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Sr No. Department Research Guide Registered/Completed Students
Name of the registered research scholar Month and Year of registration of the scholar Research Details (Title, Date of registration and Registration No) Status
Arts and Humanities
1 English Dr.Lakshmi Muthukumar Vidya Hariharan 19-08-2019 In-progress Location and Imagination: A Spatial Reading of Eudora Welty's Novels
Saradha Balasubramanian 14-10-2021 In-progress The Geographical Imagination in Sri Lankan Fiction
Sudha Krishnan 09-11-2023 In-progress Pathography and the Aesthetics of Illness in Covid 19 Instapoetry
2 Philosophy Principal Dr Uma Shankar Milind Parkar 20-08-2018 Discontinued in 2023-24 A study of Mind and Body as tools of understanding life: A comprehensive study of Maurice Merleau Ponty’s views along with Yoga Philosophy on the same.
Sandeep Solanki 20-08-2018 In-progress A critical study on relation between Prana and Consciousness: An Experiential study from the Upanishads and Modern theories on Energy
Saraswati Brahmaprajna 20-08-2018 Completed in April 2023 Īśvara darśanam and ātma darśanam – The psychological and epistemological need for Isvara in Advaita Vedanta
Christopher 15-07-2021 In-progress philosophical Aspects of Indian Martial Arts (Vajramushti)
Paras Mehta 22-07-2021 In-progress A Critical and reformative analysis of the concept of Jiva Atma in Gaudiya Vaisnavism
Shikha Sharma 08-09-2021 In-progress Gender Issues in Hindu and Jain Sociocentric spritulity- An analysis of the lives of ister Nivedita and Acharaya Chandana
Nikita Lakhani 14-10-2022 In-progress Myticism of Ismaili"s A reappraisal
Nilesh Meghani 29-11-2022 In-progress An interfaith analysis of Meditational techniques in major religions of the worl
Lathia Chandrakant Ashakiran Pushpa 08-11-2023 In-progress Philosophical Understanding of Vairagya as reflected in Yoga Vashishta and Prashamrati Prakarna
Pawar Pramod Dnyandeo 02-12-2023 In-progress Dnyaneshwari-Ashwatta Tree, Digital World: a Philosophical Appraisal on their interconnectedness
3 Politics Dr Rashmi Bhure (PhD) Ajinkya Gaikwad 05-06-2016 Completed Jan 2023 Multiculturalism in Retreat- A Case Study of Britain
Smriti Singh 18-06-2016 In-progress India’s Diaspora Policy: From Disengagement to Engagement
Vidyadhar Malegaonkar 19-07-2017 In-progress Transport as a Strategic Tool- Development of railway network in North East India and its impact on India’s Act East Politics
Medha Dhapre 30-07-2021 In-progress Civil Society Initiatives for Water Conservation and Management in Maharashtra: A Case Study of Ahmednagar District
1 Biochemistry Dr.Deepali Kothekar Akshata Salvi 09-02-2024 In-progress Exploring mycosporine-like amino acids as promising therapeutic agents
2 Biotechnology Dr Tara Menon Anju James 28-07-2022 In-progress Study of dye degrading microorganisms and its applications
Vibha Ail 17-06-2022 In-progress Isolation of rude oil degrading microorganisms and application of bioremediation of oilspills
3 Botany Dr Mahavir Gosavi Ashwini Deshpande 01-03-2019 In-progress Study of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM)fungi from industrial areas of MIDC, Dombivli and its application in soil remediation.
Prajakta Maygoankar 01-01-2021 In-progress Allelopathic impact of some local plants on the active constituents, morphology and anatomy of selected medicinal plants.
Priyanka Tiwari 27-04-2023 In-progress In vitro studies and Phytochemical screening of Tridax procumbens
4 Chemistry Dr.Nitin Mirgane Mithun Garat 02-11-2023 In-progress Development of new analytical methods for genotoxic impurity profiling of bulk drug
Pathan A R 13-12-2023 In-progress Development and validation of Chiral HPLC method for separation of antibiotic and antibacterial drug molecules
Agre Y B 13-12-2023 In-progress Synthesis and Biological Screning of Azolescontaining heterocycles
Dr.Pallavi Roy R. B. Shinde 18-12-2023 In-progress Analytical Method Development and Validation of Chiral Antimicrobial Agents and Priviledged Scaffolds
5 Microbiology Dr Anita D'Souza (Retired in 2018) Rajita Satish 10-6-2015 Completed in September 2022 Isolation, Purification and Characterization of a novel mycobacteriophage
Carol Braggs 27-1-2017 In-progress Study of bacterial persister cells and its control using colloidal silver
6 Microbiology Dr Manju Phadke Vivek Parab 25-08-2015 Completed in February 2023 Isolation of Naphthalene and Phenanthrene degrading microorganisms and their applications in bioremediation of contaminated sites
Lynn D'Lima 31-08-2015 Completed in February 2023 Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Actinomycetes and their applications
Pramod Kamble 17-07-2015 Completed in February 2024 The effect of ayurvedic plant extracts on biofilm forming pathogenic microorganisms
Waheedunnisa Chaudri 21-06-2022 In-progress Use of Microflora from ensilage marigold temple waste to efficeiently extract phytobiotic pigments (Xanthophyll and Carotene) and study their effect on pigmentation of catfish
7 Zoology Dr. Smita Durve (Retired 2016) Sneha More 15-06-2015 Completed in November 2019 Studies on effect of heavy metal accumulation in mullet species from Dahanu, Satpati, Bhayandar and Sassoon Dock
Dr Satish Sarfare Krishita Sanil 25-10-2022 In-progress Study of therapeutic effect of flax seed supplementatiion on Triton -x induced hyperlipidemia associated with testesterone induced Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia using albino rat model.

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