Month January, Academic Year : 2017-2018   
  • Date:- 03/01/2018
    Organized By:- information technology department

    Seminar was conducted by Ultramax Infotech Education on Red Hat Linux Technologies by Sanket Shete (Certification Holder in Red Hat) on 03rd January 2018 for TYBsc IT students.

  • Date:- 06/01/2018
    Organized By:- information technology department

    Seminar was conducted by Ms.Yasmiine from ACIT education on Career Guidance for SYBsc IT & TYBsc IT students on 06th January 2018.

  • Date:- 07/01/2018
    Organized By:- n s s

    SIES NSS Unit conducted seven days residential camp at the adopted village Kawathewadi from 7th January to 13th January, 2018. In all total, 50 NSS volunteers attended the camp and contributed in field of social service and social education for the betterment of the villagers. The NSS Unit conducted a variety of sessions, activities and events based on different themes such as shramadan, cleanliness, health campaign, adult education, Home remedies, women empowerment, financial literacy and digitalization.

  • Date:- 08/01/2018
    Organized By:- philosophy department

    Indian Council of Philosophical Research Periodic lecture series, on 8th January 2018, 18th January 2018, 1st February 2018 and 15th February 2018 by Dr. Radha Kumar, Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai, Dr. Meenal Katarnikar and Dr. Suchitra Naik respectively. The lecture series opened avenues beyond the syllabus, facilitating research interest among the students.

  • Date:- 09/01/2018
    Organized By:- english department

    The Oscar winning movie 'The Salesman' was screened and was followed by a discussion.

  • Date:- 12/01/2018
    Organized By:- microbiology department

    Department of Microbiology & DMLT conducted health check up (Blood group, Hb level, Blood pressure) camp at Kawathewadi, Karjat on 12/1/2018, Following staff members of Microbiology & DMLT conducted the camp:- Dr Pramod Ghogare, Ms Rashmi Das, Ms Jyoti Babar & Rakesh with 30 students

  • Date:- 15/01/2018
    Organized By:- commerce department

    An inter-collegiate Research Paper Presentation Competition for students on the theme of Digital India.

  • Date:- 15/01/2018
    Organized By:- biotechnology department

    Department of Biotechnology in collaboration with Members of Tata Memorial Hospital organized Cancer Awareness Camp at Kawathewadi for the villagers on 15th January, 2018.

  • Date:- 15/01/2018
    Organized By:- hindi association

    the dept. celebrated Trivalluar Dinam jointly with Tamil association & English Dept.

  • Date:- 16/01/2018
    Organized By:- hindi department

    Intracollegiate Elocution Competition was organized by Hindi Department in the collaboration of Hindustani Prachar Sabha on the topic "Kya antakwad kaa samana ahinsatmak tarike se kiya jaa sakta hai?"

  • Date:- 20/01/2018
    Organized By:- microbiology department


  • Date:- 23/01/2018
    Organized By:- psychology association

    Guest Lecture by Ms. Vrushali Gupte on ‘Syllogistic Reasoning’ was organized to familiarize students with the topic of logical reasoning.

  • Date:- 24/01/2018
    Organized By:- english department

    A student symposium for SYBA (English Literature) students on Arthur Miller’s ‘Death of a Salesman’ was conducted on 24th January 2018.

  • Date:- 24/01/2018
    Organized By:- psychology association

    To celebrate the value for that month of January- forgiveness, student symposium was organized . Students presented information about meaning of forgiveness, researches in this area, its relevance to current social problems etc.

  • Date:- 25/01/2018
    Organized By:- english department

    Ms. Manasi Phadke, journalist, spoke to our TYBA students on ‘Career Opportunities in Media’ on 25th January 2018.

  • Date:- 25/01/2018
    Organized By:- english association

    Visit to Dosti House, American Library at the U S Consulate, BKC was organized on 25th January 2018.

  • Date:- 30/01/2018
    Organized By:- politics department

    The Department collaborated with the Departments of Hindi, History and Philosophy to undertake an initiative on Road Safety Awareness. As part of the activity, students and faculty conducted a march in the vicinity of the college, holding placards with awareness messages. During the march, we visited school authorities and distributed paintings and information boards on road safety.

  • Date:- 31/01/2018
    Organized By:- psychology association

    To help students understand manifestation of Schizophrenia and to sensitize them to the challenges of caregivers of Schizophrenia patients, screening of the movie ‘Devrai’ was organized.

  • Date:- 31/01/2018
    Organized By:- english association

    Screening of the movie 'Namesake' and a discussion on diaspora thereafter.