Departmental Newsletter – Gulmohar 2021 – 22 Report
30th April 2022, Botany Department
Department of Botany launched Departmental newsletter – “Gulmohar” at online level. 3 issues were published under the same.
NCC all activities for the academic year 2021-22
29th April 2022, N C C
NCC all activities for the academic year 2021-22
A workshop on Curriculum Vitae
25th April 2022, Statistics Department
A workshop on Curriculum Vitae writing on 25th April 2022 was conducted by Prof Seema Menon. The workshop helped students with making resume efficiently & also in acquiring placements after graduation.
A webinar on “Investment Strategies for Beginners”
24th April 2022, Statistics Department
A webinar on “Investment Strategies for Beginners” was organized by the Department of Statistics SIES College on 24th April 2022 & conducted by Mr. Ninad Padwal, Wealth Manager Sunit Investment. Mr. Padwal explained the reasons for investing early along with examples, he practically explained the idea of inflation and how to tackle it. He later explained the benefits of Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) along with real time returns from the same and how and where to invest for a prosperous future. The Q&A session after the session was vibrant and informative. Fifty students from SY and TY attended the webinar.
Designing and testing of Power supply and application of Logic
23rd April 2022, Physics Department
2 Day workshop for SYBSc Students titled "Designing and testing of Power supply and application of Logic gates".
Demonstration of MSc projects and Physics research lab visit
23rd April 2022, Physics Department
1 Day Demonstration Session titled "Demonstration of MSc projects and Physics research lab visit".
Demonstration of projects in physics - Research lab visit
23rd April 2022, Physics Department
Physics plays a dynamic and integral role across various fields. We consolidate diverse facets of the discipline to offer comprehensive exposure to students. This is achieved through a combination of demonstrations of MSc projects completed by the students, and research initiatives. Importantly, these resources are made available to the students free of cost. The sessions are facilitated not only by experienced teachers but also by Master of Science (MSc) students, adding a unique dimension to the learning experience. This collaborative approach serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it assists undergraduate students in making informed decisions about their future career paths by providing insights into the practical applications of physics. Secondly, it built confidence and professional development among MSc students, who gain valuable teaching experience by conducting demonstrations for undergraduate students. The session consists of GM counter experiment demonstrations, Demo of projects and Physics Department research lab visit.
Introduction to power supply and logic gates
21st April 2022, Physics Department
Due to two years of pandemic, students could not have the opportunity to work in laboratory. Therefore, to provide some experience and joy of working in physics laboratory, a two-day workshop was organized.
MoU signed with Chamber for Advancement of Small and Medium Busi
13th April 2022, Biochemistry And Food Technology And Nutraceuticals Department
MoU signed with Chamber for Advancement of Small and Medium Business (CASMB) (MoU signed in April 2022) for exchange of knowledge, facilitating internships to students, industrial visits and guidance for innovation and startups