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Calendar of Events - 2019-2020 (June)< Back to Events Calendar

Laboratory Safety Practices by Dr Bhaskar Idge, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous), Department of Chemistry organised a Webinar on Laboratory Safety Practices by Dr Bhaskar Idge, Former Scientist NCL Pune, on 31st May 2020. A total of 909 learners actively participated in the session

6th June 2020, Chemistry Department

via zoom & YOU tube live.

Beach Clean Up Drive (Mithi River)

30th June 2019, N S S

Beach Clean Up Drive in association with an organisation named “Beach Please” to understand about untreated waste and how rivers are affected by it at the Mithi River.

Past Students Orientation.

29th June 2019, Philosophy Department

Alumnus of TYBA Philosophy from previous batches were invited to orient the current TYBA Philosophy batch. They interacted and guided the students for future academic pursuits.

Future prospects in Philosophy

29th June 2019, Philosophy Department

An orientation on future prospects in Philosophy by the batch of illustrious alumnus.

Theory Bridge Course for T.Y.B.Sc.

26th June 2019, Physics Department

Bridge course help to achieve a transitional phase for students as they move from one educational level to another. This course aim to bridge the gaps in knowledge and understanding various basic concepts required for third year physics course. (Two day event 25th and 26th June 2019)

International Yoga Day

21st June 2019, N S S

International Yoga Day at University of Mumbai, Fort Campus where the volunteers participated and performed yoga asanas.

‘Chair Yoga Session’ as a part of International Yoga Day

21st June 2019, Philosophy Department

SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Sion West celebrated ‘International Yoga Day’ organized by Department of Philosophy in association with Past Students’ Association on 21st June, 2019. A session on ‘Chair Yoga’ was conducted by Mr. Sandeep Solanki, completed formal Yoga training from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanvantari, Kerala, a renowned Yoga trainer and an accomplished Posture Alignment Specialist.

Institutional Visit under DBT STAR Scheme

20th June 2019, Chemistry Department

A One-Day Institutional Visit under DBT STAR Scheme was organized for the TYBSc Chemistry students to the School of packaging SIES-Indian Institute of Environment management and SIES Institute of Chromatography and Spectroscopy, Nerul on 20th June 2019

Orientation session

15th June 2019, Psychology Department

Orientation session was organized for the students and parents of TYBA Psychology class, with the purpose of informing them about the TYPsychology course structure, evaluation pattern and course demands.

Ethics of Research

12th June 2019, Psychology Department

Dr. Neha Karnik from Department of Economics delivered a lecture on the above mentioned topic to TYBA Psychology students. She also spoke about correct referencing, choosing of a topic etc. It was a very informative lecture especially for those students who pursued research as a part of their internal assesssment.

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