Hydroponics Workshop
28th July 2023, Botany Department
The Department of Botany organized a Demo-workshop on Hydroponic cultivation of crops for students of TYBSc Horticulture. It included a theory session followed by demonstration. Name of Resource Persons: Mr. Shivaji Patange.
Hydroponics Workshop
28th July 2022, Botany Department
The Department of Botany organized a Demo-workshop on Hydroponic cultivation of crops' for students ofTYBSC Horticulture. It included a theory session followed by demonstration. The resource person was Mr. Shivaji Patange.
SMART Goals for Finance and Marketing Minds
27th July 2022, Commerce Department
A RUSA sponsored activity-based workshop on setting SMART goals with the aim of empowering participants to create well-defined, achievable and measurable objectives that would enhance their personal and professional development.
Guidance talk on Zoroastrianism
13th July 2022, Philosophy Association
Guest lecture on oroastrianism then and now, was organised on the 13th of July by Ms.Vrushali Gupte, Chairperson of Tattvam, from 7:20 to 8:08. The guest lecture which was arranged for the Second year students of the Comparative study of religion that was centred on Zoroastrianism. Yazishni Gandhi, a former student at SIES presented this lecture on the old and modern Zoroastrian traditions which gave the second-year students an inside look into their rich culture.
Maharashtra Nature Park visit
12th July 2022, Philosophy Association
TYBA students visited the nature park to understand environmental conservation and issues as resolved by creating park from garbage dumping area.
Alumni talk
8th July 2022, Philosophy Association
Alumni Talk, an online interactive session arranged by the philosophy association of SIES, Tattvam, was conducted on t8thth of July 2022 from 4:00 Pm to 5:20. The Session was joined by guest speakers Alumninis Bansi Patel, who is currently doing a three-year LLB course from Jitendra Chauhan college of law, Roshan Christopher, who has completed his Masters in philosophy from Delhi University, Sanika Kamble, a graphologist with a diploma in Yoga, Medi spa and acupuncture, Forum Dedhia who is pursuing Philosophy at MSU while working as a training manager at ITLH, Netra Iyer who has three years of work experience with Human resources and currently working with Deloitte as an HR specialist and lastly Sayali Jadhav, who is in the process of completing her masters of social work from Mumbai university.
Terrarium Workshop
8th July 2022, Botany Department
The Department of Botany organized a hands-on training workshop on Terrarium making for students of TYBSC - Horticulture. It included theory session followed by hands-on experience.
Terrarium Workshop
8th July 2022, Botany Department
The Department of Botany organized a hands-on training workshop on Terrarium making for students of TYBSc Horticulture. It included theory session followed by hands-on experience.rrarium Workshop.
Plant Week Celebration
1st July 2022, Botany Department
The Department of Botany organized "Plantation Week Celebration' from in which the plant-able seed cups of Spinach and Marigold prepared by TYBSC students were distributed to teachers for their home plantation.
Plant Week Celebration
1st July 2022, Botany Department
The Department of Botany organized Plantation Week Celebration from 1 st to 7th July 2022, in which the plant-able seed cups of Spinach and Marigold prepared by TYBSc students were distributed to teachers for their home plantation.
Publication of Departmental online newsletterGulmohar
1st July 2022, Botany Department
Publication of NewsletterGulmohar. It was organised under the broad objective of soft skill development and environmental awareness creation amongst the readers and volunteers. Three editions were published:- July 2022, August 2022, December 2022.