In-silico Approach to Drug Discovery- Molecular Docking.
24th November 2023, Biochemistry And Food Technology And Nutraceuticals Department
The two-day workshop was a good interactive session for both students and faculty members. They were introduced to drug discovery and application of various databases like Swiss ADME, PubChem, Swiss Target prediction. Participants had a hands-on experience to use the software tools for carrying out docking studies. They came to know how without going for wet lab, directly they can do a preliminary study by docking a ligand molecule (extracted/isolated from different source) with the protein
3rd November 2019, Cultural Activity Association
Acapollo was held online on the 3rd of November and involved students turn up to showcase their love for music.
8085 Microprocessor Training program
29th November 2018, Physics Department
The main aim in conducting this programme was to enhance the logical thinking and programming skills. Microprocessor is the brain of every computer system. To understanding its working, the Physics department organized a two day Training programme in 8085 microprocessor for the students of TYBSc on 28th and 29th November 2018. One microprocessor kit was made available for a pair of students
Moderation of TYBSc Sem V
3rd November 2018, Microbiology Department
Moderation of TYBSc Sem V Paper II & III done by external moderators on 3rd November 2018
Moderation of TYBSc Sem V
2nd November 2018, Microbiology Department
Moderation of TYBSc Sem V, Paper I & IV done by external Moderators on 2nd November 2018