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With the objective of improving quality of higher education, FORD Pathways to Higher Education Programme, supported by Higher Education Innovation and Research Applications (HEIRA) Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore Supported by the Ford Foundation, USA organized a number of campus initiatives. The programme aims to enhance access of quality higher education to the socially marginalized First Year students of Degree College through innovative Research applications and programmes. It also aims at sensitizing the issues of social diversity and social justice. The total duration of the programme was for three years only

  • Our college was one of the Nine selected colleges of India ( 3 each from Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala) to be eligible to receive a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs annual grant for a period of 3 years (2010-11 to 2012-13)
  • Selection of the college was done on the basis of the exemplary referral done by an organization viz. Partners for Urban knowledge Action and Research (PUKAR) with whom the college students had done extensive Research projects related to mythologies of Mumbai and Rehabilitation of slum of Dharavi
  • A challenge, of identifying the socially marginalized students, was addressed by the primary data based complete enumeration study of the First Year students. The identified strata had apprehensions about being stigmatized and did not want to be labeled as marginalized. This was handled very delicately by making a very personal approach and not making it public
  • In the year 2009-10, the lead researcher of HEIRA, CSCS,Banglore visited the college and inspected the access of technology in the premises and approved an initial grant of Rs 5 lakhs
  • Several activities were conducted under the FORD PATHWAYS Programme, to cite a few:
  • Workshop on New Technology and Social Media: Conducted by Director of the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore
  • Vidhanna: An exhibition sharing India’s diversity through food
  • Watch and View (Film Screening and Appreciation): Films- Caste out, Naya Daur, Swades and Do Aankhen Barah Haath were screened and discussed
  • Pathways Pathnatyashala : Theatre workshop conducted by
  • Vividha: A Photo Exhibition on the theme of diversity of Sion and Dharavi attracted attention of local students, youth and public at large with more than 1000 photographs capturing diversity in terms of livelihood, Street life, Educational institutions, public places etc
  • 2 Day National Conference on Social Justice:-Issues and Initiatives
  • Shiksha Hakka (Right to Education) : A Primary Research was undertaken for a sample of 2000 respondents to assess awareness related to Right to Education

Report 2013-2014

  • Coordinator of the programme was invited to represent and make presentation on the above innovative programme at the Ford Asian Conference on Higher Education held in New Delhi.
  • Success was seen in terms of transformation of socially disadvantaged students into empowered youth leaders and agents of social change. The benefits were in terms of
  • Knowledge enhancement
  • Development of socially desirable attitude
  • Enhancement of skills (Technological, computer literacy, Writing skills, narrative skills, film making, public speaking, event management, photography etc.)
  • Behavioral changes due to responsible leadership, engaging environment, team spirit
  • Assumed leadership roles by organizing the Innovative Teachers Day Programme for the whole college.
  • Received media attention for the research on youth aspirations, challenges of higher education and migration in SindhudurgDistrict.
  • Improved academic performance – These First Generation learners reached the heights of academic excellence
  • Ms. Padma P.- Topped with the honour of the First rank in the college for TYBCom Examination University of Mumbai
  • Ms. Sachita Sethi:-Completed MA (Psychology-Counseling) SNDT University
  • Ms. Vijayalakshmi L:-Pursuing MA Economics, University of Mumbai
  • Ms. Tanuja B.:- Distinction at TYBCom Examination, University of Mumbai
  • Ms.Shiny A, Ms. Vidya V and Ms.Amuda found tremendous support from the Pathways group members when their families were going through tremendous traumatic stress due to tragedies in their lives
  • These results indicate the programme has been fairly successfully implemented to achieve its aims of providing access to quality higher education to the socially disadvantaged students through innovative research applications. It has widened their horizons of life experiences

Report 2012-2013

  • 12 Video Films (5-7 minutes) were written, produced and directed by the student beneficiaries
  • A workshop on Research Methodology was conducted .
  • A workshop on Oral Narrations and Video documentation was conducted.
  • Conducted Youth Exchange Programme at Union Christian College, Aluve and Newman College, Thodupuzha, Kerala and PNP College, Alibaug, Maharashtra.
  • Interacted with Aylakuttam, Mata and Kutumbshree (Self Helps Groups) of Kerala.
  • Organized Ford Regional Conference at SIES College

Report 2011-2012

  • Workshop on Social Justice and Diversity : A three day workshop was conducted by Dr Nishant Shah, Director CIS, Bangalore to produce, contextual, local and multiple interpretations and engagements with social justice diversity from the participants’ experiences imaginations.
  • Workshop was conducted by Regional facilitator MrShrikant Bhoite to develop skills among students to prepare project proposals.
  • Workshop on Ethnography was conducted by George Jose, a Sociologist
  • Faculty Development Workshops were attended every year by the coordinator and one more faculty. The workshop focused on developing new curricula and pedagogic strategies.
  • Field work at Kumbharwada and Dhobhighat Dharavi was undertaken for Research Project.
  • A workshop on Writing Skills was conducted.
  • Workshop on Ethnography and media as well as workshop on video making were conducted by MsMegha Subramaniam, a renowned Film Maker and an alumnus.

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