projects Grants Seminars Conferences production by Massilia sp using cane molasses as a carbon source., Dr Priyanka Keshav Naik
Dr. Vaijyanti Ranade
2022-04-20 journal national Journal of Advanced Scientific Research Volume: 13(3)
Novel polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) copolymer production by Massilia sp using molasses as a carbon source. Dr Priyanka Keshav Naik
Dr. Vaijyanti Ranade
2021-06-06 book (research) international International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Volume: 12(6)
Have You Arrived Yet? Attempting a Disambiguation of the Modernist-Postmodernist Dichotomy Dr Seema C.
2022-03-31 journal international Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies Volume: Vol. 30
‘Covid Pandemic: Paradigm Shift from Social Dysfunction to Social Function’
Single Author
2020-11-17 journal national Keanean Journal of Arts ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2348-1110
Volume: Peer reviewed
Comparative study of roadside avenue trees as bio-indicators of air pollution in and around Mumbai, India: A case study. Dr. Vishnuprasad Varadarajan
Kirthika Sivasubramanian
2022-03-01 journal international International Journal of Science and Research Archive ISSN / ISBN: 2582-8185
Volume: 02(02)
Impact Factor: 8.2
A Decent in India’s HDI Ranking: A Retrospective Analysis Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2022-12-27 journal international Indian Development Review ISSN / ISBN: 0972-9437
Volume: NA
Bhudan Andolan- People’s Movement- A lost case of Land Reforms Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2022-11-27 chapters in edited volume national ISSN / ISBN: 9.78939E+12
Volume: NA
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
Biotechnological Techniques to Engineer Disease Free Plants Ms Pracheta Shekhar Salunkhe
2021-06-26 journal national ISSN / ISBN: 2321-8681
Volume: 8
Eco-Aesthetics And World Literature Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2021-05-11 chapters in edited volume international Notion Press ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 9781639203550
Volume: yes
Reflection Of Pandemics On Literature, Culture And Society Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2021-02-01 chapters in edited volume international Lampert Academic Publishing ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 9786203409581
Volume: yes
Problematizing Narratives Of Postcolonial National Identity Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2020-08-01 proceedings national Volume: yes
Green Synthesis of AuNPs by Acinetobacter sp. GWRVA25: Optimization, Characterization, and Its Antioxidant Activity Dr Richa Singh
Shradhda B Nadhe, Sweety A Wadwani, Richa Singh, Balu A Chopade
2020-06-18 journal international Frontiers in Chemistry ISSN / ISBN: 2296-2646
Volume: Volume 8
Impact Factor: 5.221
Hybrid Learning: Integrating MOOCs, Projects and Virtual Labs in Traditional Classrooms for Undergraduate Students Dr Richa Singh
Subi Yoosuf, Richa Singh, Tara Menon
2020-06-09 proceedings national E-Disha Volume: page no. 50
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Profitability of Banks-A Case study of Axis Bank Mr Avin Kaushik Shah
Dr.Ramraj T Nadar
2021-04-17 journal international ISSN / ISBN: ISSN:2394-7780
Volume: Volume 8 ,Issue 2 (II) April-June 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF Impact Factor: 7.36
Deployment of AI driven Chatbots and Virtual assistants in Indian Banks and its Imapct on Profitability of Banks -A Case Study of SBI,HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank Mr Avin Kaushik Shah
Dr.Ramraj T Nadar
2021-04-30 journal national Modern Thamizh research ISSN / ISBN: ISSN:2321-984X
Volume: Special Issue
Sambh- An Open Access Peer-reviewed Interdisciplinary Journal Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad
2021-05-01 journal international University of Mumbai Volume: Yes
Degradation of dyes using biologically synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles Dr Nitin A Mirgane
Nitin A Mirgane
2021-01-01 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: ISSN : 2214-7853
Volume: 37
Impact Factor: cite score 3.2
Citation Index: 193
H Index: 9
Adsorption of methylene blue dye over activated charcoal from the fruit peel of plant hydnocarpus pentandra Dr Nitin A Mirgane
Nitin A Mirgane
2021-09-18 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: ISSN : 2214-7853
Volume: 37
Impact Factor: cite score 3.2
Citation Index: 193
H Index: 9
Waste pericarp of ananas comosus in green synthesis zinc oxide nanoparticles and their application in waste water treatment Dr Nitin A Mirgane
Nitin A Mirgane
2021-07-09 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: ISSN : 2214-7853
Volume: 37
Impact Factor: cite score 3.2
Citation Index: 193
H Index: 9
Green synthesis of the plant assisted nanoparticles from Euphorbia neriifolia L. and its application in the degradation of dyes from industrial waste Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2021-04-28 journal international horizonepublishing ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 2348-1900; DOI: 10.14719/pst; CODEN: PSTLEH
Volume: 8
Impact Factor: 0.9
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
A Masking-Based Image Encryption Scheme Using Chaotic Map and Elliptic Curve Cryptography Ms Mansi Subhash Palav
Ruchi Telang Gode and S. V. S. S. N. V. G. Krishna Murthy
2021-02-28 chapters in edited volume international Springer ISSN / ISBN: 978-981-15-9953-8
Volume: 1287
Citation Index: 2
H Index: 1
Hybrid learning: integrating MOOCS, projects and virtual labs in traditional classroom for undergraduate students Dr Subi Yoosuf
Richa Singh and Tara Menon
2020-12-09 proceedings national ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-920431-9-7
Volume: DISHA: E-proceeding of four day national webinar on Steering HEIs in the wake of Covid-19: The way a
Revisiting the Essentialism of Ecofeminism Dr Seema C.
2020-06-30 journal national Pragati’s English Journal ISSN / ISBN: ISSN no. 0975-4091
Volume: Vol. 20, No. 1
Corona in Times of Consumerism: A Reading of Chinese Cannibalism and Western Typhoid Dr Seema C.
2020-11-30 journal international Dialog ISSN / ISBN: ISSN no. 0975-4881
Volume: Iss. 36
Recent advances of use of the supercritical carbon dioxide for the biomass pre-treatment and extraction: A mini-review. 2021, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 98, 18-34. Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Dange R., Bhanage B.M.
2021-01-25 journal international Elsevier Volume: 98
Impact Factor: 3.3
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
COVID-19: A Review on Epidemiology, Clinical Features and Possible Potential Drugs Based on Available Case Studies. 2021, Coronaviruses, 2, 299-312 Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Patil D.V., Badgujar A.B., Patil V.P., Dhangar D.D.
2020-12-08 journal international Bentham Science Publication Volume: 2
Impact Factor: 0
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Investigation of effect of ultrasound on immobilized C. rugosa lipase: Synthesis of biomass based furfuryl derivative and green metrics evaluation study. 2021, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 144, 10 Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar V.C., Badgujar K.C., Yeole P.M., Bhanage B.M.
2021-03-31 journal international Elsevier Volume: 144
Impact Factor: 3.4
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Importance and use of pulse oximeter in COVID-19 pandemic: general factors affecting the sensitivity of pulse oximeter. 2020, Indian Chemical Engineer, 62, 374-384 Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Badgujar A.B., Dhangar D.D., Badgujar V.B.
2020-11-27 journal international Elsevier Volume: 62
Impact Factor: 1.5
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Reappraising Gandhian Economic Philosophy in the light of its relevance in Modern India Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2021-08-27 chapters in edited volume national ISSN / ISBN: 9.78939E+12
Volume: NA
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
Emerging Trends in Literature Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2019-06-06 proceedings national Gogate-Walke College , Banda, Sawantwadi ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-81-925027-1-7.
Volume: Edited by Dr. Dattaguru Joshi
Adhyaapanam Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2019-11-01 journal local Institute of Comprehensive Education Volume: yes
Isolation of a novel poly-γ-glutamic acid-producing Bacillus licheniformis A14 strain and optimization of fermentation conditions for high-level production Dr Pramod Dattatrya Ghogare
Anees Ahmed Mahaboob Ali, Bilal Momin
2019-12-24 journal international Taylor & Francis ISSN / ISBN: Print ISSN: 1082-6068 Online ISSN: 1532-2297
Volume: 01-Aug
Impact Factor: 1.117 (2018)
Acinetobacter sp. mediated synthesis of AgNPs, its optimization, characterization and synergistic antifungal activity against C. albicans. Dr Richa Singh
Shradhda Nadhe, Richa Singh, Sweety Wahwani and Balu Chopade
2019-05-09 journal international Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN / ISBN: 1365-2672
Volume: 127 (2) : 445-458
Impact Factor: 2.683
Impact of project based learning at undergraduate level Dr Subi Yoosuf
Prajith Nambiar and Tara Menon
2020-03-12 journal international Xplore ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2249-1878
Volume: -
Impact of project based learning at undergraduate level Mr Prajith G Nambiar
Dr. Subi Yoosuf and Dr. Tara Menon
2020-03-12 journal international Xplore-St. Xaviers College ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2249-1878
Volume: Vol:11, p43-51
Impact of project based learning at undergraduate level Mr Prajith G Nambiar
Dr. Subi Yoosuf and Dr. Tara Menon
2020-03-12 journal international Xplore-St. Xaviers College ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2249-1878
Volume: Vol:11, p43-51
Economic and Demographic Analysis of Urban Slum- A case study of Mumbai slums Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2019-01-01 journal national Journol of Gujarat Research Society ISSN / ISBN: 0374-8588
Volume: Na
Impact Factor: 4.3
Preliminary antimicrobial study of Kantakari (Solanum Xanthocarpum Schrd &Wendl) by ditch plate technique
Sayali Shintre, Ramteke Ashok, Vivek Parab
2019-05-03 journal international International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma research ISSN / ISBN: ISSN:2322-0902 (P),ISSN : 2322-0910
Volume: Vol 7, Issue 5
Impact of Online Promotional Offers on E-Buying: Youth Perspective Mr Krishnan Ramchandran
Dr. Ramraj T. Nadar
2019-04-27 journal international International Journal Advance and Innovative Research ISSN / ISBN: ISSN
Volume: 6
Impact Factor: 7.36
Luminescence Dr Aarti Arun Muley
S J Dhoble
2019-05-15 journal international Wiley ISSN / ISBN: 1522-7243
Volume: Volume 34 Issue 7
Impact Factor: 1.691
Citation Index: 5
H Index: 1
Research article titled Environmental Activism and Ecofiction Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2020-04-28 chapters in edited volume international Setu Publications, Pittsburgh, PA (USA) ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-947403-10-9
Volume: Published in the book titled Women, Nurturing Outlook and Ecology: Theory and Practice
Citation Index: -
Book review of the The Red River Book of Haibun Vol 1 published in The Narrow Road Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2020-04-25 News articles/opinions/columns national Editors Raamesh Gowri Raghavan and Paresh Tiwari ISSN / ISBN: A Literary Magazine showcasing Poetry, Haibun and Short Fiction
Volume: Narrow Road, volume 10, April 2020
Environmental pollution and health management Mr Pramod Ananda Kamble
2020-02-28 proceedings international ISSN / ISBN: ISBN
Volume: Volume 1
Citation Index: 978-81-940512-4-4
Belong, Become or else Be Lost! Akan Environmental Philosophy
2020-03-04 proceedings international International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research ISSN / ISBN: 2390-7780
Volume: NA
Mathematical modelling as a tool to optimize PHA production by Massilia spp., Dr Priyanka Keshav Naik
Dr. Vaijyanti Ranade
2020-04-20 book (research) national Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology Volume: 23(2)
Bioanalytical Evaluation of PHA Co-Polymer Produced by Massilia Spp Isolated From rhizosphere Soil. Dr Priyanka Keshav Naik
Dr. Vaijyanti Ranade
2020-04-15 book (research) international International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences Volume: 11(1)
The Postmodern Cannibalistic Self in Mo Yans The Republic of Wine Dr Seema C.
2020-04-30 journal international Ajanta ISSN / ISBN: ISSN no. 2277-5730
Volume: Vol. IX No. II
Impact Factor: 6.399
Badgujar K.C.,A review on catalytic synthesis of energy rich fuel additive levulinate compounds from biomass derived levulinic acid. 2020, Fuel Processing Technology, 197, 2-19 Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2020-01-30 journal international Elsevier Volume: 197
Impact Factor: 7.5
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
A Consumer Based Study on the Usage of Online Payment System in Mumbai Mr Krishnan Ramchandran
Dr. Ramraj T. Nadar
2020-03-30 journal national Study in Indian Place Names ISSN / ISBN: 2394-3114
Volume: 40
Impact Factor: 6.2
Impact of Project-based learning at undergraduate level Dr Tara Suresh Menon
2020-03-07 journal international Xaviers College ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2249-1878
Volume: Vol:11
Health Service Utilization and Coping Mechanisms of Urban Slum Dwellers: A Case of Mumbai Slums Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2020-11-27 journal international Arts Social Science Journal- ISSN / ISBN: 21526200
Volume: NA
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
Journal of Luminescence Dr Aarti Arun Muley
Arpita Vyas, RA Talewar, CP Joshi, SV Moharil
2018-02-01 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: 0022-2313
Volume: 194
Impact Factor: 2.74
Citation Index: 1
2018-09-08 proceedings national International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research ISSN / ISBN: 2394-7780
Volume: NA
The Lingeshwar Temple and the Lurking Shadows Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2019-03-04 book (research) international Kindle edition released on 4th March 2019.222 pages. 1127 KB. ISSN / ISBN: ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) B07P8CT2PQ
Volume: Edited a novel (Crime, Thriller and Mystery category) by Laxmi Natraj titled The Lingeshwar Temple a
The Postmodern Multiverse: Navigating Infinite Universes and Unlimited Realities Dr Seema C.
2019-02-01 journal international Research Journal ISSN / ISBN: 2348-7143
Volume: Special Issue 111(A)
Impact Factor: 6.261
Trends and Issues in Literature Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2018-10-06 proceedings national Gogate- Walke College of Arts and Commerce, Banda ISSN / ISBN: 9.78819E+12
Volume: yes
Genesis, Evolution and Success of the Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society Mr Sampath V Sambasivan
2018-12-01 journal national Foundation for Agrarian Studies ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2248-9002
Volume: --
Impact Factor: --
Citation Index: --
H Index: --
Performance Evaluation of E-Grocery Markets in India- A Study on Comsumer Perception towards Online Grocery Shopping in Mumbai
2018-10-10 journal international Ajanta Prakashan ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2277-5730
Volume: Volume -VII, Issue-IV, October-December 2018
Impact Factor: 5.5
An Eclectic Study on Yoga, Physical Education & Developmental Skills
Single author
2018-03-31 book (research) national Purbayon Publication, Guwahati, Assam ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-93-87263-39-0
Volume: Co-editor of the Volume
Comparative Ecological Analysis of Five Freshwater Lakes in and around Mumbai, India. Dr. Vishnuprasad Varadarajan
Leance Mendonsa
2019-11-21 journal international Medwin Publishers, Troy ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2578-4994
Volume: 3(4)
Impact Factor: 2.09
The Relationship between the usage of Internet Banking and Mobile Banking & the operating profits of selected private sector banks in India. Mr Avin Kaushik Shah
2019-04-27 journal international ISSN / ISBN: ISSN:2394-7780
Volume: Volume 6 ,Issue 2 (XIV) April-June 2019
Molecular and NLO Properties of Red Fluorescent Coumarins †DFT Computations Using Long-Range Separated and Conventional Functionals Dr Santosh Bansilal Katariya
Nagaiyan Sekar Lydia Rhyman Ibrahim A. Alswaidan Ponnadurai Ramasami
2018-12-15 journal international ISSN / ISBN: 1053-0509
Volume: 23
A Review of Image Registration Methods in Medical Imaging Ms Leeba John
Lissa John
2019-05-12 journal international International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) Volume: 178
Seasonal changes in levels of hormones in the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis, in forebrain regions during different reproductive phases, Dr Surabhi Mishra
Radha Chaube
2019-08-07 proceedings national NCRDF-2019 ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5396-043-8
Volume: 1
Impact Factor: 0
Citation Index: 0
H Index: 4
Effective microorganisms based fermentation for Antioxidant rich Health Drink from Medicinal plants. Ms Deepika Ramdas Tambe
2019-01-29 journal international IOSR journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2455-264X
Volume: Volume 5
Vaccine development against coronavirus (2003 to present): an overview, recent advances, current scenario, opportunities and challenges. 2020, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Review Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Badgujar V.C., Badgujar S.B.
2020-07-28 journal international Elsevier Volume: 84
Impact Factor: 4
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M. Editorial overview: Ionic liquids as a potential media for sustainable applications, 2023, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 40, 100739 Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2030-04-26 News articles/opinions/columns international Elsevier Volume: 40
Impact Factor: 9.3
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Dedicated and waste feedstocks for biorefinery: an approach to develop a sustainable society Dr Kirtikumar C Badgujar
Badgujar K.C., Bhanage B.M.
2019-04-04 book (research) international Elsevier Volume: 1
Impact Factor: 0
H Index: Author (Kirtikumar Badgujar) Scopus h-index: 25
Evaluation of Invitro Conditions Influencing Phosphatidylinositol-Specific Phospholipase C Production By Staphylococcus Aureus ATCC 9144 Dr Deepali Kirankumar Kothekar
Debjani dasgupta
2013-01-01 journal international International journal of Pharma and Biosciences ISSN / ISBN: 0975-6299
Volume: no
H Index: 1
Increased activity of goat liver plasma membrane alkaline phosphatase upon release by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C Dr Deepali Kirankumar Kothekar
Atmaram Bandivdekar and Debjani Dasgupta
2014-08-01 journal international Indian journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics ISSN / ISBN: 0975-0959
Volume: no
Impact Factor: 0.9
differential action of bacterial phosphatidylinositol- specific phospholipase c on bovine erythrocyte membrane ghost Dr Deepali Kirankumar Kothekar
Debjani Dasgupta
2015-07-01 journal national Indian Journal of Applied Research ISSN / ISBN: 2249-555x
Volume: no
Impact Factor: 6.03 (SJIF)
H Index: 1
Rapid synthesis of copper and silver nanoparticles using Zingiber officinale dried rhizome extract Dr Deepali Kirankumar Kothekar
2017-07-01 journal international International journal of Pharma and Biosciences ISSN / ISBN: 0975-6299
Volume: no
Impact Factor: 6.268 (SJIF)
H Index: 1
Novel CoronaVirus and Changing Lifestyle: Mainland India Mr Krishnan Ramchandran
Saravanan Nadar and Dr. Ramraj T. Nadar
2022-06-30 journal international International Journal of Research ISSN / ISBN: 2231-6124
Volume: 11
Impact Factor: 8.694
Dhamma on social and communal harmony Ms Vrushali Gupte
2019-01-01 chapters in edited volume international Nav Vishnu Publications ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-93330-77-7
Volume: first
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Species Composition During Rainy Season From Polluted Sites And Their Role As Biofertilizer, Mrs Ashwini Aniruddha Deshpande
Dr. Mahavir Gosavi
2022-12-02 journal international IJFANS ISSN / ISBN: e-ISSN 2320-7876),
Volume: pp. 228-235. Vol 11, Issue13
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
Meditational Practices in Buddhism Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
2017-05-15 journal national Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Volume: no
When the Student is ready Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
2017-07-15 journal national Volume: no
Varkari Sampradaya - Unparallel devotion of the Saints of Maharashtra Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
2017-08-12 proceedings national department of philosophy, SIES & Sri Shanmukhananda Sabha ISSN / ISBN: 9.78819E+12
Volume: yes
Business Planning & Entrepreneurship Management
Dr. Aparna Jain, Ms. Rupal Shroff
2017-06-07 book (research) state Sheth Publications ISSN / ISBN: ISBN-978-93-5149-397-6
Volume: 1
Indian Music Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2017-07-01 proceedings national SIES College and Shanmukhananda Sangeeta Vidyalaya ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-934533-0-8
Volume: YES
Edited a novel by Laxmi Natraj entitled A Bride, A Murder and a Trail of Blood. Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2018-01-15 book (research) national Story Mirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. January 2018. ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-86305-48-0
Volume: Edited a novel by Laxmi Natraj entitled A Bride, A Murder and a Trail of Blood.
Article titled What Ails the English Classroom? in Synergy, a Hindi and English Bilingual Quarterly, October-December 2017, Issue no. 1. Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2018-10-15 journal national Dr. Rajam Natarajan Volume: Article titled What Ails the English Classroom?in Synergy, a Hindi and English Bilingual Quarterly,
Research paper titled Honestly Speaking in a refereed transnational journal of language and literature Virtuoso. ISSN 2249-6076. Pgs 35-39. February 2017 issue, received only in June 2017. Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2017-02-17 journal national Dr. T.S. Chandra Mouli ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2249-6076
Volume: In a refereed transnational journal of language and literature named Virtuoso
Towards a Desire for the Centre: Alternative Universes of Conjuring Dr Seema C.
2018-04-17 journal international The International Journal of Culture, Literature and Criticism ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 0976-1608
Volume: Yes
International Journal of Research & Review Dr Aarti Arun Muley
C.V. Venkatakrishnan, S.V. Moharil
2017-05-14 journal international Sci. Journal ISSN / ISBN: 2231-2196
Volume: 9
Impact Factor: 4
Ruminations: The Andrean Journal of Literature Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2017-09-22 journal national St. Andrews College, Bandra ISSN / ISBN: ISSN-2249-9059
Volume: Peer reviewed research journal
Exploring Chanakya Relevance in Modern Economic Sphere- With respect to his ideas on Tax and Role of state Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2018-02-02 journal international International Journal of Creative Research Thought ISSN / ISBN: 23202882
Volume: NA
Impact Factor: 5.97
BOTANY III (CURRENT TRENDS IN BOTANY) (USB0403) Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
2018-01-01 chapters in edited volume national TECH-MAX PUBLICATION ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-87523-62-3
Impact Factor: NA
BOTANY II (FORMS AND FUNCTION) (USB0402) Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
2018-01-01 chapters in edited volume national TECH-MAX PUBLICATION ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-87523-61-6
Impact Factor: NA
Bharud- Rustic musical heritage of Maharashtra Ms Vrushali Gupte
2017-02-01 proceedings national ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-934533-0-8
Volume: NA
Triphenylamine-based fluorescent NLO phores with ICT characteristics: Solvatochromic and theoretical study Dr Santosh Bansilal Katariya
Dinesh Patil Lydia Rhyman , Ibrahim A. Alswaidan , Ponnadurai Ramasami , Nagaiyan Sekar
2017-08-28 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: 0022-2860
Volume: 1150
NLOphoric rigid pyrazino-phenanthroline donor-p-acceptor compounds: Investigation of structural and solvent effects on non-linear optical properties using computational methods Dr Santosh Bansilal Katariya
Shantaram Kothavale, , Nagaiyan Seka
2017-10-30 journal international Elsevier ISSN / ISBN: 0925-3467
Volume: 75
Carbazole-Based Mono and Bis-styryl NLOphores: Structure Property Correlation Dr Santosh Bansilal Katariya
Manali Rajeshirke• Nagaiyan Sekar
2017-11-08 journal international Springer New York ISSN / ISBN: 0095-9782
Volume: 46
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
Crossing the Threshold: Transgression and Resistance Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
Not Applicable
2016-11-12 journal international Research Scholar “ An International Refereed e-Journal of Litera ISSN / ISBN: ISSN no. 2320-6101.
Impact Factor: 0.998 (IIFS)
Dramatizing a Critical Juncture in the History of Feminism... Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
Not Applicable
2017-01-12 proceedings international Kirti College ISSN / ISBN: ISBN no. 978 81 930 573 77
˜The Post-modern Fairy tale: A Gendered Perspective “Reading Angela Carter™s The Werewolf Dr Seema C.
2016-10-03 journal international Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) ISSN / ISBN: ISSN no. 2395 2636
Connecting with Diaspora: BJP™s Foreign Policy Mantra in the Twenty First Century Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
2017-01-01 chapters in books national Atlantic ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-81-269-2190-4
Virtuoso: A Refereed Transnational Bi-annual Journal of Language and Literature in Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2016-07-01 journal national ISSN / ISBN: ISSN : 2249
Volume: edited
Impact Factor: 4.73
˜The Rise of the Super-Hero “ How the Comic Book became a true reflection of the Spirit of the Age™ Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2017-01-15 proceedings national Kirti M. Doongursee College ISSN / ISBN: ISBN no. 978 81 930 573 77.
Monsoon - Arthvayshtha and Rajnity par Aasar. Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2016-07-16 journal national ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2394-8487
A Sustainable and Efficient Synthesis of Benzyl Phosphonates Using PEG/KI Catalytic System Frontier in Chemistry, 2016, 4, 1-5.
2016-07-28 journal international Frontier in Chemistry ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 2296-2646
Three R™s “ Revive, Reform and Restart for human excellence
2016-11-16 journal local ADHIGAM-SIES Central Training Newsletter ISSN / ISBN: others
Reflections on Mythological Discourse Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
2016-11-16 proceedings national Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti ISSN / ISBN: ISBN No. 978-81-925489-6-8
Shaiva Siddhanta Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
2017-01-30 journal international
Pravaasee Bharteeyon ka Dastavez Havan Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey
Dr. Shaileshkumar Dubey
2016-07-07 chapters in books national Shailaja Publication ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-80788-47-0
Media aur vitamin Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey
Dr. Shaileshkumar Dubey
2016-12-11 journal national swami publication ISSN / ISBN: -
Shaiva Siddhanta Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
2017-01-17 journal international Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd. ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-7039-300-9
A Sustainable and Efficient synthesis of Benzyl Phosphonates using PEG/KI catalytic system.
2016-07-28 journal international Frontier in Chemistry ISSN / ISBN: Frontier in Chemistry, 2016, 4, 1-5. ISSN: 2296-2646
˜Cytotoxicity of Strptomyces Sp. Isolated from Mangrove Sediments.
2016-06-06 journal international ISSN / ISBN: Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, 2016, 5 (6), 230-232 ISSN - 2250-1991
Impact Factor: 5.2
˜Extraction of Lignin Peroxidase Enzyme from bacteria isolated from the Mangrove wood™.
2016-06-12 journal international ISSN / ISBN: Paripex-Indian Journal of Research 2016, 5 (6), 7-9. ISSN - 2250-1991
Impact Factor: 5.2
˜Chemical Analysis of Bioactive exctract of Streptomyces SP. isolated from a forest soil™.
2016-06-13 journal international ISSN / ISBN: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences 2016, 330, 2 ISSN 2454-2229
Impact Factor: 3.34
· Biochemical studies on the fresh water Bivalve Mussel Parreysia Cylindrica™.
2016-06-08 journal international ISSN / ISBN: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences 2016, 323, 2 ISSN 2454-2229
Impact Factor: 3.34
Absenteeism of Undergraduate students in Mathematics and Statistics classrooms: An analysis of Causes and Effects Ms Geeta Sudarshan Paluskar
Pallavi Rege
2016-10-01 journal international International Journal of Advanced Research in Education & Techno ISSN / ISBN: ISSN : 2394-6814(print)
Impact Factor: 1.568
Women Empowerment Through Self Employment Acase study of Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad Mrs Maria John Fernandes
2016-09-01 journal international Jaihind Education Society Pune ISSN / ISBN: ISSN-2277-9302
Efficiency Among The Sugarcane Farmers of Bhirdachiwadi: A Case Study Using DEA and SFA
Dr. Swati Raju
2016-12-01 proceedings international International DEA society ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978 1 85449 413 9
E Commerce And Digitial Marketing
Rahul Kotian
2017-07-07 book (research) international Himalaya Publication ISSN / ISBN: ISBN : 978-93-5262-183-5
Educating Netizens Mrs Vaishali Vijay Falnikar
2016-09-03 proceedings national Podar College of Commerce and Economics ISSN / ISBN: ISBN:978-93-85777-97-4
Bioremediation of SIlver from Waste using Actinomycetes
Lynn Dlima
2017-01-01 journal international IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food techn ISSN / ISBN: e ISSN: 2319-2402, p ISSN: 2319-2399
Impact Factor: 3.462
Study of mixed Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon degradation by bacteria isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated sites
Vivek Parab
2017-03-15 journal international IOSR Journal Of Environmental Science, Toxicology And Food Techn ISSN / ISBN: E ISSN: 2319-2402, P ISSN: 2319-2399
2016-07-01 chapters in books national SHAILAJA PRAKASHAN YASHODA NAGAR KANPUR ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-80788-47-0
2017-02-01 chapters in books national GYANPRAKASHAN KIDWAI NAGAR KANPUR ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-80669-93-9
2016-12-30 journal national SAMICHEEN HIMALAYA SOCIETY GHATKOPAR MUMBAI 400084 ISSN / ISBN: 2250-2335
HINDUSTANI JABAN Mr Dinesh Shatrughan Pathak
2016-12-30 journal national HINDUSTANI PRACHAR SABHA MUMBAI 4000 02 ISSN / ISBN: 0378-3928
2017-01-01 journal national SAMICHEEN HIMALAYA SOCIETY GHATKOPAR MUMBAI 400084 ISSN / ISBN: 2250-2335
Tests for symmetry of two-piece normal distribution
Dr V U Dixit
2017-01-30 journal international Taylor and Francis ISSN / ISBN: 3610926
Comparative account of antifungal activity of two weeds Dr Neeraja Shrinivas Tutakne
Dr. Neeraja Tutakne & Dr. V. V. Golatkar
2016-12-03 journal international International Journal of Life-science ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 2320-7817, eISSN: 2320-964X
Absenteeism of Undergraduate students in Mathematics & Statistics classrooms: An analysis of Causes and Effects Mrs Pallavi Guruprasad Rege
Geeta Paluskar
2016-07-30 journal international International journal of Advanced Research in Education & Techno ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 2394-2975 Online ISSN : 2394-6814 Print
Impact Factor: 1.568
, ˜Durgraj™ Dr Varsha Sandeep Muley
2016-05-07 article in newspaper state
Solidarity by Salt; Making of a mass movement Dr Varsha Sandeep Muley
2017-01-30 proceedings n/a K.V. Pendharkar College, Dombivli. ISSN / ISBN: , ISBN- 978-81-925842-1-9
˜career samruddhatecha Itihas™ Dr Varsha Sandeep Muley
2017-01-27 article in newspaper local
Effective Microorganisms based fermentation for antioxidant rich health drink from medicinal plants
Mohanan M, Tambe D
2017-02-10 proceedings international ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-81-9330-83-9-4
Tackling PAHs pollution using Microbial consortia
Siddiqui S, Tambe D
2017-02-17 proceedings international ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-81-9330-83-9-4
Make- In-India- An Answer to Service led Growth Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
1916-01-01 journal international Golden Research Thoughts ISSN / ISBN: ISSN- 2231- 5063
Volume: Yes
Impact Factor: , 4.6052
Citation Index: NA
H Index: NA
Variations in the Secondary xylem of Hardwood trees growing in the oldest Iron ore mines of Odisha, India. Dr. Vishnuprasad Varadarajan
Sangeeta Gupta, Ankita Gupta
2017-05-18 journal international Springer ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 0931-1890
Volume: 31(5)
Impact Factor: 2.024
H Index: 77
Applications of DNA bar coding in molecular systematics of fungi: A review Internaional journal of Life Sciences Special issue,A7 Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
2016-12-07 journal international Internaional journal of Life Sciences ISSN / ISBN: (ISSN: 2320-7817(P), ISSN: 2320-964X(O)). pp. 111-115.
Volume: A-7, Dec. 2016
Impact Factor: 3.31
Sterically Congested Chiral 7, 8Dioxa [6] helicene and Its Dihydro Analogues: Synthesis, Regioselective Functionalization, and Unexpected Domino Prins Reaction Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2015-05-06 journal international © Wiley-VCH GmbH, Weinheim ISSN / ISBN: Online ISSN:1099-0690 Print ISSN:1434-193X
Volume: 2015
Impact Factor: 3.261
Citation Index: 205
H Index: 9
Comprehensive DFT and TD-DFT Studies on the Photophysical Properties of 5,6-Dichloro-1,3-Bis(2-Pyridylimino) -4,7-Dihydroxyisoindole: A New Class of ESIPT Fluorophore Dr Santosh Bansilal Katariya
Lydia Rhyman , Ponnadurai Ramasami & Nagaiyan Sekar
2016-07-25 journal international Springer New York ISSN / ISBN: 1053-0509
Volume: 26
Triphenylamine-Based Fluorescent Styryl Dyes: DFT, TD-DFT and Non-Linear Optical Property Study Dr Santosh Bansilal Katariya
Lydia Rhyman Ibrahim A. Alswaidan Ponnadurai Ramasami Nagaiyan Sekar
2017-01-31 journal international Springer New York ISSN / ISBN: 1053-0509
Volume: 27
Photoluminescence in anthracene and its derivatives Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2016-05-06 journal international AIP Publishing ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-7354-1375-7
Volume: 2016
Impact Factor: 0.189
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
Title Author Date Type Level Publisher Details
article on campus news
2014-10-01 international
56mhealth: the future of diabetics managementin aging population Ms Maya Sajit Nair
dr.swati vitkar
2015-10-16 journal international rexjournel ISSN / ISBN: issn 2321-1067
e-learning tools in higher education Dr Abuzar Ansari
dr. r. k. singh
2015-10-16 journal international rex journal volume 3 issue 4 ISSN / ISBN: issn 2321-1067
the predicament of reality- a postmodern unravelling of mahasweta devis draupadi Dr Seema C.
2015-12-05 journal national management guru: journal of management studies, vol. 4, issue 2 ISSN / ISBN: issn 2319- 2429
atomistic individualism: a postmodern condition by choice? Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2015-12-26 journal international ISSN / ISBN: issn 2347-5021
patriarchy and racial prejudice in the deep south: re-reading tennesseewilliams cat on a hot tin roof Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2015-01-08 journal international research scholar an international refereed e-journal of literary ISSN / ISBN: issn no. 2320-6101
Impact Factor: 0.998
study of isolated marine bacteria for various applications
dr. annika durve, mrs. anju rateesh
2015-07-05 journal national ISSN / ISBN: issn †2249-555x
Impact Factor: 3.6241
bhumandalikaran : ek parivartan Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey
dr. shaileshkumar dubey
2015-07-07 book (research) national shailaja prakashan ISSN / ISBN: isbn-978-93-80788-34-0
mauritius mein hindi sahitya (kahanee ke sandarbh mein) Dr Shaileshkumar H Dubey
dr. shaileshkumar dubey
2016-01-07 book (research) national gyan prakashan ISSN / ISBN: isbn-978-93-80669-60-1
a comparative antifungal study of coriander oil and its nanoemulsion Dr Subi Yoosuf
s.d kamat, d.v. kamat
2015-01-16 journal national life sciences international research journal ISSN / ISBN: issn 2347-8691
differential action of bacterial phosphatidylinositol- specific phospholipase c on bovine erythrocyte membrane ghost, Dr Deepali Kirankumar Kothekar
dr. debjani dasgupta
2015-07-01 journal national ISSN / ISBN: issn 2249-555x
Impact Factor: 3.6241
structural, electric and magnetic properties of la1∙x srxco1∙x ruxo3 (0 â°Â¤ x â°Â¤ 0.6) solid solution Dr Vishal Dev Ashok
2015-11-15 journal international
enhanced magnetic and dielectric behavior in co doped bifeo3 nanoparticles Dr Vishal Dev Ashok
2015-05-01 journal international
carrier concentration dependent optical and electrical properties of ga doped zno hexagonal nanocrystals Dr Vishal Dev Ashok
2015-05-22 journal international
connectivity and integration in south asia Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
mohanan b pillai and adluri subramanyam raju
2015-01-01 chapters in books national kalpaz ISSN / ISBN: isbn 9789351281290
Volume: edited
india in world affairs-the next decade Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
kousar j. azam
2016-01-01 chapters in books national manohar ISSN / ISBN: isbn 978-93-5098-098-9
Volume: edited
gun control ani amerika Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
2015-12-13 article in newspaper state sakal
impact of globalization on academia- challenges, solutions to ponder & practice ( indian way ) Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
2015-09-21 journal international global research development in social science ISSN / ISBN: not applicable
Impact Factor: not applicable
Citation Index: not applicable
H Index: not applicable
business planning & entrepreneurial & management
aparna jain and radha iyer
2016-11-30 text book state sheth ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5149-397-6
training and development in human resourse management
aparna jain and radha iyer
2015-12-04 text book state sheth ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5149-405-8
adhigam Prof Lakshmi Muthukumar
2015-05-01 journal local sies central training institute Impact Factor: -
Citation Index: -
H Index: -
public relations management Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney
2015-07-07 text book state himalaya publishing house Volume: edited
recruitment and selection Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney
2015-08-07 text book local himalaya publishing house Volume: edited
the employee engagement practices at big bazaar in organised retail sector through employee index Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney
dr.sushama patil
2015-03-07 journal international tactful management research journal ISSN / ISBN: issn:2319-7943
Impact Factor: 2.1632
from cash trap to cash chain through innovation Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney
arti sharma
2015-03-07 journal international tactful management research journal ISSN / ISBN: issn:2319-7943
Volume: edited
Impact Factor: 2.1632
telecommunication..a way to change basics of marketing Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney
arti sharma
2016-01-08 proceedings international tech-max publications ISSN / ISBN: isbn:978-81-924861-2-3
Volume: edited
sherlock holmes reciprocal exchange with space: a spatio-temporal analysis of the reichenbach fall
2016-01-08 proceedings national shruthi nair
equity and debt market Mr Krishnan Ramchandran
mr. vijay gawade, mr. amandeep manku, ms. hardeep kaur
2015-11-15 text book state sheth publishers pvt ltd ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5149-443-0
isolation, optimisation and characterisation of xylanase produced by bacillus megaterium in solid state fermentation
zahera momin
2015-05-10 journal international bio nano frontier ISSN / ISBN: issn 0974-0678 online 2320-9593
Volume: edited
Impact Factor: 4.568
change management
2016-02-06 text book state seth ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5149-406-5
celebrating the spirit of womanhood apropos to swami vivekanandas ideals Ms Vrushali Gupte
2016-03-03 journal international imrf publishing house ISSN / ISBN: issn-2395-0544, isbn- 978-93-84124-66-3
an exploration of the carnival world in rajnikants films Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2016-03-21 journal international phenomenal literature: a global journal devoted to language & li ISSN / ISBN: 2347- 5951
innovations in teaching-learning & evaluation in higher education
mr. vinod menon, mr. kiran nabar
2016-02-27 proceedings national sharayu prakashan, thane(west) ISSN / ISBN: isbn no. 978-81-931 391-3-4
from margins to mainstream: deliberating ambedkars notions of nationalism Dr Ajinkya Ashok Gaikwad
gayatri lele
2016-04-09 proceedings national adarsh college of arts & commerce ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-931060-1-3
Volume: edited
india-us relations: from fractured ideological past to engaging future Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure
2016-01-01 chapters in books national g.b.books, new delhi ISSN / ISBN: isbn 978-93-83930-41-8
Volume: edited
the implementation of value innovation lab in higher education
dr. uma maheshwari shankar & ms. kamala srinivas
2016-04-01 proceedings national sies college of arts, science & commerce, sion - west ISSN / ISBN: isbn no. 978-81-931 391-3-4
Volume: edited
Religious Pluralism: Conflicts and Challenges Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
2016-02-20 journal international Filosofie Nr.34(2/2014), Romania Volume: edited
Moral Philosophy Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
Ms. Vatsala Pai
2015-08-16 text book local Sheth Publishers
The Implementation of Value Innovation Lab in Teaching and Learning Dr Uma Maheswari Shankar
Ms. Kamala Srinivas
2016-03-01 proceedings national Sharayu ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-81-931391-3-4
Volume: edited
2016-04-06 journal international ISSN / ISBN: 0975-6299
Impact Factor: 5.121
Himalaya Publishing House Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney
Veena Prasad, Booma Halpeth, Arti Sharma, Byshi Panikar
2015-01-01 text book state Mrs. Meena Pandey ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5202-763-7
Introduction to Public Relations Ms Vaneeta Premkumar Raney
2013-01-01 text book international Mrs. Meena Pandey ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5202-868-9
Volume: edited
Evolution of magnetic properties and exchange interactions in Ru doped YbCrO 3 Dr Vishal Dev Ashok
Biswajit Dalal, Babusona Sarkar, S. K. De
2016-08-24 journal international IOP ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 1361-648X, Print ISSN: 0953-8984
Impact Factor: 2.209
Mahilaow Ka Arthic Sashaktikaran Dr Shruti Rajeev Panday
2016-03-10 journal state
Learners potential to initiate the creation of a new knowledge society: An exploratory study Ms Nitya Rajendrakumar Mahajan
Ms. Biju Ramesh
2016-04-09 journal national Laxmi Book Publication ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 2231-5063
Effectiveness of Service Learning Initiatives on Student Participants: A case study. Ms Geeta Sudarshan Paluskar
Pallavi Rege
2016-02-27 proceedings national SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion W. ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-81-931 391-3-4
Evaluation System: A Relook Mrs Vaishali Vijay Falnikar
Pradnya Khandeparkar
2016-02-27 proceedings national SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce ISSN / ISBN: ISBN 978-81-931 391-3-4
The Concept Of Green Jobs As A Means For Sustainable Development Mr Avin Kaushik Shah
2016-04-19 journal international ISSN / ISBN: ISSN:2394:4560 Special Issue Vol:2 No :2 Part :1
Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)-Issues and Challenges Mr Avin Kaushik Shah
2015-02-20 proceedings international Rishabh Publishing House ISSN / ISBN: ISBN:978-93-83072-70-5(Vol.1 and 2)
Characterization properties of two-piece double exponential distribution
Dr V U Dixit
2016-05-30 journal international Taylor and Francis ISSN / ISBN: 1966324
Effectiveness of Service Learning Initiatives on student participants: A case study Mrs Pallavi Guruprasad Rege
Geeta Paluskar
2016-02-27 proceedings national SIES College of Arts, Science & College, Sion (W) ISSN / ISBN: ISBN : 978-81-931 391-3-4
Basic Principal in Physical Chemistry (T.Y.B.Sc.)
2015-06-15 text book state ISSN / ISBN: 978-93- 5149-357- 0
Basic Principal in Physical and Analytical Chemistry (S.Y.B.Sc.)
2015-06-15 book (research) state ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5149-306-8
Basic Principal in Physical and Analytical Chemistry (F.Y.B.Sc.)
2015-06-15 book (research) state ISSN / ISBN: 978-93-5149-044-9
Evaluation system: A Relook
Vaishali Falnikar
2016-02-27 proceedings national SIES College of Arts, Science & College, Sion (W) ISSN / ISBN: ISBN : 978-81-931 391-3-4
Proceedings of NAAC sponsored two day national seminar titled Innovations in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education Ms Sudha Bhagavatheeswaran
2016-02-27 proceedings national ISSN / ISBN: ISBN: 978-81-931 391-3-4
A New Course in Botany - SYBSc Semester III & IV Dr Neeraja Shrinivas Tutakne
Dr. V. V. Golatkar, Dr. Behnaz B. Patel, Dr. Neeraja S. Tutakne
2015-07-15 text book local Sheth Publication ISSN / ISBN: ISBN - 978-93-5149-363-1
Practicals in Botany - SYBSC Dr Neeraja Shrinivas Tutakne
Dr. V. V. Golatkar, Dr. Neeraja S. Tutakne
2015-06-15 text book local Sheth Publication ISSN / ISBN: ISBN-978-93-5149-366-2
Empowerment Through Credit Society Dr Abuzar Ansari
2016-04-02 journal international S R Journals Publication ISSN / ISBN: P-ISSN2319-4766
Impact Factor: 4.889
Proceedings of American Institute of Physics Volume (2016) pg:020059-1-3. Dr Aarti Arun Muley
A Vyas, NA Mirgane, SV Moharil
2016-03-02 proceedings international AIP ISSN / ISBN: doi: 10.1063/1.4946110.
Volume: 1728
Impact Factor: 0.4
Higher Education and the Challenges of Communication Mrs Vidya Hariharan
2014-12-06 proceedings national Prahlad Rai Dalmia Lions College of Commerce and Economics ISSN / ISBN: 978-81-926019-3-9
Volume: yes
Mushrooms of Imortality: Anticancerous use of Mushrooms in Chineese medicines-A review. Internaional journal of Life Sciences A-5, Dec. 2015. Dr Mahavir Chandrakant Gosavi
2015-06-12 journal international Internaional journal of Life Sciences ISSN / ISBN: (ISSN: 2320-7817(P), ISSN: 2320-964X(O))
Volume: A-5, Dec. 2015
Impact Factor: 4.369
Ionic Liquid Promoted Diels-Alder Reaction Between Anthrone and Maleimides Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2010-04-01 journal international De Gruyter Open Access ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 1895-1066 (Print) 1644-3624 (Online)
Volume: 8
Impact Factor: 2.3
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
Chiral Ionic Liquid Mediated Diels-Alder Reaction Between Anthrone Enolate and Maleimides, Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2010-06-01 journal international Bentham Science Publishers ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 1570-1786 (Print) ISSN: 1875-6255 (Online)
Volume: 7
Impact Factor: 0.797
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
Aqueous ethanol: a suitable medium for the diastereoselective Diels-Alder reaction mediated by chiral bases. Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2011-09-01 journal international Taylor & Francis Group ISSN / ISBN: ISSN 1751-8253 (Print), 1751-7192 (Online)
Volume: 4
Impact Factor: 6.016
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
Asymmetric Dielsâ€Alder Reaction Involving Chiral Benzimidazoles as Organocatalysts Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2011-05-01 journal international Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company ISSN / ISBN: Online ISSN: 1520-636X
Volume: 23
Impact Factor: 2.183
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
Ionic Liquid: A Versatile Green Catalyst for the Reaction of 9-Hydroxymethylanthracenes with Maleimides under Solvent-free Conditions Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2021-04-01 journal international CONNECT JOURNALS ISSN / ISBN: ISSN (Print) : 0971-1627 ISSN (Online) : 2456-4311
Volume: 31
Impact Factor: 0.27
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9
Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of leaves and bark of Ceropegia rollae Hemadri Dr Nitin A Mirgane
2021-07-01 journal international horizonepublishing ISSN / ISBN: ISSN: 2348-1900; DOI: 10.14719/pst; CODEN: PSTLEH
Volume: 8
Impact Factor: 0.9
Citation Index: 206
H Index: 9

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