Developing Research Skills in Social Sciences
28th March 2019, Politics Department
Workshop under UGC Grants on “Developing Research Skills in Social Science” for academics, faculty and students.
Staging of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
22nd March 2019, English Department
Students of FYBA English LIterature staged Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and the play was very well received by the audience.
Signing of MoU with Expert Nutraceutical Advocacy Council
20th March 2019, Biochemistry And Food Technology And Nutraceuticals Department
Collaboration with Expert Nutraceutical Advocacy Council for exchange of knowledge, internships and placements of students - Food Technology and Nutraceuticals (MoU signed in 2019-20; renewal in 2022-23)
Workshop on using R software for data analysis
6th March 2019, Psychology Association
To help TYBA Psychology students understand how to use R software for data analysis, workshop on using R was organised on 6th and 7th March 2019. The resource persons were Faculty Members from Department of Statistics.
Guest lecture on Creative Writing by novelist Damini Kane
5th March 2019, English Department
The award winning novelist Damini Kane spoke to the students of English Literature on plot development, character creation and writing a novel.
Guest Lecture
5th March 2019, English Department
On 5th March 2019 Damini Kane, author of The Sunlight Plane spoke to our degree college students on ‘Creative Writing’ in a highly interactive session.
Overnight Star-Gazing program
2nd March 2019, Physics Department
An overnight star-observation trip was organized and 43 students accompanied by 8 professors made the trip to Sagunabaug, Neral to see the night sky over Mumbai on 2nd of March 2019. The Sky-Observation program was organized by the Khagol Mandal. The Sky observation program included two sky observation lectures where students were introduced to the sky, the objects to be viewed, practices and conventions to be followed during a night sky observation. Along with the two lectures, there were two telescope sessions where students got to see the objects discussed during the lectures through a telescope, there was a slide show on Exotic objects in the night sky; a Q&A session where questions related to Astronomy and Astrophysics were answered. All in all it was a really educational trip that was enjoyed by the students.
Workshop on Creative Writing
1st March 2019, English Department
15 students of English Literature and the Head of the Department, Dr. Lakshmi Muthukumar actively participated in a creative writing workshop conducted by Dr. Peter Gerlach, Adjunct Faculty, University of Iowa at the Dosti House, BKC.
Visit to USIS
1st March 2019, English Department
On 1st March 2019 SYBA and FYBA students attended a Creative Writing Workshop conducted by Dr. Peter Gerlach at Dosti House (the American Library).
Visit to TMH
1st March 2019, Biotechnology Department
Students of TYBSc visited Radiation Medicine Centre, TMH on March 1st 2019. TY students observed various techniques such as Radioimmunoasay, PCR, ELISA to name a few.