SIES ASCS | Institutional Goals

SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Empowered Autonomous)

Institutional Goals   


  • To facilitate a student centered environment where the intellectual, cultural, social, physical and recreational needs of the students are fulfilled.


Quality Policy

       We believe that education is a tremendous responsibility and not just an activity. We assume moral and social responsibility in every activity of ours as a matter of conscience. We believe in sincere, honest and committed relationships with all our stakeholders. We dedicate ourselves to improving the quality of life in our own way by adopting the highest quality standards in imparting education to match the world’s best. Our dedication to education is total   


    With a spirit of sincerity we :

    • Foster an integrated character, imbibed with high moral, social,ecological and spiritual values in students
    • Respect cultural and ethnic diversity in the community
    • Set high standards of academic, professional and societal performance Empower students with leadership training skills to enable them to be agents of social change
    • Equip students with global competency
    • Develop inquisitive minds to inculcate a culture of research
    • Mould teachers to be role models for students


    • To uphold inclusive education by empowering differently challenged and underprivileged students
    • To promote opportunities to learn professional and skill based programmes
    • To assist economically underprivileged students with financial support
    • To develop holistic personality and instill a sense of social commitment in nation building