Extended Profile 

Sr. No Title Report File
1 2.1 - Fulltime Teachers 2018-19
2 2.1 - Fulltime Teachers 2019-20
3 2.1 - Fulltime Teachers 2020-21
4 2.1 - Fulltime Teachers 2021-22
5 2.1 - Fulltime Teachers 2022-23
6 2.2 Teachers worked or working during 2018-2023
7 1.1 Summary of total no of students
8 1.2 Outgoing students - 2018-19
9 1.2 Outgoing students - 2019-20
10 1.2 Outgoing students - 2020-21
11 1.2 Outgoing students - 2021-22
12 1.2 Outgoing students - 2022-23
13 Fulltime teachers working in the institute during last five years