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Calendar of Events - 2021-2022 (June)< Back to Events Calendar

A webinar on ‘The Role of Data Scientists in Banking sector’

29th June 2021, Statistics Department

A webinar on ‘The Role of Data Scientists in Banking sector’ by Mr. Alen Aruldhas, Vigilance Manager, DCB Bank was organized by the Department Of Statistics on the occasion of National Statistics day, June 29, 2021. Mr. Aruldhas addressed the issues related to different branches of banking sector and the major impact caused by data scientists due to their influential work in the banking sector. 60 students attended the webinar. The Q&A session followed by the talk enlightened the student’s perspective towards the banking sector. The session ended with an interactive Q&A session

International Yoga Day

26th June 2021, N S S

The NSS Unit in association with Tattvam - Philosophy Association organised Yoga Day Workshop for teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students of the College.

Workshop on Managing Money and Investment

25th June 2021, Commerce Department

The session started with a welcome address by Mr. Roy Mathew, Head of the Department, followed by the introduction of the resource person by Mrs. Maria Fernandes. The workshop was divided into 4 sections. In the first session, the speaker discussed Mutual Funds and smart ways to get along with it. The speaker stressed on small SIPs so as to create maximum wealth. In the second session, the speaker spoke about several other ways of investments. Various products like Insurance, Health Insurance, National Pension Scheme, Kisan Vikas Patra, Home Loan, Credit Cards, etc. were discussed. More focus was made to make the participants aware about dos and donts w.rt these products. The session concluded with a question and answer round. CA Avin K Shah proposed the vote of thanks and feedback form link was circulated online. The workshop witnessed a total of 45 participants which included 36 students, 6 teaching staff and 3 non-teaching staff.

Vaccination Drive

24th June 2021, D. M. L. T.

As a part of Jeevan Raksha SIES ISAR, under the guidance of Dr. Harsha Mehta SIES IMLT in collaboration with Platinum hospital Mulund conducted first vaccination drive . Second vaccination drive in collaboration with Lions club hospital Sion on 29th September 2021

Yoga Banaye Niroga’ Workshop

21st June 2021, Philosophy Association

Philosophy Association, jointly with the NSS and NCC units of SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous) organised the workshop on ‘Chair Yoga and Pranayam’, under the theme YOGA BANAYE NIROGA. This was to commemorate the International Yoga Day 2021. The workshop focused on instilling a consistent and healthy habit of practicing Yoga and Pranayam to promote well-being and wellness. The target participants were the non-teaching staff of the college. They being an important stakeholder of the institution and considering their lifestyles issues and health problems, the workshop helped create awareness in them about the importance of physical and mental health. Along with the non-teaching staff, teachers and students enthusiastically participated in the event.

Bridge course on Basics of SQL

14th June 2021, Information Technology Department

Bride course on SQL was conducted in online mode from14th July 20201 to 24th August 2021. Ninety nine students from SYBSc(IT) were participated and benefited.

Orientation Series for the selection of specialisation

7th June 2021, Bachelor Of Mass Media(bmm) Department

Dr. Vaneeta Raney, Program Coordinator conducted a final orientation session for the students of TYBAMMC 2021-22 from 7th - 9th June, 2021 with the purpose of guiding those who were unsure of which specialisation suits them best in 3 Parts: Part 1: Final Showdown of nine-step plan specialization Part 2: Advertising Electives Analytical Session Course Specific Part 3: Journalism Electives Analytical Session Course Specific

Environmental Week Celebration

5th June 2021, Botany Department

On Diamond Jubilee of the College, the Department of Botany celebrated ‘Environmental awareness week’ from th June to 12th June. Three competitions were held during environmental th June to 12th June. Three competitions were held during environmental 5th June to 12th June. Three competitions were held during environmental awareness week. Essay writing, Poster Making and Quiz Competitions were organised.

World Environment Day Quiz 2022

5th June 2021, Commerce Department

The Department of Commerce organised an Environment Quiz on account World Environment Day from 5th June 2021 to 10th June, 2021 on digital platform. The quiz was prepared on google form and was circulated among various departments and student groups within College. The quiz consisted of 20 questions, requiring a 60% score by the participants to qualify. The quiz consisted of 20 questions, requiring a 60% score by the participants to qualify. The quiz witnessed 101 participants out of which, 93 students qualified and were issued e-certificates.

World Environment Day Quiz

5th June 2021, Commerce Department

An online quiz to test celebrate the occasion of World Environment Day

Environmental Awareness Week Celebration

5th June 2021, Botany Department

The motive behind this was to create awareness about environmental issues amongst students. No. of Participants: 130 On Diamond Jubilee of the College, the Department of Botany celebrated Environmental awareness week from 5th June to 12th June 2021. Three competitions were held during environmental awareness week: Essay Writing, Poster Making and Quiz Competition

Advertising as a Socially Challenging Career

3rd June 2021, Bachelor Of Mass Media(bmm) Department

The Department of Mass Media organised a Career Guidance Series for Mass Media enthusiasts facilitated by Mr. Akash Purswani.

Opportunities in Advertising Study Abroad

2nd June 2021, Bachelor Of Mass Media(bmm) Department

The Department of Mass Media organised a Career Guidance Series for Mass Media Enthusiasts students facilitated by Mr. Hanif Lakdawala.

Journalism as a Career

1st June 2021, Bachelor Of Mass Media(bmm) Department

The Department of Mass Media organised a Career Guidance Series for students for which the facilitator of the first session was Mr. R N Bhaskar.

Autonomy Report

1st June 2021, Bachelor Of Mass Media(bmm) Department

Summary of the year

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