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Dr Rashmi Samir Bhure

Politics Department

  • PHD Arts
  • Date Title Type Level Academic Year
    2015-01-01 connectivity and integration in south asia chapters in books national 2015-2016
    2016-01-01 india in world affairs-the next decade chapters in books national 2015-2016
    2015-12-13 gun control ani amerika article in newspaper state 2015-2016
    2016-01-01 india-us relations: from fractured ideological past to engaging future chapters in books national 2015-2016
    2017-01-01 Connecting with Diaspora: BJP™s Foreign Policy Mantra in the Twenty First Century chapters in books national 2016-2017
    2022-01-01 Connecting South Asia through sub-regional initiatives: A case study of (B) BIN MVA in Adluri Subramanyam Raju (ed.), Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation in South Asia chapters in edited volume international 2021-2022
    2022-01-01 Food Insecurity and Covid-19 in Mumbai, Third Concept journal national 2021-2022
    2021-10-01 Diaspora a Key in strengthening India-US relations under Modi Government FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy journal national 2021-2022
    2022-04-01 Is Pakistan still an Irritant in India-US Relations?, FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy journal national 2021-2022
    2022-07-01 Enhancing Bilateral Connectivity: Recent Developments an Upswing in India-Bangladesh Ties, FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy journal national 2022-2023
    2023-01-01 Boosting Road Connectivity in Arunachal Pradesh and Eastern Sector of LAC, FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy journal national 2022-2023
    2023-10-01 New Multilateralism: IMEC Corridor in FINS Journal of Diplomacy and Strategy, journal national 2023-2024
    2023-06-01 Shoonya Upasmarichi Disha in Parivartanacha Watsaru journal state 2023-2024
    2023-05-01 Jalsandharan Va Vyavasthapan: Mahilancha Sahbhagh Parivartanacha Watsaru journal state 2023-2024
    Date Title Presented/Published Level Academic Year Organizer / Venue
    2016-03-17 an integrated model of development-experiences from india presented international 2015-2016 unesco madanjeet singh institute of south asia regional cooperation & centre for south asian studies
    paper presented
    2016-10-20 Sustainable Agriculture-Restoring Dignity to Agriculture and a Way to Meet Zero Hunger Challenge presented international 2016-2017 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation & Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Pondicherry
    Presented paper on Sustainable Agriculture-Restoring Dignity to Agriculture and a Way to Meet Zero Hunger Challenge at the International Seminar on Environmental Security and Sustainable Development in South Asia organized by the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation & Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Pondicherry, 19-21 October 2016.
    2016-11-26 Human Security in India-Need for a Bottom-Up Approach presented national 2016-2017 Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai
    Pherozshah Mehta Bhavan, University of Mumbai
    Presented paper on Human Security in India-Need for a Bottom-Up Approach at the National Seminar on Human Security in India: Issues, Challenges and Responses organized by the Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, 25-26 November 2016.
    2017-02-23 Guns, Stones and Social Media-Conflict Culture in Kashmir and the Changing Youth Expression presented national 2016-2017 Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai
    Pherozshah Mehta Bhavan, University of Mumbai
    Presented paper on Guns, Stones and Social Media-Conflict Culture in Kashmir and the Changing Youth Expression at the National Seminar on Changing Contours of Kashmir Conflict organized by the Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, 23 February 2017.
    2019-02-05 presented international 2018-2019 UMISARC & Centre for South Asian Studies, Pondicherry University
    UMISARC & Centre for South Asian Studies, Pondicherry University Connecting South Asia through Sub-regional Initiatives: Case of(B)BIN-MVA
    International Workshop
    2023-02-21 Constructing Peace: Initiatives in South Asia presented international 2022-2023 St. Xaviers, College, Mumbai
    St. Xaviers, College, Mumbai
    International Conference on Being Interconnected.
    2023-09-15 Millets to Millettude-A New Mission of Maharashtra presented national 2023-2024 Department of Economics, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous)
    SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous), Sion, Mumbai
    A two-day National Seminar on Resurgence of Millets as Super Crop-Prospects and Challenges.
    2023-08-14 Symbolism and Substance: Reflections on PM Modis State Visit to the United States presented national 2023-2024 Department of Politics, SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous)
    SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Mumbai
    A National seminar on India-US Relations: Gaining New Grounds.
    Date Title Type Level Role Venue
    2015-11-23 international conference on megacity security organized by the south asia center for atlantic council, washington dc, india foundation and american consulate mumbai on 23 and 24 november 2015. conference international delegate mumbai
    2016-01-20 workshop on working in team organized by the central training-human resource development, the south indian education society on 20 january 2016, nerul, navi mumbai workshop local delegate nerul, navi mumbai
    2019-12-13 Chaired a session on ‚Diaspora and India‚s Foreign Policy‚ in the Two Day International Seminar on ‚Mapping Indian Diaspora: Issues and Perspectives‚ organised by the Department of Humanities of SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) on 13 and 14 December 2019. seminar international chairperson SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion, Mumbai
    Date Title Details
    2019-10-13 Scrutinized Scrutinized the Balbharati Std. XII Political Science Textbook (English and Marathi Version), October 2019.
    2019-11-16 Scrutinized Scrutinized the Balbharati Std. XII Defence Studies Textbook (English and Marathi Version), November 2019.
    Academic Year Type Details
    2015-2016 talk talk on ‚traversing indian politics through cinema‚ , v.g.vaze college, mulund, mumbai, 14 january 2016
    2015-2016 talk panelist for the book discussion on ‚this unquiet land‚ by barkha dutt organised by the nehru centre, mumbai on march 31, 2016.
    2015-2016 personal appointed as expert for the interviews for the selection of 2015 inlaks scholars by the inlaks shivdasani foundation, mumbai, june 2015.
    2015-2016 personal appointed as expert to serve on the selection committee for the inlaks research travel grants 2015, 20th october, 2015.
    2016-2017 talk ‘Kashmir-A Unresolved Puzzle for Post Graduate Diploma in Security Studies at the Department of Civics & Politics, University of Mumbai on 12th January 2017.
    2016-2017 resource person Spoke on ‘Demonetization and US Elections on Sahyadri Doordarshan TV Channel, 9 November 2016.
    2016-2017 personal Worked on selection Committee for the Inlaks Research Travel Grants 2016, 8th November 2016, Mumbai.
    2016-2017 personal Chaired a session on ‘Environment & Sustainable Development in South Asia-II at the International Seminar on ‘Environmental Security and Sustainable Development in South Asia organized by the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation & Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Pondicherry, 20 October 2016.
    2016-2017 resource person Spoke on ‘US Elections on Sahyadri Doordarshan TV Channel, 10 October 2016
    2016-2017 personal Organised a visit of TYBA students to the American Library Dosti House on 9 February 2017.
    2016-2017 personal Organised a field visit for TYBA students to Ralegan Siddhi-Hiware Bazar-Snehalay on 12-13 September 2016.
    2016-2017 personal Appointed by the University of Mumbai as committee member to prepare TYBA Syllabus in politics on 8 September 2016.
    2016-2017 personal Appointed by the University of Mumbai as committee member to prepare FYBA Syllabus in politics on May 2016.
    2017-2018 personal Worked On Selection Committee For The Inlaks Scholarships-2017, 31st May 2017, Mumbai.
    2017-2018 personal Nominated as Member, Subject Board for the Department of Political Science of Ramnarain Ruia College (Autonomous), Mumbai, 27 July 2017.
    2017-2018 personal Organised study tour for TYBA Politics students to Jain Irrigation, Gandhi Teerth, Ajanta & Manobal, Jalgaon from 3-6 September 2017
    2017-2018 personal Appointed as advisory and contributor on the Subject Board of International Relations of Marathi Vishwakosh Mandal, 9 September 2017.
    2018-2019 personal Appointed on Editorial Board and as Writer for Marathi Vishwakosh in the subject of International Relations 2018-2019.
    2018-2019 personal Appointed as Member Board of Studies in the subject of Political Science by SNDT Women‚s University, Mumbai for the academic year 2018-2019.
    2018-2019 personal Appointed as Vice Chancellor‚s nominee on Board of Studies in the subject of Political Science at Chikitsak Samuha‚s Patkar College of Arts, Science & V. P. Varde College of Commerce & Economics, Goregaon, Mumbai for three year tenure, March 2019.
    2018-2019 personal Appointed as Member Board of Studies in the subject of Political Science by S. P. College, Pune in April 2019.
    2018-2019 personal Delivered a talk on ‚The New Age Terrorism: The Case of Mumbai Attacks‚ at Department of Political Science, SNDT Women‚s University, Mumbai, 7th September 2018.
    2019-2020 personal Invited as expert on the interview panel for the selection of Inlaks Scholars 2019 for students seeking admissions to Post Graduate and research programmes in the Foreign Universities, 30 May 2019.
    2019-2020 personal Invited as resource person for panel interview of ER Fellowship Programme by Praja Foundation on 1st October 2019.
    2019-2020 personal Member Board of Studies in Political Science at Chikitsak Samuha‚s Patkar College of Arts, Science & V. P. Varde College of Commerce & Economics, Goregaon , Mumbai, 2019.
    2019-2020 personal Member Board of Studies in Political Science at S.P. College, Pune, 2019.
    2019-2020 personal Member Board of Studies in Political Science at SNDT Women‚s University, Mumbai, 2019.
    2019-2020 personal Invited to deliver a talk on ‚Terrorism on the Indian Celluloid‚ at Kirti M. Doongursee College, Mumbai, 16 January 2020.
    2020-2021 personal Appointed as Chairman for the Inlaks Scholarship 2021on interview panel for students selected for PG & Ph.D. courses to foreign Universities, 11 May 2021.
    2020-2021 personal Appointed as Visiting Faculty and member Research Advisory Committee from 1 June 2020 at Nawal War College, Goa.
    2021-2022 personal Delivered a lecture on ‚Publication Ethics-Definition, introduction and importance and Conflict of Interest‚ in the course on ‚Ethics in Research‚ organised by the Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai, 16 February 2022.
    2021-2022 co-curricular Organised a field visit for TYBA Politics students to Dosti House, Bandra-Kurla Complex on 4 March 2022.
    2021-2022 co-curricular Organised a field visit to Urban Farmer Tushar Desai, Ghatkopar for the First Year Students as part of credit course on ‚UN Agenda 20230: India Towards Zero Hunger‚ on 7 April 2022.
    2022-2023 personal Successfully guided Ph.D. student Ajinkya Gaikwad in the Department of Politics Research Centre, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous), University of Mumbai, for the dissertation titled Multiculturalism in Retreat-A Case Study of Britain. Result declared on 14th January 2023.

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