Philosophy Department   

About Philosophy Department

Department Vision The Department of Philosophy is committed to strengthen its institutional vision in broadening its recognition for academic excellence in life-long learning, in the production of high-quality scholarly research and community services. Department Mission To foster understanding of fundamental philosophical ideas and issues. To fulfill it, the department strives first to teach its learners the basic skill and practices of philosophical inquiry; openness in attitude; analysis & questioning of key concepts; articulation of logical premises & conclusion and to give critical response to arguments. Second, to provide its learners with historically important philosophical debates, its development in contemporary philosophy and applications of philosophical ideas in every walk of life. Third, to recognize the value and prominence of diversity in curriculum; extend its activities outside the classroom, supporting its learners’ engagement across all disciplines by creating a rich mentoring environment. To achieve all these outcomes, the department is committed to create an inclusive and equitable space every time all the stakeholders gather to interact.