Two-days hands on workshop on GC/GC-MS, HPLC, Ion Chromatography
30th March 2022, Biochemistry And Food Technology And Nutraceuticals Department
Students attended two-days hands on workshop on GC/GC-MS, HPLC, Ion Chromatography and FTIR Techniques conducted by SIES Institute of Chromatography and Spectroscopy. The main focus of this hands-on training was to acquaint the students with instruments and techniques that are routinely used in research laboratories and industry
Guest Lecture on "Intellectual Property Rights"
19th March 2022, Microbiology Department
Guest Lecture on "Intellectual Property Rights" was organized for TYBSc & MSc students of Microbiology on 19th March 2022. Guest speaker:- Dr Seema Sambrani, Faculty, Department of Microbiology, K.J. Somaiya
College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai
HACCP Internal Auditor certification & FoSTaC Training Program
18th March 2022, Biochemistry And Food Technology And Nutraceuticals Department
HACCP Internal Auditor certification & FoSTaC Training Program was organised for PGDFTN students in collabortaion with Safe Foodz Pvt Ltd. on 18th March 2022. The resource person was Mr Sanjay Indani - Food Safety auditor and lead trainer
National Seminar
11th March 2022, Hindi Department
National Seminar: the Hindi Dept has conducted two Days National Seminar on the theme , i Patrakarita Va Anuvad mein rojgar ke Avasar ,Aavashayk Kaushal avam Chunautiyan on 11th and 12th March 2022.The Seminar was divided in six different theme based sessions it was inaugurated by Dr Sanjay Dwivadi Director General IIMC Delhi.Other Dignitaries were Dr Kripashankar Pandey ,Head dept Hind Allahabad University ,Dr Suchi Yadav, JNU, Shri Sundarchand Thakur, Editor Navbharat Times Mumbai,Dr Satish Pandey Dean Indian Language Somaya University ,Dr Hoobnath Pandey Professor Hindi Dept Mumbai University,Shri Bhuvendra Tyagi News Editor Navbharat Times Senior Journalists and Industry Professionals like ,Shri Hrish Pathak ,Shri Neelkhanth Paratkar ,Miss Runa Ashish and Lalit Chhajed also expressed their opinion and shared their expertise with the students .
“TATA power and sustainability”, on, 10th March, 2022
10th March 2022, Bachelor Of Mass Media(bmm) Department
The Free Press Journal in collaboration with the Department of Mass Media, conducted interview cum webinar for the students and corporates moderated by Shri R. N. Bhaskar and streamed live on YouTube on the topic: “TATA power and sustainability”, on, 10th March, 2022, panelists Mr. Madan Sabnavis, Chief Economist, Bank of Baroda and Dr. Praveer Sinha with viewership of 28,402.
"Programming and Interfacing using Raspberry Pi"
8th March 2022, Physics Department
Skill Development Program organized by Department of Physics under RUSA
Workshop - 2022, 14/02/2022 to 06/03/2022
6th March 2022, Physics Department
Skill Development Program Programming and Interfacing using Raspberry Pi to UG and PG Students of Science stream learning computer programming languages need application-based programming skills.
Blood Donation Drive
3rd March 2022, N S S
The NSS Unit organised a Blood Donation Drive in College premises inviting students and teachers and non teaching staffs across all streams from the College. All the mechnical assistance was extended by the Sion Hospital Blood Ban, Sion , Mumbai. The NSS volunteers managed to convince pedestrians and passersby to come to College for donating blood. The programme started with ribbon cutting by the Principal Dr. Uma Shakar and successfully collected 84 units of blood. The technical head from Sion Hospital delivered a talk on collection of blood and its significance and usage to the NSS Volunteers and asked them to always donate and encourage other also to.
Online 2 days workshop on Development of skills in Biostatistics
2nd March 2022, Microbiology Department
Two days online workshop on "Development of skills in Biostatistics" was organized by Department of Microbiology, 2-3 March 2022. Resource person:- Dr. Leela Subramarian (Retired Professor of Statistics from S.I.E.S. College. Workshop was funded by RUSA grant.
RUSA sponsored Skill-based Workshop on Organic Gardening
2nd March 2022, Botany Department
• To develop of hands-on skills among UG Botany students on organic kitchen gardening, microgreen cultivation, composting, medicinal plant cultivation, window gardening and organic control of pests and diseases.
• To motivate students towards using environment friendly practices required for plant cultivation in an urban set-up.
• To expose the participants towards career opportunities and consultancies in the field of organic gardening, for the development of entrepreneurial skills.
RUSA Sponsored: Skill-based Workshop on Organic Gardening
2nd March 2022, Botany Department
Four days skill-based workshop on organic gardening. Mrs. Bhakti Khot (Proprietor, NuTreeGrow Consultants) was the resource person. Each day consisted of 45 minutes lecture session followed by 15 minutes question answers cum interaction and 2 hours hands-on training. Location: Lab No. 2 Department of Botany, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous), Sion(W). Participants: T. Y. B. Sc. (Applied Component Horticulture and Gardening students). No. of Registered participants: 22.
Managerial Skills Development-II
1st March 2022, Bachelor Of Mass Media(bmm) Department
Value Added Skill-Based Course under RUSA for Semester Two F.Y.B.A.M.M.C 2021-22 titled Managerial Skills Development – II Workshop based Coaching was offered for one credit. Ms. Sanam Raney, the facilitator of the sessions provided fundamental knowledge and exposure to the theories, and practices in the field of management for mass media students as these courses help for recruitment, retention and relationship building on and off job aptly.